Chapter 18

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

We have two weeks until we have to be back for graduation

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We have two weeks until we have to be back for graduation. Why we need to be there I am not sure. Once we arrive in Norway I pick up my sleeping bride and carry her to a waiting car. I let her sleep until we reach the property I own here. Well now we own here. "Baby! It's time to wake up!" I say, rubbing her arm as she starts to wake up.

"Hi!" she says all sleepy looking over at me. I smile as she looks so cute when she wakes up.

"Hi! Baby!" I say parking the car and getting out and walking over to her door and opening it for her. Before she can take a step I pick her up and carry her inside. "Welcome to our vacation home!" I say as she looks at me funny. "I have had it for a few years now! And wanted to bring you here and away from everyone else. The only people that know about this place are Rosalie and Emmett." I say as she nods her head. "I hope you are ready to not wear any clothes while we are here! Cause I plan on having you all day and night." I say licking my lips as I look her up and down.

"Umm! There is something I need to tell you first..." She says with fear in her voice. "Or more like show you..." Katerina says, grabbing something from her bag and handing it to me. I look at this stick thing she handed me and back at her confused. Until I turn it over and it says pregnant on it. I look back at her and then to her stomach and Back to this stick thing.

"You're pregnant?" I ask with a crack in my voice as I am in shock. Katerina nods her head. "I'm going to be a father?" I ask, looking at her still in shock as she nods her head. I slowly start to smile. She is giving me a child. And I think back to what Alice said when she told me she saw my mate.

"She will give you everything you ever wanted." That's what Alice said. She knew that Katerina would give me a child. My smile gets bigger as I pick my mate and wife up kissing her with all I have. I place her back on her feet and kiss her again before getting down on my knees and lifting her shirt And kissing her stomach.

"I love you and your mommy so much! I will always protect you and mommy. I will always love you and mommy. You and mommy are my everything!" I say kissing her stomach again before looking back at her and seeing her crying. "Baby are you ok? Did I hurt you?" I ask with concern.

"I am fine, just happy you're happy!" She says cupping my face with her hands and smiles at me.

"Of course I am happy! I love you Katerina! and I love our child." I say standing up and kissing her. "You know Alice told me that you would give me everything I ever wanted... But I didn't know what she meant until now." I was holding her in my arms.

"She said she saw it before you all moved back to Forks. Me, being pregnant!" Katerina says with a smile as she looks up at me. "I wonder if she knows what we are having?" Katerina asks as I laugh and nod my head.

"More than likely." I say with a chuckle. "I wonder if we are allowed in that room now?" I ask as Katerina looks at me confused. "The room that she made... The one that we were not allowed in until it was time." I say as it hits Katerina.

"I forgot all about that room." She said as I laughed at her. She glares at me and then pouts.

"Clearly..." I say kissing her head as she slaps my chest. "Well now I can't do all that I want to do to you, because of the baby... Our baby!" I say putting my hands on her stomach as she nods her head and smiles. "But we still will be naked the whole time we are here. Just so you know!" I say picking her up and taking her to the bedroom to start our honeymoon.

 Just so you know!" I say picking her up and taking her to the bedroom to start our honeymoon

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At the Cullen's House

"Edward, if I have to keep hearing her bitch about my brother marrying Katerina one more time I am going to kill her myself." Rosalie yells at Edward as she has had enough of Bella and her whining. Bella gasps at Rosalie and stands next to Edward.

"Come on Rose, let's get out of here for a little while." Emmett says, pulling Rosalie out of the house. Once they are outside Bella looks to Edward.

"Edward?" Bella says looking up at him as he looks to where his brother and sister just left.

"Am I not enough for you Bella?" Edward asks a little more then hurt by Bella.

"What do you mean?" Bella asks, looking at Edward confused.

"Why do you love Alexander? Why now are you telling us this?" Edward asks, still not looking at her.

"I- I don't know." Bella says looking down at the ground.

"Bella, that is not good enough. I need answers. And I need them now." Edward says with anger in his voice making Bella step back from him. Bella sighs and nods her head.

"The first day I saw you all... When you and Alexander walk into the cafeteria. I thought you both were good looking. But when I had you in class I fell more for you but still had a crush on Alexander." Bella says, looking at the ground as she paces the living room. "I thought that the crush had gone away, but once Katerina came into the picture. I guess it came back." Bella says looking up at Edward. "I mean look at them. Alexander is always touching her or kissing her." Bella says with a sigh.

"So this is about us not having sex?" Edward asks, looking at her confused.

"No... I mean yes! I mean look what he did for her... He built her a house and they hadn't even met yet." Bella says pointing in the direction of Alexander and Katerina's home.

"So you are jealous of Katerina and what Alexander has done for his mate?" Edward asks, looking at Bella with anger.

"Yes I am jealous of her. I mean the pack loves her and your family loves her. Of course I am jealous. She has had it easy." Bella says, throwing her hands in the air.

"Easy... She fought the venom for seven days. Because she didn't want to be a monster like Victoria. You tried to kill her in her own house because of your jealousy. You have tried to take her mate more than once and she has had it easy?" Edward yells at Bella as he looks at her like she is crazy. Bella gasps at everything Edward just said to her. Bella glares at him before storming out of the Cullen household.

"Thank god! I thought she would never leave." Rosalie says walking back inside with Emmett.

"Edward, you will find your mate and you will be happy!" Emmett says with a small smile.

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