Chapter 2

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It's been four days since the new wolf phased, four days I haven't been allowed to leave the house

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It's been four days since the new wolf phased, four days I haven't been allowed to leave the house. Paul and Jared are overprotective to say the least of me and they don't want this new wolf to hurt me. Because we don't know all I can and can't do yet.

"Paul!! I'm bored and I miss Emily! Please can I go see her?" I whine out at him as he sighs.

"I know Kitten and I am sorry! But we are telling him about you today and you should be able to meet him tomorrow and see Emily! I know you don't like it being locked inside. But I don't want him attacking you. You are too important to me and Jared and we want to keep you safe." Paul says with sad eyes. And with that I know I won't be seeing Emily today.

"Fine! But I want cookies!" I say with a pout as he chuckles. "What's his name?" I asked, looking at Jared.

"Embry." Jared says looking out the window. "Sam's here. Stay inside." He says with authority.

"You ain't my alpha!" I say all sassy, as Paul laughs, Jared rolls his eyes at me. "I will stay inside! Just for you Jar! If it makes you happy!" I say all sweet batting my eyelashes at him. He rolls his eyes at me, Paul just smirks at me. I sit on the couch for what feels like forever. But in reality it was only two hours when Jared came home. "Hey Jar! What are you doing, home?" I say/ask putting down my book I decided to read.

"Hey Kat! Get ready to go!" Jared says with a small smile. I look at him confused. "Embry wants to meet you." He says uneasy. I look at him again before getting up and going to grab my jacket. Walking the five minutes to Sam and Emily's place was quiet. "Kat... Please stay behind me and Paul." He says with pleading eyes.

"I will! Jar!" I say pulling him into a side hug. Walking inside the house to see Paul standing in between the kitchen and the living room. As there is a new member sitting at the table.

"Ok Embry... This is how it is going to work. Paul and Jared will stand in front of Katerina and I will be in front of you. You will smell her and she will smell you. And if you don't attack each other then we go from there." Sam says as Embry nods his head. Standing up and walking over to me. I put my arm out so he can smell me. This feels so weird.

"She smells like flowers and mint?" Embry says confused. "Do all vampires smell this good?" he says as we all laugh.

"No! And she is only half vampire." Paul says looking back at me and giving me a wink. "Ok Kitten it's your turn." Paul says and Embry sticks out his hand so I can smell him.

"I feel like a dog doing this!" I say as everyone laughs. I take a whiff of Embry. "I smell the fresh cut grass and peppermint." I say not the worst smell but not my favorite. Right now that is Paul... Pine and cinnamon. Reminds me of Christmas.

"So you're half vampire and half human?" Embry asks me looking me up and down, Jared smacks the back of his head and growls at him.

"Yeah! Well we think so!?! We haven't fully tested what I can and can't do yet." I say walking over to Emily and giving her a hug.

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