Chapter 23

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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It's two days before the battle. My family will be hunting tonight. I am out hunting in the daylight for the battle coming up. I have been in a mood since I was told that Bella is making Edward stay out of the battle. Something about how she can't risk him getting hurt or some bullshit like that.

Katerina was at home resting as the twins started to grow faster now. Paul and Jared came to watch over her while I hunted. I know Bella will be at the main house tonight and I don't want to risk her going to mine and Katerina's house when she is alone.

Once nightfall hits I return home to letting Paul and Jared leave to be with their family and friends before the battle. After I arrive home and Paul and Jared leave, I sit on the couch with my mate and unborn children, just holding her close to me when I hear Bella yell about something to do with me and Katerina. As she gets closer to the house I move my now sleeping mate upstairs to our bed kissing her head before leaving our bedroom. I move to the front door and stand on the porch waiting for them to come. Bella stops in front of me looking like she has a bone to pick with me.

"Why is Katerina not coming to the campsite with me and Edward?" She asks with anger clear in her voice. I roll my eyes at her.

"Victoria isn't after her, she is after you. Katerina will be protecting the imprints of the pack... And if you really want to know it's because I don't want her to be anywhere with you... When I am not with her!" I state looking at her with disgust.

"Why? Don't you trust Edward to protect her?" She says, still angry but with a smug smirk as she moves closer to me.

"OH! NO! I trust Edward... It's you! I don't trust you with my mate and children. And neither does the pack!" I say with a low growl at her. She steps back from me looking shocked that I don't trust her.

"You don't trust me? Why? What have I done for you not to trust me?" She asks, looking hurt that I could say that to her.

"Well you have already tried to kill Katerina once and you have also tried to get my family to send her away. You also don't get that I don't want you. That I will never want you." I state as calmly as I can as she stomps her feet and looks at Edward for help. Edward shakes his head no at her, before she storms off. I watch Edward follow after her. I sigh, turning back to my home. But before I can make it inside Bella is back.

"Alexander?" She yells running back to the house. She has a smile on her face as she gets closer to me. She tries to throw her arms around my waist. "I want to get to know Katerina. Please have her come to the campsite with us." She says as I push her away from me looking at her with disgust.

"That will never happen. I will never leave my mate alone with the likes of you!" I say with a hiss as I glare at her. My hands are glowing red. She gasps at me and starts to cry.

"Why don't you love me... Like I love you? Why do you hate me so much?" She says through sobs.

"Because Bella I have a mate and it is not you it will never be you get that through your head. I love Katerina who is my mate and I love our children. You are nothing to me but a pathetic human that has caused nothing but trouble for my family." I growl out at her, my hands glowing brighter than ever before.

The next morning:

Paul called this morning and said that Embry and Quil will be with Jake while he takes Bella up to the campsite. Embry was wondering if he could see Katerina. So Edward, Jasper, Bella, Katerina and myself are waiting for the members of the pack. Bella is making her scent stronger by putting some of her blood on trees and bushes. Once the pack members arrive. Embry runs up to Katerina and hugs her, followed by Quil. Both boys place their hands and our babies as they kick.

"OK! That was so cool." Embry says looking down at Katerina's stomach with a smile, Quil nods his head in agreement. I watch as Jake glares at Katerina and then scoffs. Embry and I growl at him.

We watch as Jake picks up Bella and starts to run with her. Embry and Quil roll their eyes at them before taking off after them. I look over at Edward and he looks hurt. Both me and Jasper go to open our mouths when he shakes his head at us.

"Let's get you home!" I say pulling Katerina away before the storm comes. Katerina nods her head as I pick her up. Before we leave I turn to Edward.

"Remember what we talked about the other night." I say with a small smile, He nods his head as Jasper watches us confused.

Morning of the battle:

Waking up Katerina is a mission to say the least. Even with Paul and Jared giving me tips on how to get her up. I look at her and laugh as she hides under the covers. "Ok! But don't blame me when all of Emily's muffins are gone, because you won't get your fine ass out of bed." I said to her, I heard her growl at me as she threw the covers off of her.

"That's a low blow!" She says as she throws the pillow at me. I laugh as I help her out of bed.

"Go, shower and get ready! Paul and Jared will meet us at the treaty line." I say slapping her ass as she walks past me. Once she is ready we drive to the treaty line. I get out of my car and walk up to Paul and Jared.

"I know you don't like our smell... But I would like for her to be driven instead of walking. The babies are grown fast and with what is coming I would like for her to save her energy as much as possible." I say to them as they nod their heads at me.

"We get that. Has she increased her blood intake?" Jared asks with concern for my mate. I know he looks at her as a sister and worries about her.

"Yeah! 36 oz. Every other day... But I think Carlisle wants to increase it to 20oz a day. but we will see tomorrow at the check up." I say as Jared nods his head.

"I'm sorry... You are allowing us to drive your 90 thousand dollar car?" Paul asks, looking from me to the car.

"It's Katerina's car. but yes, I am." I say with a laugh and a smile. They both look at me confused. "I got it for her when I found out she was pregnant." I say and they nod their head in understanding. 

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