thirty six

718 21 72

elodie phillips

"I don't know, Pansy," I started as we lay in our beds. "The OWLS aren't even close, and I'm already starting to stress out."

"You're such a goody-goody. It makes me want to gag," she replied sarcastically. "Blaise and I are just going to cheat. Marcus is studying like you, you know, because he's also insufferably good."

I laughed a bit. "I'll have to study with Marcus then. Good luck on cheating, I heard they had anti-cheating spells put over all of the test materials."

"I'm sorry- what?"

I laughed once more, rolling over on my side and turning off my lamp. "Goodnight, Pans."

A soft rustling in my room woke me up. I turned over to my side, seeing a pale figure laying beside me. "Hey," they smirked.

"Shit, Draco. You scared me," I gasped as I jumped out of bed. He laughed a bit as he got up and took my hand. "Can we please stop meeting up only at night?" I asked, groaning slightly as I stretched.

"As I said, Lola, we're meant to be under the stars."

I smiled as we left my dorm and the common room. We tiptoed through the corridors once more, giggling along the way. I noticed that Draco carried a small bag with him.

"Are you taking me somewhere new this time?" I asked curiously as he led me through the school.

"Of course I am, Lola."

He squeezed my hand as we continued to run around. We stepped outside, and the cold breeze brushed my face as the moonlight hit my eyes. I looked over at Draco, who was admirably watching the sky.

The pale light from the moon highlighted his face. The same features were always maximized. His high cheekbones, his jawline, the faded bags under his eyes, and even the little bump on the bridge of his nose. All of his features joined together to make such a gorgeous boy.

I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing I was probably staring. We continued walking, our footsteps gently pressing into the grass.

draco malfoy

Elodie Phillips was truly gorgeous. I had no idea how important she was to me until just now. She trailed behind me, her dainty hand dangling in mine. I turned back at her, and her smile created a warm glow around her.

I realized that I needed to be her biggest protector. I can't let anyone harm her.

We approached a wooden picket fence, and behind it lay a blanket that I had set up earlier. Privacy and comfort.

"Are we hopping the fence?" Lola asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

"Of course we are," I replied, swinging myself over. She looked at me from the other side, and I leaned over it. She pecked my lips as I grabbed her hand to help her over.

I held my bag close to my side as she hopped over the fence. She looked at me with those perfect glossy eyes and smiled.

"This is amazing, Draco," she sighed. "Who knew you were such a romantic?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I teased. "Come on, sit."

elodie phillips

I sat next to the blonde boy as a smile grew on his face. He reached out his arms to me, and I fell into them. I lay across his lap, his fingers gently stroking my hair. We sat in silence for a few moments.

"Do you think this will last forever?" I asked, looking up at the clear night sky. The stars twinkled, every one of them giving off a radiant glow.

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