Chapter 68

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I was pissed that the Voltuir were now involved

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I was pissed that the Voltuir were now involved. I had just finished destroying my office when Bella walked in. She looked scared and she should be. I growled when she stepped closer to me. "You didn't tell me that the Volturi were coming to help her." I say as She backs up from me.

"I-I didn't know." She shudders out as she looks at her hands. "I don't see how they change what you have planned!" She says as I scoff at her. Of course she doesn't understand what we are now up against. She is just a stupid human.

"Of course you don't, you are just a stupid human." I say as she lets out a small gasp. "The Volturi are the reason we are the last of the werewolves." I say venom laced in my voice as I grab her by her hair and pull her closer to me. "And if they are here to help Katerina then I will never get to have her as my mate." I say as Bella whimpers at me. I smile as I know she is now truly scared of me. "Is my little slut of a mate scared of me?" I ask as I tighten my hold on her hair.

"Jackson you are hurting me!" She whispers out, making me chuckle at her even more.

"What is your point?" I ask as my beta walks in and smiles as Bella whimpers again.

"Alpha... The men have had their fill!" He says as I smile down at Bella.

"Then kill them. They are no longer of use to us anymore!" I say as my Beta nods his head and walks out of my office.

"Who is going to be killed?" Bella asks as I smile at her. I run my finger down her face and over her lips.

"Your mother and her friend!" I say as Bella looks shocked and scared at what I just said. She tries to get out of my hold but we both know she can't. "Don't worry you will hear them scream for their lives before they are killed." I say as Bella starts to cry. "Remember you were the one that brought them into this world. Now I have to make sure they stay quiet about it." I say as Bella tries to push me away. I let her go as I know this will be a fun game for me and my men.

I walk out of my office to see my beta holding Bella as two others hold her mother and their friend. "Bella has entered the hunt! Remember she can't be killed until after I have marked and mated with your new Luna!" I yell, making my men smile at me. "Let the hunt begin!" I say as the front doors open and my men let them go.

"I would run, you only have a five minute head start!" My beta says as I smile at Bella.

"You should have been happy with me as your mate and this wouldn't be happening to you!" I say as I place a kiss on her head. "NOW! RUN!" I yell as they look shocked before taking off running into the woods. We waited five minutes before I released my men to hunt them down and kill them. Except for Bella. My beta and I waited another five minutes before we joined in on the hunt.

Caius let me read the book about werewolves and I was surprised when I got to the mate part

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Caius let me read the book about werewolves and I was surprised when I got to the mate part. They can reject their mates if they feel like they will not be a good mate or if their mate shows signs of loving another. Clearly Bella was both. But for an alpha he needs a strong Luna to be by his side. Whether it is a chosen mate or their true mate, he clearly has chosen Katerina as his mate and Luna. I was pissed that even after she had found her mate she still couldn't leave us alone to live in peace.

I placed the book down and walked over to my mate and children. They were in mine and Katerina's room watching a movie while everyone else was working on a plan to get rid of the werewolves. I smiled as Charlotte started to fall asleep. Paul was holding onto his mother like his life depended on it. Katerina kissing both of their heads like nothing else matters in the world then the two of them and their younger brother.

"She is truly an amazing mother!" Caius says from behind me. I smile and nod my head.

"Yes she is." I say as we continue to watch them.

"Alexander... We need to talk to you downstairs." Felix says as he comes and stands next to me and Caius. We walk back downstairs to where everyone is waiting.

"We have a plan but we need to leave a few behind in case." Sam says as I nod my head knowing that that was going to happen. No one wanted Katerina to fight again while pregnant.

"Ok! So, who is staying behind?" I ask as Carlisle and Esme raise their hands. I nod my head and then look at the pack."Who else?" I ask as Jared and Quil step forward. I was hoping that Leah would be the one to stay back, but I should have known better than that.

"We will also have three members of the guard here as well." Demetir says as I nod my head.

"We will be attacking the day before the full moon. We don't want them to be at full strength." Caius says as I smile at him.

"I want to thank all of you for all of this." I say as Sam claps his hand on my shoulder.

"We are family, it's what you do for family!" Sam says as everyone nods their heads.

"I know... But still thank you! I know she is not happy about not being in the fight. But I am truly grateful to all of you!" I say as they all smile at me.

"Of course, she's not!" Paul says with a chuckle. "That the wolf in her, wanting to protect her pups." He says as I nod my head.

"Yeah will if what we saw in Italy is a pissed off mama wolf... I will pass on seeing that ever again." Felix says as I smile at him.

"Felix, are you scared of Katerina?" I ask as Demetri chuckles and Felix shakes his head but laughs.


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