Chapter 51

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I watched as Katerina slept this time more peacefully the rest of the night

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I watched as Katerina slept this time more peacefully the rest of the night. I couldn't believe she was pregnant again. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. She truly is my everything. I kept kissing her stomach and talking to the baby. I don't care what we have as long as he or she are healthy, happy and safe.

"I love you so much my little one and I know your brother and sister will be happy that you are coming in a few months." I say as I rub her stomach. "I will never let anyone or anything ever hurt you!" I say kissing her stomach. I hear the twins get up and start to fight. I get up and move to find them. I reach the kitchen and see them fighting over what to make their mother. "What are you two up to?" I ask as they both stop and look at me. They both smile at me before answering me.

"We heard mom tell you that she is pregnant again and wanted to make her breakfast." Charlotte says, giving me a sweet smile that is just like her mothers. Jake and I are going to be in trouble here soon. She may have my hair color but she is all her mother. She will be one beautiful young lady.

"Since she does so much for us we wanted to show her that we will be here for her while she carries our little brother or sister." Paul says with a smirk. I smile at them as they argue over pancakes or french toast. Paul is all me minus his hair color. That is all his mother's. The lady will fall for him just like they did me. That is until I met my beautiful mate. Now I could care less about all those girls.

"That is very nice of you. But how about I help you cook. Since neither one of you knows how to cook!" I say as they both smile and nod their heads at me.

"Dad?" Paul says, making me look at him as I get things out of the fridge. "The Volturi..." He starts but I put my hand over his mouth. Charlotte looks scared.

"They will never touch the two of you or your mother and the baby. I will kill all of them before they put a finger on any of you." I say placing a kiss on their heads. "I love you both so much!" I say pulling them into my arms. They both hug me before we go back to making my beautiful pregnant mate food.

"Dad, how did you learn to cook? You don't eat!" Charlotte asks, looking at me confused. I smile down at her.

"When your aunt Alice told me about your mother and the possibility that she was human. I asked your grandma to teach me. So I would be able to cook for her as a way of showing her that I loved her." I tell them as they both smile up at me.

"Dad, will I ever have a mate or an imprint?" He asks, looking a little sad. Charlotte gives him a hug.

"You will, little man. Some... like your sister, find them faster than others. I waited over 80 years before I met your mother." I say as he slowly nods his head at me. "You will find her one day! Just don't give up hope on finding her." I say, messing with his hair.

"Thanks, dad!" He says as we get back to cooking. I nod my head at him. I knew if Katerina heard that her son was scared that he would never have someone to love him like his mother loves me, it would break her heart. We finished making breakfast for her. We went simple for their first time cooking. Ham and cheese omelets with fresh fruit and orange juice. We were just about to bring it up to her when I saw her standing in the doorway.

"What are you all doing?" She asks as the twins run up to her and hug her.

"We heard you telling daddy that you were going to have another baby. So we wanted to make breakfast for you." Charlotte says with the biggest smile.

"And show you how much we love you and our little brother or sister." Paul says, as Katerina and I just smile at them. "And dad too!" He says, giving me a smirk. I shake my head and smile at them.

"And I made sure they didn't burn down the house!" I say, getting a small laugh from Katerina.

"Did you make enough for all of us?" She asks as Paul and Charlotte nod their heads.

"We want to have breakfast in bed with you." Paul says, earning a kiss from his mother.

"That is so sweet!" She says giving Charlotte and me a kiss next. "How about we eat in the living room and watch a movie?" She says as both Paul and Charlotte run into the living room to set it all up. I move over to Katerina and pull her into my arms.

"They are excited about the baby." I say as I kiss her. "We all are!" I say as the twins come back into the kitchen and start to grab the food. We both smile at them and help bring everything into the living room. "What do you all want to watch?" I ask as Katerina looks over at the kids.

"We picked out one of mom's favorites!" Paul says with a smug smile, Charlotte nods her head and hits play. I smile as it's the Goonies! Katerina loves this movie. Katerina cuddles up next to me. Paul next to her and Charlotte next to me.

After the Goonies was over me and the twins cleaned up all the food so Katerina could relax. After all the dishes were done we went back into the living room to watch a few more movies. Jake and Embry came over around lunch time, with Paul and Rachel. Where the twin let it slip that Katerina was having another baby.

"No! Way!" Rachel screams as she hugs Katerina. Big Paul slaps me on my back.

"That didn't take long!" Jake says with a laugh. I shake my head at him. Longer than you would think. I think to myself.

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