forty eight

522 12 59

elodie phillips

I was finally settled into my dorm, which was filled with silk and other pleasantries. Beauxbatons, to say the least, was much more expensive than Hogwarts.

Anything to keep your child away from the "talk" of your dad being a murderer, right?

Adi and Kai were different. Adi was a bubble of light, and Kai

But they didn't compare to my friends at Hogwarts. Adi's positivity could never outshine Pansy's unavoidable sarcasm. Kai's dark ambiance couldn't compare to Draco's fire.


Another thing that I kissed goodbye after transferring. I still hadn't heard from him. He was silent. No letters. Nothing from my friends.

I sat at the desk next to my bed. Grey and navy colors filled the room, shining in every corner. I slowly pulled out a drawer from the side, taking out a piece of parchment and pen.


I didn't know where to start. I stared blankly as words swarmed my head. There were so many things I wanted to ask. Was he even getting these?

With a huff, I stood up and pushed the parchment away. I turned towards the door, only to be greeted by a smirking Kai, who was leaning against my doorframe.

"May I help you?" I asked, not even caring to hide the annoyance in my voice.

I don't want to be here, and I doubt I'll have a good time here, so why try to put on a happy face?

"Sorry to interrupt Elle," he started. I could hear the sarcasm laced in his voice. "I know that letter must be very important."

I rolled my eyes, but I could feel my face start to burn up.

Kai's gaze focused on me, his eyebrow raising. He walked towards my desk, trying to see what was on the paper.

I dashed over, trying to put it away before he could see. It was too late.

"Draco?" he asked, picking up the paper. "Who's he?"

"Draco Malfoy," I replied. "He's my boyfriend." I snatched the paper from his hands, crumpling it up and tossing it aside.

"Why was it blank?" Kai asked.

God, the people at the school were so nosy.

"It's complicated, and it's none of your business."

"Complicated?" he repeated, running a hand through his hair.

I closed my eyes and focused on breathing steadily. "Look, Kai," I started. "I really appreciate you for being so welcoming, but I don't need a shadow around me 24/7."

A smile broke out on Kai's face. "Don't flatter yourself, love."

"Why are you here then?" I asked with a loud sigh.

"To take you to your classes."

"To be my shadow, you mean?"

"Sure, Elle."


Everything I saw reminded me of Draco. Sure, I was bitter about nearly everything at Beauxbatons, but the things that reminded me of him made me happy.

The quiet stars painted on the walls, the blooming flowers outside.

Kai and I wandered the campus as he lead us to our first class. The hallways were made from ornate marble, and my eyes traced the light greys that swirled within them.

I heard distinct conversations as students passed us.

God, they were all so proper and stuck up. I hope I never have a stick shoved so far up my ass.

I looked over at Kai. He was different from the rest. The other boys I saw had their hair strictly styled, and no part of them was out of place.

But Kai had a reputation here. I could tell.

He didn't care about the "properness" that the other boys followed. There was a way about him, in the way he moved and talked, that swayed others. He had power, and that's what was so different about him.

Power was exactly what I needed.

In a school where I know no one, I could make it so easy to reconstruct myself. No one knows Elodie Phillips that others can say they know.

The only know Elle Phillips.

And Elle Phillips is who I will become.


"You're awfully quiet, Elle," Kai stated as he opened the french doors to our classroom.

"I'm just observing," I replied.

"Are you always so closed off?" He asked, looking down at me.

I sat down next to him and spread out my books.

"Not always." I didn't really know to answer that. I'm
typically a very open person, but then again, I'm Elle now.

"Were you open with Draco?"

I huffed and rolled my eyes, turning to face him.

"Why are you so obsessed with him?"

"Why don't you want to talk about him? He's your boyfriend, is he not?"

"As I said earlier, it's complicated," I mumbled, my insides slowly becoming red hot.

"Whatever you say, Elle. I'm done prodding for now."

I scoffed and watched as the teacher stood up from his desk. He was lean and tall, with brown hair evenly parted and combed. He looked like every other boy in this school, just add a few poor years of aging.

"Welcome back students, I'm Professor Marius, and I'll be your history of magic instructor. Now, it has come to my attention that we have a new student joining us this year."

I am not doing this shit.

"Would you care to stand up and introduce yourself?" Professor Marius prompted.

I gave a short smile as I stood up. I could hear Kai snickering under his hand, and I discreetly stepped on his foot. It was enough to shut him up.

"Hello, my name is Elle Phillips. I was transferred from Hogwarts because my parents are assholes."

I smiled again as I sat back down, smoothing out my skirt. Students looked around at each other, and Professor Marius cleared his throat.

"Thank you for that, Elle. I'm not sure what was allowed at Hogwarts, but I'll have to advise you not to use such profanities in my classroom."

I gave a small sarcastic gasp. "I am so sorry, you won't hear that from me again."

I looked over at Kai, who was grinning at me. I gave a small smile and turned back to my books.

Maybe being Elle Phillips won't be so bad after all.

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