Chapter 50

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I sat in my truck for a few minutes before I left the Cullen's house

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I sat in my truck for a few minutes before I left the Cullen's house. After what Embry said I needed a minute to get myself together before I went and talked with my mom and Cassie. We really have no one here anymore. All I had was my college fund. Hell I never even applied to any colleges because I thought that Edward would have taken me back and changed me by now.

I went to meet up with my mother and Cassie. I knew that they were not going to be happy with any of this. When I arrived at the motel we were currently staying at. I watch as my mom and Cassie walk out. I gave them both a sad smile and shook my head. Letting them know that it isn't good news.

"What happened? What did they say?" My mom asks as I sigh and shake my head trying to hold back my tears.

"Alexander made it very clear that if I were to die today it would have no impact on him whatsoever." I say, trying to hold back my tears. My mom looks shocked. "And Edward flat out said that he doesn't want to be with me anymore. He is tired of me using him. I tried to talk with Jake and he won't even look at me." I say as I start to cry. I am truly alone. "Katerina said that we got what we deserve and that is nothing. Embry says that with all the pain and problems we have all caused no one wants us here anymore and no one will help us." I say as they both sigh.

"Yeah he told me earlier that he no longer sees me as his mother. That he wants nothing to do with me anymore. Chris took him and he now has full custody of him." Cassie says as I shake my head. My mom is silent. I look over at her and she is glaring and the ground.

"We need to think of a way to fix this. We need to figure out where we went wrong." Mom says as she messes with her hair.

"Mom, the only way we fix this is by leaving. No one is going to help us. We have no one here." I say waving my hands around. "They have made it clear that they will not be giving us what we want." I say as my mom sighs. Cassie nods her head.

"She is right Renee!" Cassie says as she rubs her hands together. "We need to really think about what we do next." She says as I nod my head this time.

"I know! But we have put so much work into this and to not get anything out of it... Just sucks." Mom says as I shake my head.

"With everything they have on us... We should be glad that we aren't going to jail. Mom, they are not going to budge on this." I say as they both nod their heads at me.

"Then maybe you should call that Jackson boy!" Mom said and I shook my head. He scared me and I didn't want to be near him. It made me feel funny.

In about two weeks Alexander, the twins and I have to be in Italy

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In about two weeks Alexander, the twins and I have to be in Italy. I was a little scared to go. But Aro said that he needs to see me and the twin. Jake is freaking out about us going and him having to stay behind. But I thought it was best so they didn't meet him just yet as they would think he was a werewolf and not a shapeshifter. I mean he will see that I am part wolf and so are the twins.

"Baby you have to stop thinking about Italy and the Volturi. I won't let them hurt you or our children." Alexander says breaking me from my thoughts.

"I know it's just hard... I mean after everything that you and the family have told me about them... I'm part wolf, our babies are part wolf." I say with a whine. Alexander stands in front of me and pulls me to his arms.

"And I will kill anyone who tries to lay a hand on you and our little ones. I will do what I have to, to protect my family." He says as I nod my head. "Rose and Emmett said they would stay here to make sure nothing happens or gets in." He says as I nod my head again. I still can't stop thinking about our trip to Italy.

"Do you think we should bring up Bella? While we are there?" I ask as Alexander looks at me and sighs.

"We should, we don't know what she has told her mother or Embry's mother. For all we know they could be working on a way to expose us all." He says as I growl. My wolf wants out at the thought of them being able to expose us. "They may be able to help us finally get rid of them." He says as I smile up at him. "Come let's get the kids ready for bed." He says as he kisses my head.

That night I tossed and turned. The fear of our children being exposed and taken from us plagued my dreams. I could feel Alexander holding me and whispering that he will always keep us safe. I woke up with a gasp holding tight to Alexander. He must have seen the worry in my eyes.

"I swear on everything in me they will not hurt you or our babies." He says as he holds me close.

"It's not just me and the twins anymore!" I say as Alexander looks down at me and smiles as he hears another heartbeat.

"You're pregnant?" He asks, he brings his hand up to my stomach and rubs it lightly.

"Yes! I am!" I say with a smile as Alexander looks up from my stomach and then smashes his lips into mine. "Are you happy?" I ask once we break our kiss.

"Beyond happy!" He says with the biggest smile. He moves so his face is right next to my stomach. "I love you, your mommy and your brother and sister so much. I will never let anyone harm any of you!" He says, kissing my stomach. I giggle as he lays his head on my stomach and continues to talk to our baby. I slowly start to fall asleep as he talks to our youngest. I was sure he was going to talk the rest of the night. 

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