forty nine

507 11 71

draco malfoy

Dear Elodie,

I am so sorry that I haven't been able to write you. Things have been busy here, and I never have much downtime.

I think about you constantly. I hope you aren't having too much fun without me. I miss you every day Lola.

I am planning on visit-

The doorknob to my room rattled, and I quickly grabbed the parchment paper and slid it under my mattress.

My father walked in, his steps swift and short.

"The Dark Lord is requesting you, Draco," he spoke sternly.

I nodded as I smoothed down my clothes.

"Yes, father."


elodie phillips

The classes here weren't much different from Hogwarts. I hadn't tried to make any new friends, I figured that Kai and Adi were enough to keep me entertained.

While going to my classes, I realized that a lot of people were somehow intrigued by me.

"What you said to Professor Marius was awesome."

"You're crazy for saying that, Elle."

"I wish I had your confidence."

Was Beauxbatons really this bland? I mean, seriously. I say the word "asshole" in class and everyone goes crazy?

That's all I need to know about these next two years.

At least Hogwarts was entertaining. You see, at Hogwarts, I had to grind on Draco Malfoy in the center of the room to be the talk of the school. Which now that I think about it, wasn't too grand either.

But cussing in front of a teacher? Merlin, people are such pussies.

All of these things made me miss Draco even more. I started to imagine him and me laying in his dorm. I could hear his laugh crystal clear as I told him about the people in this school. His eyes would light up-

But I can't think about Draco anymore. The thought of him only made me more bitter. I pushed the thought away.

I got out of bed, tucking the silk sheets into the corners. My eyes glanced over at the bent piece of parchment paper that was hastily thrown away, and again, I forced myself to shut him out.

I slipped on my pale blue uniform and sighed. I gently tied the ribbon into a bow and smoothed my skirt. I held my breath as I twisted my doorknob, hoping that Kai wouldn't be there.

I let it out and smiled when no one was on the other side of the door. I walked through the marble hallway connecting the rooms, and the tapping of my shoes echoed throughout the hall.

I went to Adi's door and knocked. I admired the gold detail that swirled near the peephole.

"One second!" I heard Adi exclaim from inside. The light sounds of clanking glass bottles filled my ears, piquing my curiosity.

"It's Elle," I announced as I started to turn the handle.

"Oh haha," she laughed breathlessly from the other side. "Yeah, come in."

I opened the door and felt a smile creep up on my face. A genuine one.

"Adi, what are you doing?" I asked.

She was sprawled out on the floor, out of breath. A cupboard door was open, and the inside was stacked with bottles of alcohol.

"Updating my stash, duh," she replied, smiling back at me.

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