Chapter 19

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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It is our last day of our honeymoon. As I hold my sleeping wife as I rub her stomach and smile as I think about the baby that is growing inside of her. I move down to her belly and kiss it. "I love you my little one!" I say kissing her belly. "and soon we will be home and will tell your aunties Rosalie and Alice and your uncles Emmett, Jasper, Paul and Jared. And of course your Grandpa Carlisle and Grandma Esme." I say kiss Katerina's belly one more time. I hear Katerina moan as she starts to steer.

"Morning my beautiful pregnant wife." I say moving back up the bed.

"Morning my handsome husband" She says, giving me a kiss. "Do we have to go back tomorrow?" She asks with a sigh. I groan as I think about what we will be going back to.

"I know what you mean, my love!" I sigh, running my hands down my face. "But Alice wants us back for their graduation. Why? I don't know." I say moving to hover over her. "But we still have 24 hours left of our honeymoon and I, for one plan on using the next 24 hours to hear my beautiful wife moan and scream my name." I say as I start to kiss her neck.

"Mmm! That sounds good... But food first!" She says as her stomach growls. I chuckle and I roll back onto the bed.

"Ok you go eat and I will go hunt... but when I get back you better still be naked!" I say in a stern voice. She salutes me.

"Ay! Ay, caption!" She says with a laugh. I shake my head at her before moving to put clothes on. Kissing her head and stomach before leaving.

Two weeks of Bella bitching about my brother and his wife

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Two weeks of Bella bitching about my brother and his wife. Edward tries to keep her away from us. But nothing seems to work. She is here everyday. Asking if we will call Alexander for her. Emmett who for some weird reason likes her is now getting annoyed with her.

"When will they be back?" I hear Bella ask Esme.

"I don't know for sure. All I know is they will be back before the graduation." Esme says with a sigh. I walk into the kitchen and glare at them both.

"When will you get over the fact that Alexander loves his mate? He married his mate. He does not want you! He doesn't love you! Hell he doesn't even like you!" I say getting louder as I go. Bella looks down at the counter top she is standing at. Esme sighs as she looks at me.

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