Chapter 31

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"I vote..." Jasper starts to say as Edward growls at him, making me hand Paul over to Rosalie as Emmett and I stand up. Jasper is glaring at Edward. "I vote against Bella being part of our family and coven. She is not sorry for anything she has done to Alexander and Katerina. She hates that Katerina has Alexander and she hates their children." Jasper says with a growl at Edward as Alice comes back into the room looking very sad.

"That is five votes against Bella becoming a part of the family and coven." Carlisle says, looking at Edward with sad eyes. Bella looks around at all of us in shock. "We will still have your wedding here..." Carlisle starts to say as Bella cuts him off.

"Are you really going to kick him out of the family and coven?" Bella yells at all of us, looking at all of us in shock.

"No it is because of you we want him out." Rosalie says as Jasper moves over to her and takes Paul from her. "You are the reason all this has happened. You need to see that. This is all happening because of you!" Rosalie growls out at her making Bella cry. Katerina stands and hands me Charlotte.

"Bella? What did you think would happen when everyone found out that you both lied to them? Did you and Edward think that they were going to forgive you and just move past all the lies the two of you put out there. Lies that could have cost lives. Lives that are truly innocent." Katerina says, making Bella glare at her.

"Maybe if you let us explain why we did it then they would." Bella yells back at Katerina.

"Why, so you can lie even more. You have not given us any reason to believe anything the two of you say. You hide like little bitches and make everyone else fight for you." Katerina says as Edward sits back down on the couch.

"Edward, are you going to let her talk to me that way?" Bella says turning to Edward as he won't look at her.

"He won't say anything because deep down he knows what I am saying is the truth. But if you want to explain then I think the pack should be here to hear what you have to say as you lied to them as well." Katerina says, making Bella gasp and look at her in fear.

"No! I don't want to tell them what we have done to keep me safe." Bella says, looking at Katerina in fear. "Jake will hate me and I don't want that." Bella says, shaking her head at all of us.

"But you still think that we should be ok with what the two of you did?" Emmett says getting up and standing next to Katerina. Bella looks from Edward to the rest of the family.

"Yes! You should. Wouldn't you do the same if your mate was in danger?" Bella asks, looking around at all of us as we all shake our heads no at her.

"I would have been the first one to hunt down anyone that dared to hurt Alice and I would show them no mercy when I got a hold of them." Jasper says glaring at Bella. "Why did you hide Edward?" Jasper asks, now looking at Edward.

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