Chapter 13

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

Alexander went hunting with Rosalie and Emmett early this morning

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Alexander went hunting with Rosalie and Emmett early this morning. So I am sitting on the couch watching tv and eating lunch waiting for him to get home. When there is a knock on the front door. I look over the couch and question who could be at our front door. I mean even Paul and Jared come through the back door. I don't think I have ever gone through the front door. Slowly I stand and walk over to the door. Looking through the peephole to see who it is and to no surprise there stands Bella. I sigh and open the door enough to talk but not let her think she is welcome here.

"What do you want Bella?" I say standing in the way so Bella can't try to walk in mine and Alexander's home.

"Can I come in and talk to you? Please?" She asks, looking a little sad at me.

"No!.. NOW, What do you want?" I say starting to get more annoyed with her.

"I need your help..." She says playing with her fingers and looking down at the ground.

"With what?" I ask not really giving a shit about what she wants help with. Even though I already know what she needs help with.

"Keeping me safe. I know in my heart that I am not just Edward's blood singer. I am also his mate." She says with a little bit of confidence that she had when she first got her.

"Has he ever referred to you as his mate? Edward I mean?" I say looking at her with confusion on my face as she still looks at the ground and shakes her head no. "And I have already made it clear that when it comes to you... I will not help you! I do not like you Bella!" I was with a small giggle as she looked at me shocked that I won't help keep her safe. But I didn't giggle because of that.

"No, you have to help! I am human and YOU have to help keep me safe." She yells at me trying to push me into my house more. "Where is Alexander? He will make you do what I want! He loves me, not you!" She screams trying to push me out of the way. I start laughing at her, which makes her stop and look at me.

"Alexander loves you? Is that so?" I ask, looking at her confused.

"Yes! He does... And If Edward won't change me then Alexander will. That's how much he loves me." She says still trying to get into my house.

"Is that why he built me this house... For me and him to live in? This that why he makes love to me every day and night?" I ask now, looking at her like she is dumber than a box of rocks with a smug look on my face. As she shakes her head no at me.

"NO! He wouldn't do that to us. He loves me, not you..." She screams, turning around and seeing Edward across the road. "You stupid bitch!" She yells as she turns around to look at me once again. "You know he was here..." She starts to yell as I cut her off.

"Yeah! I did and I also knew that you would try to use Alexander against me... I just didn't think you were this crazy and stupid." I say looking at Bella and laughing at her.

"Who's Crazy and stupid? Babe?" I hear Alexander from behind me. I turn to look at him and open the door more to reveal Bella and Edward. Alexander growls at the pair.

"That would be Bella! MY LOVE!" I say with a sweet smile. "When were you going to tell me that you love Bella and not me?" I asked as Alexander, Rosalie and Emmett's eyes went wide in shock. Alexander goes from shocked to pissed off.

"I don't love Bella, I will never love Bella... Babe... I only love you... It will always be you, it will only be you... Katerina!" Alexander says, still looking at me with shock and anger on his face.

"OH! I know... I just thought you should know what she is now up to." I say as Alexander comes to the door and about rips it off its hinges. Edward moves Bella behind him and away from Alexander. Who is now over the shock and is now just pissed.

"Alexander... Please listen... It is not what you think." Edward says to a pissed off Alexander.

Is he for real? She has done nothing but cause problems for my family

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Is he for real? She has done nothing but cause problems for my family. And now she thinks she can lie to my mate and say that I love her over my mate. "Keep her away from me and Katerina. I am done with the both of you." I say with a snarl. Edward backs them up.

"Alexander, I need your help to keep Bella safe. I know what she said was wrong and not true in any way. But please help me." Edward pleaded with me. I shake my head no. I know it is because of my gift that he wants me. Bella looks at me with sad eyes, I growl at her making her step behind Edward.

"NO! I am done... It is time for you two to face what you started... You are no longer family to me Edward. Take your blood singer and get off my land now why you still can!" I say with a growl as I am starting to get really mad.

"Please Alexander don't do this." Edward says as everything I just said to him hits Bella.

"Alexander, I am sorry! This is all my fault. I lied to Katerina... I thought if I could get you to leave Alexander... Then Alexander would help protect me and maybe even get to know me and one day even like me..." Bella says in a rush as she paces. "Can we please come in and talk... Please Alexander?" She says, trying to be all sweet with me. I hear Katerina growl and know she is getting pissed with Bella.

"NO! I built this house for me and Katerina. A home for us. A place we could have as a couple... Away from the family and away from you... Bella. If you want to talk, go to the main house. But this house... Our house is off limits to you and Edward." I say with a snarl. Bella looks taken back at what I just said to her.

"Why just us?" She asks with a scoff.

"Because we don't need you to bring danger into our home." Katerina says, stepping next to me as I nod my head!

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