Chapter 25

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It has been three weeks since the newborn army

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It has been three weeks since the newborn army. Four weeks since Katerina and I came home from our honeymoon. Six weeks since we were married and seven weeks since Katerina found out she was pregnant. Carlisle says that she could give birth and day now. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Edward has kept Bella away from me and Katerina as much as possible. He has been slowly pulling away from her as well.

Today we have another check up on the babies and Katerina. Rosalie and Emmett have moved in with us. Edward may have kept Bella away from us but he hasn't kept her away from the rest of the family. Rosalie wants to make sure that Katerina has all the help she needs when the babies come. I know that my sister is hurting, knowing that I am having a child and she will never be able to have one of her own. Something she has always wanted. Katerina says that this can help her heal and that she will be more than willing to watch the babies so we can have alone time. And for that I am thankful because for the last two weeks we haven't... I mean she makes sure I am taken care of, but it's not the same.

"Katerina we need to get going!" I yell up the stairs. I know Rosalie hates it when I do that. But it is my house and if I want to yell at my wife from the bottom of the stairs then I will.

"Alexander, do not yell at your pregnant mate." Rosalie says as she helps Katerina down the stairs. I hear Emmett laugh at us.

"You know he does it to make you mad!" Emmett says with another bombing laugh. Rosalie glares at me and I start to laugh. It was kind of true.

"Let's get going... I want to see how my babies are doing." I say and I hear Katerina scoff at me. "I mean our babies!" I said kissing her head as I picked her up. Once we are at the house I place Katerina back on her feet. Holding her close to me as we walk inside the house. And to mine and now most of my family's displeasure Bella is here. Katerina sighs as we walk into the living room. I growl at Edward, who holds up his hands at me.

"We need to have a... meeting!" Carlisle says, looking at me and Katerina. We both nod and sit down on the couch. I noticed that he said a meeting, not a family meeting.

"Thank you Carlisle..." Bella says looking around at my family but stopping on me and Katerina. Bella moves to stand up but Edward stops her.

"Bella would like to be changed... Now we have voted on her turning and she will be but we now need to vote on if she will be part of our coven and family." Edward says, looking at all of us shaking his head. He clearly read the room and saw that the four of us are now against all of this.

"But before you vote I want to say a few things." Bella says now standing up in front of us. "I want to say how sorry I am for causing so much trouble." She says with a small smile. Rosalie and Katerina scoff at her. Bella turns to them and glares. "I also want to say to Edward I am sorry for how I have been acting. You are my mate and here I am trying to get attention from your brother and Jake. So I want to take you up on your offer." She says looking at Edward with a huge smile as everyone else looks at him confused.

"Bella... I don't..." He starts to say but she cuts him off.

"I will marry you if you turn me, that is what I really want... Is for you to turn me." She says her smile is starting to fade as she looks at Edward. Everyone is still looking at Edward but now in shock. He never told any of us this. I look at Carlisle and he looks annoyed.

"Bella, I don't want to marry you anymore. I'm not even sure I want to be with you anymore." Edward confesses to her. But he looked pained saying that. It made me wonder if he really meant that.

"I'm sorry what?" She yells as Rosalie starts to laugh. Bella turns to glare at Rosalie. "This is not funny!" Bella yells at us. But it only makes Rosalie laugh even harder.

"I say we vote now." I said, looking at Edward and then to Carlisle. Who nods his head.

"Bella, is there anything else you want to say before we vote?" Carlisle asks her as she shakes her head no.

"Ok so we are all clear this is a vote to see if Bella will be a member of our coven as well as our family. Rosalie." Carlisle says looking over at my sister.

"NO!" Rosalie says glaring at Bella and Bella glaring back at her.

"I vote no!" Emmett says as Bella looks shocked. Since he voted for her to be turned. Carlisle nods his head and then looks over at Alice and Jasper.

"I vote no!" Jasper says and Bella still looks shocked but has tears in her eyes. He too voted for her to be turned.

"I vote..." Alice stops and looks at me and Katerina and sighs. "I vote no!" Alice says as she is still looking at me and Katerina.

"What Alice... Why?" Bella whines out looking at Alice with shock and sadness. Alice looks at me and sighs.

"I vote No!" I say looking at Katerina with a smile.

"I vote no!" Katerina says while nodding her head at me.

"Esme?" Carlisle says looking to his wife and mate. I had a feeling this was what they wanted to talk to us about while we were here.

"Wait, I want a reason for you all saying no!" Bella says now looking pissed.

"Mine is simple. I don't like you." Rosalie says with venom laced in her voice.

"At first I wanted you to be part of our family and coven but then you started to show who you really are. Going after Alexander after he told you that he didn't want you... That all he wanted was his mate. But you haven't stopped. You have broken our family. And family is everything to me." Emmett says with a look of disgust at Bella.

"Mine is the same reason as Emmett's." Jasper says with a glare over to Edward.

"I never wanted you to be part of our family or our coven." I say with a growl at Bella. "It also doesn't help that you think I belong to you somehow. When I have my mate here with me. I will never see you as any more than a blood singer whore!" I growl out at her as Bella starts to cry.

"I agree with Alexander. Since they have gotten back and you found out that I was mated to Alexander, you have done anything and everything to get him to leave me." Katerina says, looking at Bella with disgust. Bella goes to open her mouth and Katerina holds her hand up. "I am not done... You have tried to kill me, steal my mate and act like it is all my fault. That I am the reason for you being a raging whore." Katerina growls out at Bella. Bella is now sobbing.

"I am sorry... I just wanted... Alexander to love me the way he loves you. I wish that what me and Edward have was more like you and Alexander." She says through sobs.

"I wasn't done... You have tried to turn the pack against me... You have tried to turn the Cullen's against me, you have tried to have Edward send me away, all so you can get close to Alexander." Katerina says with a hiss. "The only person you truly care about is yourself. If it isn't about you, you want it to be removed from what you think belongs to you. The pack is my family... The Cullen's are my family... Alexander is my mate, husband and father to our children." She says standing up and looking at Bella. "None of us chose this life. But you think you are entitled to it. That is yours and it should be all about you." Katerina says with a growl out at Bella. Bella stands there in shock. Katerina sits back down with me.

"I am so sorry." Bella says as Katerina scoffs. "Alice!" Bella says, looking over to Alice and Jasper.

"I am voting no because I feel that once you are turned you will not stop trying to take Alexander away from Katerina. You are already hurting Edward and you claim to be his mate. But I could never do that to Jasper." Alice says with sad eyes. "Bella, my vision of you changed. I no longer see you as one of us." Alice says before walking out of the room with Jasper right behind her. I stand and take Katerina's hand and move to leave, when Bella stops us.

"I am sorry." Bella says, looking from me to Katerina.

"Actions speak louder than words." Katerina says as we move around her and leave the room.

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