Chapter 9🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

Waiting for the pack and Katerina at the treaty line

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Waiting for the pack and Katerina at the treaty line. I'm still mad at Edward for being mean to Katerina and acting like it is her fault that Bella is in danger. Yet again! When It is all Bella's and Edward's fault. I glare at Edward as he is glaring at me.

"Hello Katerina!" Carlisle says with a smile. I turn to my mate and smile at her.

"Hello Carlisle!" Katerina says with a small smile. The alpha of the pack stands next to Katerina. I let out a small growl. Emmett puts his hand on my shoulder and shakes his head. Katerina walks over and stands in-between the silver wolf and a chocolate brown wolf. I'm guessing that it is Paul and Jared.

"We need your help. Victoria will come back this weekend. We need your help getting rid of her. Once and for all." Carlisle says looking only at the alpha. The alpha nods his head "We will contact Katerina if we get any more information. Thank you for your help!" Carlisle says before he starts to walk away. I stand there for a moment to see what Katerina will do. She smiles at me and winks, as my phone buzzes in my pocket. It's a text from her.

My love❤-Want to play hide and seek?😘

Alexander- You want to play a game?😉

My love❤-Always my love🥰

I look up at her and she has a wicked smile on her face. There are no wolves around. "If you want to play my love you have to come over on this side. Since I am not allowed over there." I say with a smug smirk. She hops over the treaty line and walks over to me with her hands behide her back. Acting all innocent. "I'll give you a minute head start.... Ready... Set..." I say, giving her a kiss. "GO!" I say as she runs off up into the mountains. I stood there for a minute before chasing after her. It doesn't take me long to catch her scent and start to follow it.

I stood waiting for Alexander by the waterfall I found the first time I left La Push by myself

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I stood waiting for Alexander by the waterfall I found the first time I left La Push by myself. He arrives in the clearing with a smile. "You didn't hide very well!" He says with a cocky smile. As he walks over to me pulling me into his arms and kissing me. I moan into the kiss. It was getting harder to resist the mating pull.

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