twenty seven

870 27 147

It was him all along.

elodie phillips

The Malfoy family and I arrived at another manor. This one was similar to the Malfoy Manor, but instead of being grey and matte, it was black and sleek. We knocked on the grand front doors, and they opened automatically.

Hundreds of guests were already inside, conversing with others over glasses of champagne. I could hear faint waltzes being played from the opposite wall.

Malfoy's arm was still linked with mine. He wore a sharp black suit, which was much better than the option of dress robes. Black was a good color for him. It made his pale features stick out.

His jaw was tense as he observed the place. His dull eyes scanned the room, looking at every guest. Malfoy was a very observant person. It was something I had picked up on over the last month. He analyzes people.

As we stood by the door, an elegant couple approached us with smiles that were just for show. "Good evening Lucius. Narcissa," they spoke gracefully. The woman wore a sleek black dress with a slit going up to her thigh. Her husband paired her nicely with a formal tuxedo. "You must be Ms. Phillips," she introduced, turning towards me. "We've heard all about you from your parents and Mrs. Malfoy."

I smiled and held out my right hand for them to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet such a lovely couple," I replied respectfully. Malfoy always made fun of the way I talked to adults. You're way too fake with it. It's obvious, he would tell me.

I glanced over at him, waiting to receive a sarcastic look, I didn't get one. Instead, he stared into the crowd. I felt Narcissa's small, yet comforting, hand graze the small of my back. She leaned over to Malfoy and whispered into his ear, "Go out and do something with her. Don't embarrass your father please."

Malfoy nodded curtly and tugged on my arm. I followed, wanting to ask him what his problem was. Before I could, he stopped one of the servers and grabbed each of us a glass of champagne.

"Isn't this-" I started.

"Just drink the fucking champagne," he interrupted, taking a small sip from his glass. The music from the live orchestra filled my senses again, and I noticed that Malfoy was tapping his foot to the rhythm. We walked around and sipped our champagnes, and he continued to observe the crowd.

Malfoy dropped off his now empty glass to a server and tried to locate a new one.

"Malfoy, no," I demanded, stopping his arm as he went to reach for another drink. "You shouldn't be drinking."

"It was one drink, Phillips."

"But one turns into two," I explained. "And then two turns into you being wasted by the end of the night."

Malfoy huffed and let his arm fall. "Don't think that you convinced me," he sneered. "I'm only doing this so I don't disappoint my father."

I gave him a soft smile and looked around. He wasn't in a great mood, and I didn't know how to deal with it. A crystal chandelier hung over the center of the ballroom, and it was begging for me to dance underneath it.

I guess I could force Malfoy to have a little fun.

As a new waltz started, I took Malfoy's hand and drug him to the center of the room where the other couples were dancing. He looked around nervously, blonde strands of hair becoming scattered across his face.

"Phillips, I-"

"You're dancing with me, whether you like it or not," I stated firmly.

He rolled his eyes before giving me a mischievous look. His hand snaked around my waist, and the other entwined with mine. Similar to when we danced at the yule ball, I couldn't help but sharply inhale as he did so.

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