thirty nine

613 16 72

elodie phillips

Umbridge's security was being enforced more. The school was becoming more like a prison. We barely had any freedoms. Curfew was set earlier, and time between class periods was strictly for getting to your next class, not conversing.

Luckily, Slytherin's had it a bit easier. However, that excluded me, since I had the nerve to stand up to her with Harry.

I don't regret it though. Everyone in my house treated me the same, and others respected me for doing so.

The DA was still as lively as ever. We were working on dueling and anything you could think of. Harry was a far better teacher than Umbridge. She taught us the textbook, which was carefully edited by the ministry to fit their rules.

Nearly everyone in the DA was able to cast a Patronus and defend themselves. 

"Harry," I started as I approached him. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I just wanted to thank you for doing this. I've learned so much, and it's working for everyone else, too."

"Oh-uh," he stammered in response. "Thanks, Elodie." He gave me a lopsided grin.

"How does everyone feel?" he asked, turning to the group, who were all talking to one another.

Everyone smiled and praised Harry. As I looked around I noticed that Cho and a few others were late. Not that I was complaining. I didn't feel like dealing with her today.

Harry turned around and whispered something to Ron and Hermione. I knew that was my cue to leave. I started heading over to a group of Hufflepuffs. They were always so kind.

I heard a pounding coming from outside. Everyone started to mumble as I saw Harry go into a slight panic. The pounding got increasingly louder until the walls of the room completely crumbled in.

On the outside, Umbridge and her Inquisitorial Squad were standing, gripping a few of our DA members by the collar. Draco had a hold of Cho and made sure to yank her around more than others. He had a small smirk on his face. He knew how rude Cho has been to me.

His eyes scanned the room until they locked on mine. The smirk on his face dropped. His face fell to a look of sheer disappointment.

I could feel my cheeks flush red from embarrassment. Everyone around me turned to look at me, shaking their heads.

They blamed me.

They thought I was the one who ratted them out.

My ears became red from fury as Umbridge took us all to her office. Draco had taken my arm tightly and guided me there. He didn't speak a single word.

"Can we talk about this later?" I asked, my voice hushed and urgent.

"There's nothing to talk about, Elodie."

Elodie. Not Lola. Everyone was upset with me today.

Umbridge led us up the small staircase to her nauseatingly pink office. She sat Harry and me down in the seats with everyone else behind us. As mad as he was, Draco didn't slam me down into the seat.

I sighed as Umbridge paced in front of us. "So," she began. "What inspired this little club you have organized here?"

"Your poor teaching," I snapped. Her mouth dropped in shock and she quickly slapped me across the face.

I tried my best not to curse out of anger, but the stinging on my cheek spoke louder than any words could have. Some around me were shocked. Others cowered away in fear.

There was a knock on the door, and Snape walked into the office. "I don't have any truth serum left for you," he drawled out.

Umbridge scoffed, and I could see her start to lose her mind even more. "How am I supposed to get these students to talk?!" she snapped.

"I'm sure you have your ways," he replied boringly. He turned around to leave the classroom, but Harry stopped him.

"Padfoot is in trouble," Harry informed. "Padfoot is in trouble."

Umbridge looked between Harry and Snape. "Pad- who is Padfoot? Professor, do you have any idea what he means?"

He shot Harry a glance. "I don't know what he's talking about."

Without further word, he left.

Umbridge couldn't get any of us to speak, and Hermione had come up with an idea to get Umbridge away from us. As Harry, Ron, and Hermione carried out their plan, the rest of the students, including me, fled the second we got the chance.

"Guys!" I exclaimed. "It wasn't me who told them, and I don't want you all to think I betrayed you."

"Don't bother lying," Cho snapped. "Your boyfriend is part of Umbridge's posse."

"I didn't tell him-"

"Again Elodie, with the lies," she continued. "The damage has been done."

"You're a bitch." I turned around and started to head to my common room.

As I got closer, I gently creaked the door open to find Draco pacing in front of the fire. We didn't have to say anything. I walked towards him, reaching my arms out.

"Don't," he shivered, pulling away from me.

"Draco, I can explain."

"Study dates? Really?"

My face fell. I mean, if we were being technical, I was studying with Hermione. But it wasn't the truth, and I still lied.

"If I told you you would've told Umbridge," I mumbled quietly.

"Yes, I would've."

"So then you understand why."

"You're missing the point! You lied to me. And worse, you were with Potter." he shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. I stood my ground, not saying a thing. I let him lash, and now I waited. "Elodie, I don't want to talk right now."


Hey guys! I'm sorry, I'm like the most inconsistent author. I would say that I'll update more, but I can never seem to keep that promise. Also, I'm not sure when Umbridge actually gets taken, given I haven't watched OOP in a while, so I just took her out in this chapter. Hope you liked this chapter!

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