Chapter 14

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I have had enough of this shit with Bella and Edward

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I have had enough of this shit with Bella and Edward. After I slammed the door in their faces I turned to look at my mate and pulled her into my arms. I turn and look at my sister who looks pissed and ready to kick Bella's ass. Emmett looks shocked at what just happened and then starts to laugh. "Ok! I know it's not funny but come on! I mean really?" Emmett says, trying not to laugh again.

"Why would she say those things? I mean what the fuck is wrong with her?" Rosalie asks with a snarl. I shake my head at her.

"I wish I knew. But whatever game she is playing at it won't work. I know Edward only wants our help because of our gifts." I say as everyone nods their heads. "Look, let's head over to the house and see what they want! Because I am going to make it clear that neither one of them means anything to me or my mate." I say as Katerina sighs and heads upstairs to change.

"She shouldn't have to go! Bella has caused her nothing but problems for her." Rosalie says and I sigh.

"I know... But she needs to be there. She is my mate and part of our family. And I don't want to be there without her." I say looking up at the stairs. A few minutes later Katerina comes back downstairs ready to go. I pick her up and take off running to my family's house with her giggling at me. Once we arrive I place Katerina down on her feet. Taking hold of her hand as we walk inside my family's home.

"Ok, so who wants to explain why Bella lied to my mate about me?" I say walking into the living room looking at Edward and Bella. Who both look down at the ground in shame.

"I am sorry... Edward said we need both of your help and that we need to do whatever we need to, to get you both to help protect me." Bella says not even looking at us. I growl and look at Edward letting go of Katerina's hand and stepping closer to Edward. Emmett and Carlisle step in front of me stopping me from ripping him apart.

"Katerina is my mate!" I yell at them, I watch them flinch back from me. Good they should be scared of me. "What you did went too far. I know you only want mine and Katerina's help because of our gifts. And because you are not man enough to fight a battle that you started by being with her." I say as Katerina rubs my back trying to calm me down.

"I am sorry Alexander. I never meant for this to get this far... But please help me. I need to keep her safe... You can understand that can't you?" Edward says only now being able to look at me. "I mean I feel the same way about Bella's safety as you do about Katerina's safety." He says as I cock my head at him.

"Do not put me and you in the same category. If Katerina was in danger I would be the first one to be hunting down the person or persons that wanted to harm her. I would not run and hide like you have. As it is I have been hunting for Victoria with the help of some of the pack members." I say with a little bit of pride in my voice. Both Edward and Bella look at me shocked.

"What?" Bella says looking from me to Katerina with disgust on her face. I growl at her, making her look back down at the ground.

"Don't ever look at Katerina that way again." I say with a snarl as Bella moves closer to Edward. "It's not her fault that Edward isn't man enough to step up and play with the big boys." I say with a smug smirk as Edward scoffs at me. I hear Emmett and Jasper chuckle in the background.

"The pack has agreed to take shifts watching Bella's house, so we can hunt. But I need both of your help in keeping her safe." Edward says with a small sigh.

"I will help keep her father safe and that is all I will do. No need in getting, innocent man killed because of his daughter. And her pathetic boyfriend." Katerina says before walking away with Rosalie.

"Alexander... We need your help as a family." Esme says with a small smile. If I didn't love this woman as a mother I would have walked out of this house and never looked back.

"Fine I will help. But if Bella or you pull what you did today I will kill you both." I say with a snarl and a glare. I turn to leave the living room to go find my mate and my sister.

Rosalie and I are walking in the woods just talking about random things

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Rosalie and I are walking in the woods just talking about random things. When Rosalie brings up that party that Alice is throwing. I look at Rosalie shocked. "Is that a good idea?" I ask still in shock. Why would she put all those innocent teenagers in danger?

"Alice seems to think so... But I don't know me and Emmett might just come and hang out at your place for the night. I think Jasper might come as well." She says with a small chuckle. I sigh and nod my head. That wasn't what I was worried about. But that would be better.

"There you two are!" Emmett says from behind us, scaring us both. Both him and Alexander start to laugh.

"Yeah! Not funny. My heart still beats you know!" I say throwing a stick at them.

"Sorry love but you both know that you are like a hundred miles from the house right?" Alexander asked, looking from me to his sister. Me and Rosalie start to laugh as Alexander and Emmett look at us confused.

"I want to hunt so we ran for a while and then just kind of started to walk." Rosalie says with a shrug of her shoulder.

"Well come on, let's get back. Me and Alexander can hunt on the way back." Emmett says walking over to Rosalie and putting a arm around her. I walk over to Alexander and kiss his check. Alexander looks me over and sighs.

"Babe? When was the last time you had blood?" He asks, looking at me concerned. That gets Rosalie and Emmett's attention. I start to think. When was the last time I had blood?

"Umm! That's a good question!" I say looking a little ashamed. I hear Alexander sigh as he looks at me.

"Come on, let's get going." Alexander says to Rosalie and Emmett, he pulls me into his arms and kisses my head. "I love you Katerina but you need to remember to drink your blood. We don't know what could happen if you don't and I don't want to find out." Alexander whispers in my ear. I nod my head at him and sigh.

"I love you too baby!" I say kissing his check again. I watch Alexander hunt, taking down three deer and a bear. Before we head back to our house so I can get some blood. Once we get home I grab a bottle of blood and drink it as fast as I can. I sit on the counter and start to think about what is to come with the trouble that Bella and Edward have brought to not only the Cullens family but to the pack as well.

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