Chapter 4

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A month and a half since I found out that my mate is in Forks

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A month and a half since I found out that my mate is in Forks. A month and a half, that I have been dying to go find her. Alice keeps telling me that it is getting closer to us returning. But I don't know how much longer I can wait. I feel lost knowing that she is there and I can't go to her. I fill my time with hunting and working out even though I don't need to work out and playing video games with Emmett, it is something for me to do, to keep my mind off Katerina. Alice has also said that Bella has been taking risks riding dirt bikes, getting on the back of some guys' bikes. This girl has a death wish or something.

"I think she has lost her mind." Alice says coming out of a vision. "She is walking through the woods by herself!" Alice says, shaking her head.

"What else is new? That girl has been nothing but a problem since that day she came to Forks." I say with a scoff.

"I agree with you brother. She has caused nothing but problems for us. Who knows what trouble she has caused since we left." Rosalie says, annoyed with the Bella talk. We all were!

"Come on you too, she wasn't that bad!" Emmett says from the living room where he is playing a video game. "Alexander, come play a round with me. It will take your mind of your mate that you long to be with." He says with a booming laugh.

"Gee! Thanks Emmett! Yeah! why not!" I say walking into the living room with Rosalie right behind me. Sitting next to Emmett on the couch and grabbing a controller. "What are we playing?" I ask, looking at the TV.

"Call of duty!" Emmett says with a chuckle. Me and Emmett a comparative went it comes to call of duty. We like to see who can kill each other more. We normally tie but it is still fun.

"How is it my brother and my mate are both grown men, but act like 16 year old boys who can't get laid." Rosalie says as me and Emmett both laugh our ass off.

"You know you love us both so much!" I say with a chuckle to Rose, who is now glaring at me shaking her head.

"I am going to pick out furniture for when we go back." She says me and Emmett look at her funny. "Katerina will need somewhere to put her clothes! And you will need a bed!" She says with a wink at me, as Emmett falls off the couch laughing. I shake my head at her but laugh. SHe was right we would need a bed. Because once I found her I wasn't letting her go!

Sitting with Emily in her living room reading a book and Emily is looking at recipes for dinner

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Sitting with Emily in her living room reading a book and Emily is looking at recipes for dinner. When the boys come in, yelling at each other. Me and Emily look at each other confused. What could they possibly be yelling about?

"Jake you so much as tell that leech lover a thing about Katerina I will kill you myself." Paul yells from the kitchen. I stand up to see what is going on.

"Why! What is the big deal if she knows about us and about Katerina? What harm could it do?" Jake yells back at Paul who growls.

"Because she is not part of the tribe she is not an imprint. She doesn't deserve to know about us. And as for Kat... Bella might think that Kat can turn her. Why else would Bella be with a blood sucking leech." Jared yells this time. I walk into the kitchen with Emily behind me.

"Jake, you will not tell Bella anything about the pack or anything about what Katerina is." Sam says in his alpha voice making Jake bow his head.

"Fine! I'm out of here!" Jake says walking out of the house.

"What the hell was that all about?" Emily asks, looking at the pack as Sam sighs looking at her.

"Jake and Embry were on patrol when they smelt a leech and alerted us. We found it in a clearing in the woods... Bella was there talking to it." Sam says, looking from me to Emily. "He planned on killing her. So we stepped in, chased it down and killed it." Sam says, rubbing his face with his hands. I looked at Paul and Jared making sure they were not hurt.

 I looked at Paul and Jared making sure they were not hurt

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"Once we killed the leech... Jake asked to tell Bella about us and about Katerina." Paul says with a growl as his body starts to shake. He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

"He said he is in love with Bella and that she had a right to know. Not just about us but about Katerina. But because he didn't imprint on her. She has no right to know. As for Katerina he wants to show her that life isn't all sunshine and rainbows being a vampire." Embry says with a sad look on his face.

"What am I the poster child for how not to turn into a vamp?" I say full of sass, Paul pulls me into a hug barring his face in my hair.

"I won't let him expose you to her." Paul whispers into my neck. I know that my scent helps calm Paul down, but I have never had him be this mad before. I rub his back as he breathes in my scent.

"What is it with this chick that has him so far up her ass?" I ask, looking around at everyone as they laugh. Sam steps outside when his phone rings.

"Your guess is as good as ours! I mean she is nothing special." Jared says with a small laugh shaking his head.

"He has been in love with her since the day she came back." Embry says with a shrug of his shoulders. "And when she started to hang out with him everyday... The deeper his feelings for her became. It's kinda sad really!" Embry says with a sad smile.

"OH! So he's in love with her and she is using him to get over a break up, but nothing is going on between them?" I say as Embry nods his head. "And Jake wants to use me and that fact that I never wanted to be.... well what I am?" I say/ask looking at Embry and he nods his head again.

"We have another problem. Bella told her dad about us!" Sam says with a sigh. Everyone looks at him in shock.

"What do you mean? Told her dad about you... I thought she didn't know?" I ask, looking at Sam confused and concerned.

"About our wolves. She said and I'm quoting Harry. "They are not bears, they are wolves like really big wolves." Sam says, running his hands over his face as Emily walks over to him and hugs him.

"Well shit! Could this chick cause any more problems?" I ask as Sam gives me a small smile. "I mean I'm a half and half but I still haven't caused this many problems... Or have I. And you all haven't told me?" I ask with my eyebrow raised and pointing my finger at them.

"No! You haven't caused any problems." Emily says with a sly smile. And give a smug smirk.

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