Chapter 30

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

As Emmett, Rosalie and I packed up the house, the more I got mad that we had to leave the home I built for Katerina and I

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As Emmett, Rosalie and I packed up the house, the more I got mad that we had to leave the home I built for Katerina and I. The home our twins were born in. I sigh as I hear Katerina get up and move to the twins room. I hear Paul start to whine as he is ready to be fed. "It's ok my sweet boy. Mommy is here." Katerina coo's at him. God I love her. I walk upstairs and to the twins room. I watch as she breastfeeds him when Charlotte starts to whine. I smile and look over to her.

"Did daddy's little princess wake up?" I cooed at her as I picked her up and took her to Katerina. Katerina moves Paul so she can feed Charlotte at the same time. I kiss both of their heads before giving Katerina a kiss on the lips. "I love you my beautiful mate." I say as I watch her and our babies for a few minutes before Rosalie comes into the room.

"Alexander!" She says looking at me and Katerina. "Carlisle and Esme want to have a meeting with all of us." She says waving her phone in the air. I sigh and look at Katerina.

"What about?" I asked, walking over to my sister. She frowned at me.

"All they said was that they want to talk to all of us as soon as possible." She says looking from me to Katerina.

"Fine. Let them know that we will be over in an hour." I say looking from my sister to my mate/wife. When Rosalie leaves the room I walk back over to my mate/wife and see that Paul is done. I carefully take him from her and burp him. Not long after Paul finished Charlotte finished. "Babe!" I say as I look at her concerned. I watch her sigh as she stands up and moves to put Charlotte down and change her. "Baby! Talk to me!" I say putting Paul down and changing him.

"Why are they letting them run the family and coven?" She asks as I look at her now confused. But then I think about all that has happened since Bella found out about us. And Katerina is right. Edward and Bella have been running our family and coven.

"I don't know, my love!" I say change Paul into new clothes. Once the twins are fed and changed. We get ready to go. Once we arrive at the main house we walk inside to see not only Alice, Jasper, Esme and Carlisle but Bella and Edward. Emmett and I growl at them as Rosalie and Katerina hold the twins.

"Thank you for coming." Carlisle says looking from the 6 of us over to Bella and Edward. "I have called this meeting in order to see if Bella will be part of our family and coven. Now Edward and Bella will be married in one month. Now we have already voted on her turning and she will be turned. But with this vote, If there are more votes against her being part of this family and coven then Edward has agreed that he and Bella will leave the coven." Carlisle says looking back and forth from me and Katerina to Bella and Edward.

"Wait... What?" Bella says looking from Edward to Carlisle. "I thought we were going to be able to explain why we did what we did to them?" Bella says as both Katerina and I scoff at her.

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