Chapter 39

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It's been three days since Bella came to our house

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It's been three days since Bella came to our house. The pack and my family have cut her completely shut her out. I was out grocery shopping with Katerina since Jake took the twins to the beach with the pack. I was of little help in the store since I don't eat but I like to pick out food for the twins. Once we had everything we needed we loaded the car and headed home. To our surprise there was a car in our driveway. I help Katerina bring the groceries into the house before I move to the front door to see who is sitting in our driveway. A woman gets out and looks to be in her mid 40's, but I have no clue who she is and why she is here.

"Can I help you?" I ask, a little confused as to why she is here.

"Yes... You can tell me why you broke my daughter's heart." She says, making me even more confused.

"Look lady, I don't know who you are or who your daughter is. But I am a happily married man with children." I say with anger in my voice.

"My daughter is Bella Swan! And she is in love with you, your brother Edward and Jacob Black!" She says with a smug smile.

"OH! You're that bitches mom!" I say, making her frown at me. "Look lady... I have and never will be with your daughter. The same can be said about Jake as for my brother he decided to call off their engagement and break up with her after she tried to break into my home and try to hurt my children. Like I said before I am a happily married man and nothing you and your whore of a daughter do will ever change that." I say as she looks at me shocked.

"Then I want what is rightfully mine and we will go away for good!" She says recovering from her shock.

"No! Now get off my land or I will have you thrown in jail, just like I did your daughter." I yell as two police cars show up. She looks at them and then at me even more shocked. I turn to see Katerina standing in the doorway. Bella's mom glares at her.

"Is there a problem here ma'am." The police officer asks, walking up.

"No officers." She says with a little fear in her voice. "I was just leaving." She says, glaring at me and Katerina.

"I suggest you don't come back to this house again ma'am. We will be letting your Chief Swan know that you as well as your daughter are harassing the Cullen's family." The other officer says making Bella's mom gasp out at him.

"You don't need to do that! I was just here to ask if we could all talk and come to a reasonable solution that would make everyone happy!" She says making Katerina growl at her. We watch as she gets into her car and drives away.

"Great, now we have to deal with mama psycho!" Katerina says, making me laugh before I take out my phone to call my family and the pack. After calling both the pack and my family letting them know we have a new problem and we need to meet up. We waited in the back yard for everyone to show up. As soon as everyone shows up Katerina takes the twins into her arms.

"Bella's mom is in town!" Katerina says making the pack growl and my family look confused.

"She came here today. I am not surprised that she started here first. Since she knows that I am married to Katerina." I say as Jake starts to pace the backyard.

"What does she want?" Rosalie asks, still looking at me confused.

"Money! For sure, but I think there is more that she or Bella will demand from all of us.

We have been talking for about twenty minutes when Bella and her mother show back up at the house

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We have been talking for about twenty minutes when Bella and her mother show back up at the house. "I told you they would call them." Bella says, making the Cullen's and the pack glare at them.

"Get off my land!" Alexander says, stepping in front of me. Jake and Rosalie move next to me.

"I think we need to talk!" Bella's mom says with a smug smile.

"What could we have to talk about? How much of a whore your daughter is?" Alexander asks as he glares at them.

"Alexander, you know that my daughter would make for a better wife and mother than her. I mean look at her and then look at my daughter." She says, making me scoff at her. Bella glares at me.

"Please!" Jake says, making Bella look at him shocked. "Bella is nothing compared to Katerina." Jake says, making me smile at him as Bella and her mother look ready to kill.

"Bella is nothing more than a whore that thinks she is better than what she is!" Alexander says, making Bella's mom gasp at him as Bella starts to cry.

"I told you mom, they don't see me like you do! They all think I am selfish and only want their money! They don't see that I have everything that they could ever want or need." Bella says through sobs.

"Bella... You need to understand that Alexander doesn't want you. He has some that he loves!" Edward says, looking only at Bella. "Jake doesn't want you. He also has someone that he loves. I was the only one that looked past all the damage you did to the tribe and to my family, but the day you came here and tried to hurt my niece and nephew. I know that I needed to end it with you. For the safety of my family and our friends." Edward says, making Bella look down in shame. Bella's mom looks pissed.

"Edward, do you still love my daughter?" Bella's mom asks as Bella looks hopeful.

"I'm sorry I don't! After looking back on everything that has happened since she arrived. I'm not sure what I even saw in her in the first place." Edward says, making Bella cry even more than she was.

"And if you are here for money then you are out of luck. Because you will not be getting any from me, my family or my wife." Alexander says, stepping closer to Bella's mom, making her back up from him.

"That money was rightfully mine. I gave him his first grandchild." Bella's mom says with venom in her voice.

"Not according to Davis's will!" I say, making her look at me and glare. "You tried to kill me, my mother and Davis. So you could get his money but he saw right through you." I say, making Bella look at her mother in shock. "But so you know even if you had. Davis's money still wouldn't have gone to you!" I say handing a copy of Davis's will. Bella's mom glares at me.

"Bella, we are leaving and you are coming back with me." Bella's mom says with fear full in her voice.

"Mom?" Bella says, stomping her foot.

"I said now Bella!" She says now with anger as she grabs Bella by the hand and starts to pull her away from us.

"What is in his will that has you so afraid?" Bella asks, pulling away from her mother.

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