Chapter 28

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

~The next morning~

I got up and got the babies ready for the day

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I got up and got the babies ready for the day. I need to go to the grocery store. I got the babies in their car seats and headed to the store. I was almost done when I saw that Bella was in the store looking for something or some one. I grab the last few items I need and head to the cashier to check out. I thought I had gone unnoticed by Bella but I was wrong. I feel her behind me so I cover my sleeping babies with their blankets. "They are cute!" She says with amusement in her voice. I turn and glare at her.

"Yes they are!" I say paying for my items and leaving the store. Bella followed right behind me. Much to my annoyance.

"Can we talk?" She asks as I look at her annoyed. "Go get a coffee or something?" She says and I scoff at her.

"NO! I have things to do today... What do you want anyways?" I ask, still looking at her annoyed.

"I just want to talk... I was hoping we could get to know each other better and maybe become friends. Maybe even sister!" She says, starting to get mad with me.

"Look Bella after everything you have done and tried to do to both me and Alexander... Why would I want to be friends with you?" I say/ask putting my babies in the car and locking the doors as I do. I stand at the end of my car and glare at her.

"Edward and I are getting married! Within the month!" She yells out at me and I look at her in shock. This is news to me and I know it will be news to Alexander. I mmm in response trying to cover up my shock. "So I will be their aunt and I thought it was time for me to spend some time with them. I mean I will be family after all!" She says, starting to get mad with me even more when I have no reaction to what she has said.

"Even if you marry Edward... You will never be our family. Cause the day you marry him is the day we leave his family for letting in a whore like you into it!" I say with a hiss, making her back up from me. I move to get into my car and she stops me.

"I am not a whore! I made a few mistakes... Yes! But that doesn't make me a whore!" She says, raising her voice at me. I laugh at her and give her a 'really' look. She steps back from and sighs. "Look I get what I did to you and Alexander was wrong and I am sorry for that. I should have listened when Alexander said that he didn't have feelings for me. But I do love Edward and I want to be with him." She says looking around the parking lot. My guess was to make sure that no one heard her.

"And what about Jake? Are you still leading him on too?" I asked, looking at her with amusement. I already knew the answer as Jared and Paul as well as a few others like to complain about her and her needy ass.

"I have told Jake that we are just friends and that I love and want to be with Edward." She says, glaring at me. But her eyes shift to the side. Letting me know that was a lie.

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