thirty two

812 18 86

I couldn't think of a song for this chapter oops.

elodie phillips

Something that I didn't miss about Hogwarts was waking up for classes. Pansy was much like me, meaning she's not a morning person. We grumbled our way through our morning routine as we got ready for our first day of classes.

I yawned and stretched as I walked down to the common room. Blaise and Marcus were already there and were sprawled out on the couches. "Good morning," Marcus smiled sleepily.

"Good morning," Pansy replied as I looked around the common room for a familiar blonde boy.

"Where's Draco?" I asked, peeking up the stairs to the boys' dorms. I turned back to the group and froze when they gave me suspicious looks.

"Did you call Malfoy by his first name?" Blaise asked, his eyebrow raising.

"Um, yeah," I faltered. After I received no response of any sort, I continued, "Okay did you expect that he and I were still going to hate each other after the summer? We spent months together, it was bound to happen."

Pansy smiled. "So what you're telling us is that you two hooked up."

I laughed a bit as I rolled my eyes. "No, we did not hook up, but we certainly don't hate each other." My glance shifted over to Blaise and Marcus, who were staring at me wide-eyed.

"I remember when he slut-shamed-" Blaise started.

"Blaise Zabini!" Marcus shouted, slapping his chest. "We don't need to focus on the past like that."

My heart sank a bit at the mention of that. It had almost completely slipped my mind. However, I brushed it aside. Without another word, I went up the stairs to the dorms.

As soon as I reached Blaise's dorm, which he shared with Draco and Marcus, I opened the door and waltzed in. I saw a disheveled blonde laying on his stomach, his arms hugging his pillow close. It was cute.

I smiled and tiptoed over to him. I gently sat down next to him and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "Good morning," I whispered. I moved my thumb across his cheek, which caused his eyes to flutter open.

He looked at me with squinted eyes. "Well what a nice surprise," he mumbled groggily, rubbing his eyes. He turned over on his side, his hand rubbing my thigh.

"How did you sleep?" I asked as he started to sit up.

"Good," Draco replied, stretching his arms above him. "Would've been better with you." He winked as I rolled my eyes.

"That was cheesy," I huffed as he smiled cheekily at me.

"I know. Do you mind passing me my shirt, love?" His eyes pointed towards the corner of the room, where a black tee lay on the floor. I tossed it over to him and he thanked me.

My eyes darted down to his chest and stomach one last time before he put his shirt back on. I've always been one to appreciate a small glimpse.

"Can I get ready or are you going to continue to stare at my abs?" Draco asked smugly, grinning at me.

I stammered on my words. "Uh- no. No, you can get ready."

He stood up and wrapped his hands around my head, pulling me close. His lips kissed my forehead as a blush rose to my cheeks. "You're adorable when you're flustered," he told me as his arms moved down to my shoulders. "I'll see you downstairs."

I nodded and went back down to the common room. Pansy, Blaise, and Marcus had already left for their first class.

After a few minutes of lounging, Draco came swiftly down the stairs.

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