Chapter 60

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

If what Jake heard was true then werewolves are in Italy and they are after Katerina and the twins

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If what Jake heard was true then werewolves are in Italy and they are after Katerina and the twins. I called Carlisle as I didn't know what else to do. Carlisle said he would call Aro and for us to wait there for them. Emmett paced as Jake looked like he was going to cry or just break all together. The pack showed up at the same time as our family.

"Carlisle, did you talk to Aro? What did he say? Are they ok? What is going on?" I asked as they all walked into the house.

"Rosalie... Please hold on... Let us fill in the pack first. They need to know what is going on as well" Carlisle says not even looking my way.

"What is going on? Are Katerina, Alexander and the twins ok?" Sam asks as I am freaking out for my family.

"As you all know Alexander and Katerina took the kids to the Volturi coven. Now everything was going fine until someone let it leak that Katerina and the twins were wolves. The last pack of werewolves came looking for them. To take them." Carlisle says as everyone growls. "Now they made it back to the coven house. Thanks to Demitir and Jane. Now from what I was told, somehow Katerina and Alexander talked to the Alpha of that pack and well he pissed off Katerina and she took off." Carlisle says as everyone looks shocked.

"There is currently a battle going on in Volturia." Carlisle says as he looks at the pack. "Aro wants us to stay here and protect the pack. At Katerina's request. Now the twin should be here any minute." He says as there is a knock on the door. I run to open the door to see Charlotte and Paul in the arms of the Volturi guard. I quickly grab them from the guard and hold them close.

Charlotte breaks free from my hold and runs to Jake and cries into his arms. "We have been told to protect them with our lives." One of the guards says, looking down at Paul and smiling.

"This is Davis!" Paul says, pointing to the blonde male Voltuir guard. "Lily!" He says pointing to the redheaded female "And then there is Jessie!" Paul says, pointing at the brunette female.

"We know that you all are not too fond of our coven. But Caius wants to make sure that the twins are kept safe." Jessie says as she pats Paul on the back.

"Caius sent you?" Edward asks, all surprised.

"Yes... He got to see that Katerina and the twins are not like what they are fighting right now. He could see that she was different." Davis says as He looks out the window.

"Thank you for getting them back here. I am Carlisle." Carlisle says, holding out his hand to all of them. I watch as he introduces the rest of our family and the pack. I was worried about my brother and my sister in-law.

After we were told that werewolves were after Katerina and the twin Embry took off to cool down

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After we were told that werewolves were after Katerina and the twin Embry took off to cool down. Quil followed him to make sure he was ok. Once Charlotte was back everyone knew that I wasn't going to let her go any time soon. I smiled at my little imprint and her brother. I was worried about Katerina. Not many people knew that she was pregnant. I only knew because Charlotte said something.

"Ok we need two of us here with the twin 24/7. I know Jake will be one of them. Who else?" Sam asks as Embry and Quil walk back in.

"Me!" Embry says, looking only at Sam. Sam nods his head. It didn't surprise me that Embry stepped up seeing as Charlotte and Paul are his niece and nephew.

"I am going to stay for a little bit and talk with the twins." Paul says as Sam and the rest of the pack take their leave. I look at Paul and he nods his head taking a seat on the couch. "All right little man. What happened over there?" I ask as Charlotte comes and sits down next to her brother.

"Where do you want us to start?" Charlotte asks as Emmett comes and sits down next to me.

"Start from when you landed in Italy!" Emmett says as Charlotte and Paul look at each other and nod their heads.

"Nothing really big happened until we were at the castle." Charlotte says as Paul nods his head.

"Yeah the girl that was helping them looked at us a lot but mom and dad were too focused on the vampires. Nothing really happened until we got back to the hotel. That's when I smelt them." Paul says as we all look at him shocked.

"What do they smell like compared to us?" I ask as Charlotte giggles.

"For me this is how it is. Vampires have a sugary sweet smell. Shifters like you guys have a more earthy smell. Like fresh rain and the woods. They however smell like dead animals." He says as we all nod our heads.

"The Alpha took a liking to mom. He wanted mom to leave dad and be with him." Charlotte says as Rosalie growls.

"Yeah dad wasn't too happy about that. Neither was mom. She got so mad that she shifted in front of everyone." Paul says as we all nod our heads.

"That was before she took off ready to burn the city down and we were sent home." Charlotte says with a shrug of her shoulders.

"All right let's get you two something to eat. Then showers and bed." Rosalie says as she tries to focus on the twin and not her brother and sister in-law.

"Call and let us know if you hear anything about Katerina and Alexander." Paul says as he pats my back. I nod my head agreeing with him.

"We will!" Embry says while keeping his eyes on Paul and Charlotte. Paul heads out and I know he will have to tell my sister. But she won't be able to come here since there are new vampires. Hunam eating vampires here.

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