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"I can't wait to see the look on your face when your boyfriend drops dead in this tournament."

elodie phillips

Weeks had passed since my encounter with Malfoy, and he still has barely said a word to me. Actually, I take that back. He spoke plenty of words to me, and every single one was filled with hatred. He was ruder than ever before. He attacked everything he could about me.

"Hey, Phillips! Did you even brush your hair today?"

"Hey, Phillips! My bets on Cedric getting knocked out in the first round!"

"Phillips, fuck you."

I didn't take much of it personally. I know he does this is because he is embarrassed. I just hope that he will come around eventually. If I'm being honest, I didn't mind drunk Malfoy. He was open, and I hate to say it but... nice.


Today was the day that the champions were chosen for the tournament. My stomach was doing kart wheels as I anxiously went through my day. As I dozed off in potions, I couldn't help but wonder if Cedric got chosen. The Triwizard Tournament was so dangerous. If I'm being honest, I was surprised this was even allowed, let alone encouraged.

As I started walking to the Great Hall, I felt the anxiety start to bubble in my stomach again. I heard footsteps approach me. These footsteps sounded different from the irregular rhythm I could normally recognize. No, these were different. They were swift and fast. I turned around and my eyes met pale grey ones. Unfortunately, these were not the grey eyes I had hoped to meet.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking, saying, "What is it now, Malfoy? I'm really curious to see what you have come up with this time. You've basically used every insult in the book. Do go on."

I heard Malfoy scoff from behind me. He swiftly caught up to me and spat, "I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong." I was waiting for more, and I knew there was more he wanted to add when I saw a gleam of mischief glint in his eyes.

"Which reminds me," he continued. "I can't wait to see the look on your face when your boyfriend drops dead in this tournament."

I stopped in my tracks. I slowly looked up at him and just shook my head. "You're a prick Malfoy. A fucking prick." I hastily shoved by him, making sure I slammed my foot on his and continued making my way towards the Slytherin table.

Students filed into the Great Hall, and I could feel the excited energy that came from them. Many students were speculating about who would be chosen. I sat down with Blaise and Pansy in our usual spot. I started bouncing my leg up and down, already beginning to believe the worst. I prided myself on my optimism, but right now it was nowhere to be found.

"Are you guys excited?" Blaise asked, practically bouncing out of his seat.

Pansy hissed at him, "Blaise! That's not very appropriate!" She jerked her head in the direction of me.

It took him a second, but Blaise looked at me and saw the worry that was plastered all over my face.

His smile immediately faded as he sympathetically said, "I'm sure everything will be alright, Elodie. Even if he is chosen, Cedric knows how to handle himself. It'll be okay."

I smiled softly as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. Blaise could be oblivious at times, but he never failed to make me feel better. I anxiously eyed the goblet sitting at the front of the room. I wondered how a goblet could hold so much power. I mean, it was a goblet. An inanimate object. But even then, it could give someone fame, glory, or even...death. A thousand what-ifs circled my head. These were soon interrupted when Dumbledore stood at the front of the room.

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