Chapter 37

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

After a day at the lake I finally felt at peace

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After a day at the lake I finally felt at peace. That was until Bella showed up at our house. What does she not get, we don't want her in our lives. Alexander was pissed that she was here, but she wasn't alone. Jake was with her. Jake looked uncomfortable as Bella just looked smug that she was at our home. "Leave now before I call the police on you and have you arrested again." Alexander seeth.

"I wanted to say I am sorry I shouldn't have been trying to break into your house." Bella says with little to no emotion in her voice. Jake looks at her shocked.

"Bella? What is he talking about?" Jake asks, looking from me and Alexander to Bella. I hear Bella sigh as she glares at Jake. Annoyed that he opened his mouth.

"Bella has been trying to break into our home to harm our babies. More than once might I add." I say making Jake growl at Bella.

"You told me that that was a lie and that Katerina caught you and Alexander together." Jake says, making me laugh and Alexander growls at what he said. Bella gave him a sheepish smile.

"You wouldn't have come with me if I told you the truth." Bella says, making Jake shake with anger.

"I would never touch the likes of her. You make my skin crawl." Alexander says with a snarl. Bella is glaring at all of us.

"Please you both know that I am better than her! I mean look at me and then look at her." Bella says pointing at me and they both laugh at her.

"No! you are not!" Jake says shocking not only Bella but me and Alexander as well. Is he really standing up for me, to her not less? "Katerina is kind and loving, sweet and caring. I mean when she lived on the reservation, she was worried that her being there would make more of us phase and she didn't want to be the reason one of us did." Jake says, making Bella scoff at him.

"What do you all see in her?" Bella seeth. "I mean she is just a whore that takes things that don't belong to her. You, Alexander and Edward were mine before she came here and now all of you have turned your backs on me because of her." Bella yells out at us.

"Unlike your mother who thinks everything belongs to her. I see where you get it from. Thinking and acting like you are better than what you really are. I have personally done nothing to you. It's not my fault that they care for me more than you. Maybe if you didn't make everything about you and put someone else first things would have been different but you didn't or you can't." I say, making Bella look at me shocked. "We all know what you are up to now. We all know what you are after. And you and your mom won't get it." I say making Bella back away from me. "Your mother is still pissed that Davis loved me and my mother more than he did his own flesh and blood. But that was his choice to make and he did what he thought was best." I say making Bella glare at me.

"That money wasn't yours, it belonged to me and my mother! Just like Alexander belongs with me." Bella screams out at me.

"Really cause it was in his will that all his money, the house, and the company go to me and my mother. It even states why you and your family were cut out of the will. Maybe you should ask your mother what she did to mine, to make Davis hate her so much that he would cut off his own son and granddaughter. As for Alexander... I am his mate. I am his wife. I am the mother to his children and there is nothing you can do to change that." I say looking at Bella as she looks at me confused.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Bella asks as Jake looks at me with sad eyes. "Jake we are leaving!" She says moving over to her truck. Jake doesn't move from his spot. "I said, now Jake!" She yells at him, he shakes his head no.

"I don't think so Bella. I know what your mom did to Katerina's mom and I won't be a part of what you and your mother have planned. I will protect Katerina and the twins." Jake says, making Bella scream.

"You stupid mutt!" She yells as the pack and the Cullen's come out of the woods. Rosalie is holding Charlotte and Sam is holding Paul. Bella looks shocked that they are all there. "Edward, we need to talk." She says, making him shake his head at her.

"Bella we have nothing to talk about." He says not even looking at her. Jake is looking at Charlotte like she is the only thing in this world. I giggle as I know that he just imprinted on our daughter. Jake drops to his knees as he stares at my daughter. Alexander growls as he just figured it out. Paul and Jared are growling at him. Bella looks at Jake confused until she sees where he is looking.

"Jake, we need to leave now!" Bella says, trying to move closer to Jake. Jake looked at her in disgust.

"I'm not leaving... You can go if you want but my place is here. With my pack and with my imprint." Jake said, making Bella gasp and glare at my daughter. Jake growled at her, making her back up from him before she ran to her truck.

 Jake growled at her, making her back up from him before she ran to her truck

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I imprinted on Katerina and Alexander's daughter. I was still in shock but happy that I found my imprint. Now I need to talk with Alexander and let him know that I will wait for Charlotte and when she is ready she will choose what we will be. Whether it be as a brother, a friend or a lover. I will always protect her.

"You're lucky I know what imprinting is and if you hurt my daughter I will hunt you down and kill you." Alexander says, making me nod my head at him.

"It won't just be you hunting him down!" Paul says pointing to the pack.

"I agree with Big Paul! You will have your pack and us after you." Emmett says, making me smile at all of them

"I know and I will do my best not to hurt her." I say making Katerina giggle. "She is my world now and I will do everything in my power to make sure that she is happy, safe and loved." I say walking up to Charlotte. "Can I hold her?" I ask as Katerina nods her head at me. Alexander growls at me.

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