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elodie phillips

Although the weather was getting colder, the clouds were starting to vanish. Golden rays of sunshine were peaking through the sky, warming my body. Pansy and I were all bundled up, and we were walking through Hogsmeade. It's been a while since she and I have gotten to do something, but I was looking forward to it.

Cedric was finally getting a day of rest. Ever since the first task, he has been swamped with schoolwork and champion duties. He was undoubtedly the heartthrob of the wizarding world right now, besides Viktor. The second task was a few months away, so we didn't have to worry about it right now. The majority of the students decided to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. It's not like I really had much of a choice anyway. My parents were on a winter vacation with the Malfoy's.

My parent's and the Malfoy's have been close for as long as I could remember. My mother and Narcissa were best friends growing up, and they have been inseparable since their first year at Hogwarts. It was sweet really, and I truly loved Narcissa. I haven't seen her in years. I am always busy with something when she can see us. My father and Lucius are friends by obligation. Their wives are best friends, so they have no choice to be friendly. It's a shame that Malfoy has something up his ass all the time. Otherwise, we could've been friends.

On Christmas day there was a ball to be held. I was ecstatic, and I couldn't wait to dress up. I've always adored princesses when I was younger, and this was my chance to finally be one.

Pansy and I were browsing through the candy at Honeydukes, and I was hastily picking up handfuls of sugared butterfly wings. Pansy was looking over the cauldron cakes. "So," she started. "Have you heard about the Yule Ball that's coming up?"

I scoffed and looked up at her, "Are you kidding? Of course, I know! It's almost a week away and Cedric hasn't even asked me yet!"

"You know he'll ask you, Ellie. Just give him a second. He's a big and famous champion now. He has other duties."

I giggled as I set some of the sugared wings down. They were too much to carry. "I wonder how Harry is dealing with all of this."

"Doesn't matter to me. I personally think he put his name in there himself. Attention seeker..."

"Maybe. I guess we'll never know for sure. Do you have everything you want?" I asked Pansy. I looked over at her, and she had a basket full of candy. I already knew that Blaise, Pansy, Marcus, and I would devour those later.

We checked out, and surprisingly it didn't cost much. Pansy and I walked side by side, carrying our bags. The cold wind stung my face, making my nose and cheeks a bright red. "Let's go get some butterbeer!" I suggested, taking Pansy's hand and leading her to the Three Broomsticks.

Walking into any building was so comforting, as I felt the heat from the room immediately rush over me. The Three Broomsticks was packed. Almost every table was filled. Pansy and I managed to snag a couple of seats.

"Do you have your eye out for anyone?" I asked Pansy.

She choked on her own spit for a second. "Meaning?"

"Oh shut up. You know exactly what I mean. Tell me."

"Erm. Adrian Pucey," she mumbled, which resorted in a loud gasp from me.

"You're kidding! I love it!"

Pansy blushed madly as she tucked her hair behind her ear. Oh my goodness, she was so cute. It made me happy seeing her this way. I called a waiter over and asked for an order of fries and butterbeer for the two of us.

cedric diggory

It was a simple question. Would you like to go to the ball with me? Why was that such a hard question to ask? I know Ellie has been anxious for me to ask too. I still have a week. That's plenty of time, right?

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