sixty one

467 9 133

elodie phillips

I tried my best to hold back tears as I looked at the boy in front of me.

One small mark can change everything.

But he wouldn't kill anyone or hurt anyone, would he?

He wouldn't hurt me, would he?

The thoughts swirled my mind as I mustered up the courage to speak.

"Do you like it?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

Steady and strong.

"You think I like this, Lola?" Draco stuttered, his words lost in his pain. He lowered his voice as he crept closer to me. "I have been tasked with killing Dumbledore. You think I like that?"

My hands covered my mouth as I stepped back.

"You're not going to do it, are you?" I quietly spoke.

Draco's eyes faltered, fleeting around his room. "I- I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" I asked again, my voice getting louder. "You can't kill people, Draco!"

"Me or him, Lola?" his harsh voice interrupted.

"I don't know what you're asking."

"It's either me or him."

The room filled with a thick silence. We didn't know what to say. We just looked at each other, our stares filled with a coat of defeat.

"I had no choice," Draco went on to explain.

I sighed, my head falling into my hands as I sat on the edge of his bed. The sheets were warm and familiar, and it reminded me of better times.

I tried to fight the conflicting thoughts in my head. I knew that Draco didn't mean any harm. He wasn't dangerous.

But that mark was. It was vile, cruel, unkind.

But Draco was not.

He was not.

The bed sank as Draco sat next to me. His light hair fell over his eyes, distressed and tired.

Draco, the boy who had no choice.

His body fell into mine as he sighed. He rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist, embracing me.

I couldn't be mad at him, not for long at least. I accepted his touch as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, rubbing it gently.

"I am so, so, sorry, Lola," he apologized once more, his voice muffled in the wrinkles of my clothes.

"I know," I hushed.

I spent the night at Draco's, and we kept the door locked and silenced. My parents didn't know where I was, and we wanted to try our best to keep it that way.

Although, I was surprised that they haven't found me yet.

I wanted to think about different things as I lay on Draco's chest. I didn't want to think about the world crumbling or my toxic parents.

But things were so different now, and so were we.


Unlike the brightness at Beauxbatons, the light of day didn't dare to trickle into Draco's room. The manor was dark and ominous.

It almost scared me.

When I woke, Draco was still sound asleep. Even in his sleep, he looked tired. He had gone through so much, and the task of killing the most powerful wizard certainly didn't help.

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