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elodie phillips

"Are you sure you don't want to sit with us, Ellie?" Marcus asked gently, his arms leaning against the compartment door.

Ellie. I couldn't listen to the word without hearing Cedric's voice with it.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I replied quietly, nodding softly.

"Alright," he sighed. He turned back towards Blaise and Pansy.

My friends all walked away from me. I sat alone in a train compartment, ready to finally be on my way home. Maybe if I waited here long enough, Cedric would soon walk in and sit across from me like he did at the beginning of this year.

I tried to push the thought of him out of my mind. My body shifted slightly as the train started moving forward. The world outside of the train was so bright. Summer colors flashed by my eyes as the train traveled through the countryside. Vibrant greens, blues, and yellows.

I wondered how my parents would react when they saw me. Would they hug me? How would they attempt to comfort me? Cedric's death was no secret. It was all I saw in the Daily Prophet for at least two weeks.

I rested my head on the window, watching the colorful world whiz by me. I wish my world was that colorful.


Chatter filled the train as it came to a stop. People were saying goodbyes to their friends for the summer and greeting their parents and siblings. I slowly got my things together and stepped outside of the train.

I squinted my eyes as the bright sky blinded me. I put a hand over my eyes to shade myself, and I scanned the crowd for my parents.

I didn't have any siblings. I'm an only child. It wasn't the worst, but I wish I had someone to confide in besides my parents. That's why I have Pansy, I guess. She's like a sister to me.

My eyes finally landed on them. My mother smiled at me as she waved me over, her long brown hair gently laying on her shoulders. My father grinned as he opened his arms. I gave a gentle smile as I hugged him.

My mother came over and rested her chin on my head. "I'm sorry what happened, sweetheart. Time will heal things," she mumbled.

I nodded and replied with a soft, "Yeah." Father ran his hands through my hair before breaking away from the hug.

"Are you ready to go home?" he asked.

I nodded, and we picked up my stuff and left the platform. I turned around and took a final glance at the Hogwarts express for the season. I would miss it, but I need to heal. My parents took my hands, and we apparated home.

The feeling of apparation was nauseating, but it was something I got used to after a while. The universe whipped around me, throwing me out of focus.

The breeze ran through my hair as my feet landed on the hard concrete in front of my doorstep. I stumbled a bit but was able to regain my balance. I've learned to stick my landing over the years. At the door was my house-elf, Winifred. My family treated her as a friend, not a servant. Although, she still did a lot of chores anyway.

"Good afternoon, Miss Elodie," she greeted.

A smile crept onto my face as I replied, "Good afternoon, Winnie."

Our manor was bright as usual. The natural light beamed through the windows, creating a golden haven. My parents set my stuff by the door and hugged me one last time.

I slipped off my shoes and walked outside. The grass felt cool and prickly underneath my feet. I closed my eyes and inhaled the summery scent that was around me. I started walking towards my garden.

I had forgotten how smooth the cobblestone path was. This place was my true sanctuary. My eyes darted over to a small opening, where a stone bench lay. I bit my lip in an attempt to hold back my tears, but it was no use.

I ran over to it.

Our bench. Our bench that read "Elodie Phillips and Cedric Diggory."

My fingers delicately traced the carvings. Cedric had touched this bench once. Did that mean we were touching right now? Gentle teardrops ran down my face as I took in this moment. The pain was still fresh, but a newfound sense of peace washed over me.

Our flowers didn't make it. They never bloomed, but now they were wilted in the soil. The brown leaves sagged and slowly fell off.

For a few moments, I laid there, looking up at the bright blue sky above me. The gentle puffs of clouds were being pushed by the wind slowly. I closed my eyes once more and indulged myself in the nature that surrounded me.

I was so tired.


"Honey, wake up."

I heard my mother's voice gently calling for me. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Her beautiful face was hovering above me, and a smile started to grow on it. She sat down next to me and ran her fingers through my hair. She glanced over at the bench, knowing the history that it holds.

"Poor thing," she cooed. "I know you loved each other very much."

I nodded gently as she continued. "It's such a shame to see him go. He was a fantastic young man."

"He was," I answered, thinking fondly.

"How are you feeling?" Mother asked. We looked out into the open sky together.

"I'm feeling okay," I replied. "It just hurts."

"Of course, it does, darling. However, I'm worried."

I turned my head towards her, slightly confused. I re-situated myself on the grass, now facing her completely.

"What do you mean?" I asked, wanting more validation.

"Well," she started, leaning back onto her hands. "Your father and I will be away for the summer. I don't want you here alone. I'm too worried something will happen."

"So what's the solution?" I replied. "A babysitter?"

Mother chuckled a bit as she answered, "Of course not. I made some arrangements with Narcissa."

Narcissa? Oh merlin, what could this mean?

"You're going to spend the summer with the Malfoy's."

Yay!! Summer with the Malfoy's! Like always, let me know what you think of this chapter! Another short one, but I gotta move the story along lol. Just a reminder that Elodie's parents are Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. Can't get over the cast. I'm literally obsessed.

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Questions for the author?

QOTD: What do you guys want to do (profession-wise) when you're older?

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