sixty six

421 4 86

elodie phillips

More weeks had passed and Hogwarts remained a dark and looming place.

I found joy in the little moments, and I was glad to share them with my friends now. Adi and Kai were nice to have around. It reminded me of a time when I was happier.

I was reckless, wild, and free. Now, I have to look over my shoulder, cover my arms and hope that no one sees me.

Everyone knew that Voldemort had returned, and now he sent death eaters to the school.

The Carrows taught muggle studies, and they twisted their teachings in such a way that people would think muggles are monsters.

When you disagreed with them or back talked in any way, the punishment was unbearable. Spells, beatings, humiliation, and occasionally an unforgivable curse.

Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley were the rebels of the school. Brave and courageous, just like their Gryffindor pledge.

Part of me was happy that they could stand up for others, the other part wished they would just shut up. Let the Carrows spew their lies and continue with their day, with no one being hurt.

Brave, brave, Gryffindor.

I bet that they didn't have to tell themselves that.

Why was it that I always had to tell myself, remind
myself? Why couldn't I be strong on my own?

I didn't have Kai and Adi in many of my classes. The curriculum at Beauxbatons was different, so they had to take different courses to fulfill their requirements.

But why bother? There's an impending war, Voldemort is back, and nothing will matter.

Harry Potter was still searching. There have been no sightings, no reports, not even a single clue as to where he could be.

It almost made my job easier. I wouldn't have to capture him if he wasn't around to be captured. I could stay at Hogwarts with my friends and Draco, and I could go about my normal life.

So please, keep running Harry.

Don't stop running.


As more time whizzed past me, and the seasons changed their tune, I was becoming impatient.

As much as I wanted to stay normal, the haunting feeling of Voldemort's presence was upon me.

I was scared.

Scared that at any moment, he could swoop in and ruin my life once more. I wish I could kill him, but I wasn't the chosen one.

Harry, keep running but hurry back.

My days were all the same. Carrows, more classes, Carrows again, and free time.

But today was different.

After muggle studies, an hour of lies, and propaganda, Snape pulled me to the side.

He walked me down the hall a ways away, his steps fast and brisk.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him, my face painted with worry.

He finally came to a stop, away from the earshot of the classroom, and spoke, "Have you heard any progress on Potter?"

"No!" I seethed. "We are in the same place, Professor. I know just as much as you do."

"But you are a part of the student body, don't your peers gossip?" He pried.

I tried my best to keep a calm demeanor. "Professor," I started, attempting to slow my racing breaths. "The Gryffindors are the only people who would have an idea of where he is at, and they won't come near me."

"Well, try harder," Snape instructed, backing away from me. He quickly walked away, his steps rapid like before. With a swift turn of a corner, he was gone.

I was left in the dark hallway, my heartbeat racing from the adrenaline.

I scoffed as I rolled my eyes, pushing myself off of the wall.

I made my way back towards the Slytherin common room when a harsh but sweet voice interrupted.

"Hey, Elodie," the voice said, their footsteps catching up behind me. "What was that thing with Snape all about?"

It was Ginny Weasley, with her bright red hair and bold grin.

Did she overhear Snape and me? Certainly, she couldn't have, or she wouldn't be asking? Or she's playing dumb.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I was telling him about the Carrows," I quickly lied. "They're out of control."

"I agree, they're awful," she replied casually.

I glanced over at her and noticed her eyes darting from my sleeve to my face.


She knew.

She has to.

There's no possible way she couldn't.

And with her "I'm a Gryffindor, so I'm entitled to be nosy in the name of courage" attitude, I knew that she wasn't going to let me go easy.

Suddenly, I didn't like her too much.

"Ginny, I'm sorry," I quickly apologized, pulling my wand from my pocket.

She reacted fairly quickly, but I had already grabbed her in a steady hold.

With being around so many creepy men during the summer, Draco took it upon himself to teach me a few combat strategies.

"Obliviate," I whispered, pointing my wand at her head. I concentrated on what I wanted her to forget.

I've never used this spell before.

"You walked out of class and went to your free period," I continued to whisper. "Forget that you heard Snape and me, and forget that you even saw us."

As her head swayed and eyes fluttered, I let her go and dashed around a corner. I cringed at the gentle sound of her body sliding down the wall.

I didn't know how to feel. I was ashamed that I had to manipulate her in such a way, but at the same time, I felt no remorse at all.

She stuck her nose into my business. I don't care if you're a Gryffindor and think you're better than everyone, and I don't care that you're dating Harry Potter.

You don't see me parading around, and I'm on the same side as the most powerful wizard alive.

I could wreak havoc on this school, Ginny Weasley.

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