Chapter 1

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Katerina was a normal 18 year old girl with dreams of love and one day having a family of her own one day

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Katerina was a normal 18 year old girl with dreams of love and one day having a family of her own one day. Starting college in the fall, so her Mom thought it would be fun to take a trip around Washington, Go to places they have never been to in their home state. Everything changed when she and her mom decided to take a hike just outside of Forks, Washington.

Walking through the woods, Katerina and her mom didn't have a care in the world taking in all the sight that the woods had to offer. It wasn't until a woman was standing in front of her did Katerina realize that they had made a mistake in coming to Forks. The red haired woman grabbed Katerina by the throat and bit into her shoulder. Her mom ran to her, hitting the woman in the head with a branch that had fallen down.

"Run Kat! GO!" Her mom yelled and the red haired woman turned to her. Katerina ran as fast as she could, falling into a creek where she screamed in pain. Until two wolves found her in the woods the next morning.

"What should we do with her?" One asked, looking at Katerina. He has tan skin and short dark brown hair. The one had jumped into the creek to look at her wound.

"She's being bitten! By a leech!" The other one said with anger in his voice.. He was taller with the same skin tone but had black hair.

"Shit!" The first one said!

"Please kill me! I don't want to be like her." Katerina said, looking at the one in the creek with her as tears ran down her face.

"Her? who?" They both asked, looking confused.

"The red head! She's the one that bit me!" Katerina said through clenched teeth. As another man walked up. "I don't want to be like her!" Katerina says before passing out.

 "I don't want to be like her!" Katerina says before passing out

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The week that I was halfway turned plagued her dreams. I never wanted to become a monster like that red head. But here I am still breathing. That was 5 and a half months ago. I don't know what I would have done without Paul, Jared and Sam. They took me in when my heart didn't stop beating. Helped me figure out what I am or have tried to. Getting out of bed and walking out of her room to get a drink of water or something.

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