Chapter 46🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

"What are you hiding, Kitten?" Paul asks as he looks at my wife with a cocked eyebrow

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"What are you hiding, Kitten?" Paul asks as he looks at my wife with a cocked eyebrow. I look at her wanting to know the same thing. Katerina and Rachel look at each other and smile.

"Nothing!" Both Rachel and Katerina say all innocently, making me and Paul look at each other with a 'yeah right' look. As Jake and Embry laugh at us as they play with the twins.

"Hey, we are going to take them to the beach!" Embry says as he picks up Paul.

"Ok just be on the lookout... Please! Bring them back before it gets too dark!" Katerina says as Embry and Jake nod their heads. I know she means be on the lookout for Bella. I don't blame her one bit. Bella has had it out for our babies but I also know that Jake would give his life to protect them.

"We will, nothing will happen to them while they are with us." Jake says as he kisses Charlotte's cheek. Embry tickles Paul. "Come on Uncle Embry!" Jake says with a laugh. Embry growls as does my son.

"We are headed out too, we need to hunt!" Emmett says as Rachel looks at him confused.

"What's your favorite animal to feed off of?" Rachel asks as me and Katerina laugh.

"Bear?" Emmett says all confused. Rachel nods her head.

"To gamie for me! I like Elk!" Rachel says as Rosalie looks at her shocked but then smiles and giggles.

"I like you! Not afraid but not stupid either." Rosalie says as Katerina hugs her. I was shocked that my sister just said that and I was clear that Emmett was as well. Katerina claps her hands and smiles at both Rachel and Rosalie.

"Well we should head out as well." Paul says as he puts his arm around Rachel. After a few minutes everyone is out of our home. I smile as I know what I want to do. Katerina looks at me and smiles. I take a step closer to her as she looks at me confused.

"Time to make another baby!" I say throwing her over my shoulder and heading to the stairs.

"Alexander!" She yells as I slap her ass. She wiggles so we are face to face. I smile as I push her up against the wall by our bedroom.

"Katerina?" I say as I move my hands up from her ass to her breast. Her breathing increases as I start to kiss her neck. She pulls me closer so there is no room between us. I listen to her moan as she grinds her body against mine. Making my cock hard and in need. Yep time to make another baby!

I pick her up and walk us into our bedroom. Once I kick the door closed we start to remove our clothes. Once she only has her panties on I slap her hands away from removing them. "Nope I want to take those off." I say as I pick her up and place her on the bed.

"But you are all naked!" She says with a pout. I smile and nod my head. I kiss the tip of her nose.

"I know! And believe me I love it when you remove my boxers and suck my dick until I cum, but right now this is about you and what I want to do to you!" I say as she lets out a soft moan. Fuck I am so hard right now but I will make she is taking care of first. I kiss her hard as I grind against her, making her moan again but this time in my mouth. I smirk as I pull away from her. I slide my hands down her body as I kiss random spots on her. Once I reach my goal I lick my lips as I look up at her. I give her a smirk as she bites her lip.

"I'll give you a reason to bite that lip of yours." I say before I smile up at her and bury my face into her pussy. I hear her gasp and wiggle as I go at her like she was my last meal. I feel her hands in my hair. It doesn't take her long for her to be screaming my name as she comes undone around my tongue. I lick up all of her sweet releases. "I didn't even get to use my fingers!" I say with a pout and she giggles but pulls me to hover over her.

"Shut up and make love to your wife!" She says, making me groan as that is what I plan to do as well as cumming deep, deep inside of her and hoping that it knocks her up. I thrust into her hard and fast. Fuck I love how she feels around me.

"Fuck Katerina! You feel so good. I love feeling your skin on mine. Your lips on mine. The warmth of your body against my cold body." I say as I bury my head into her neck as I thrust in and out of her. I hear her moan as she tries to pull me closer.

"Alex... OH god right there!" She moans out. I angle my hips to keep hitting that spot deep inside of her. After a few hard thrust she cums undone around me. Feeling her pulas around my cock was my undoing. With a groan and a hard deep thrust I came inside of her. I rock my hips back and forth riding out our orgasms.

 I rock my hips back and forth riding out our orgasms

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I lay with my head on Alexander's chest. I sigh as I know we have to get up and get ready for when our children get back. I move to get up but he pulls me back to him. "Not yet! Just a few more minutes!" He says rubbing my stomach.

"You know for someone wanting another baby, you sure aren't acting like it." I say as he pouts at me.

"Is it so bad that I want to have a few more minutes in bed with my wife before our children come home?" He asks as I shake my head no.

"NO! It's not." I say kissing his cheek. "I love you Alexander!" I say as he smiles and looks down at me.

"I love you Katerina! More than you'll ever know!" He says kissing my head as we cuddle.

"We should hop in the shower before they get here." I say as he gives me a wicked smile. I shake my head and giggle as I run to the shower. I smile as I turn on the water. Alexander walks in and picks me up before he steps into the shower with me in his arms.

"My beautiful wife!" He says as he places me down under the water.

"My handsome husband!" I say as I stroke his face with my hand. We share a passionate kiss before we hear Jake and Embry. We quickly shower and get dressed. I smile as I walk into the kitchen just as they walk into the house. Alexander comes down and smiles at our little monsters.

"How was my prince and princess's day?" Alexander asks as He takes them into his arms. I smile as I get their food ready. "Did you have fun with Jake and Uncle Embry?" He asks as they both giggle.

"We have to head back for patrol. I'll see you all tomorrow." Jake says with a wave of his hand. Embry wave as I wave back. Charlotte pouts as she sees Jake leaving. Lucky Alexander didn't see it.

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