Chapter 15🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

It has been two weeks since we had to start babysitting Bella

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It has been two weeks since we had to start babysitting Bella. Two weeks since my mate and I have spent more than a few hours together at one time. I swear Edward and Bella are trying to keep us apart. I am sitting outside Bella's house waiting for the wolves to come take over so I can go hunt and see my mate before she has to watch over Bella's father in the morning.

"Alexander?" I hear Bella say from her window. I look up at her and sigh.

"What do you want Bella?" I ask looking back at the woods hoping that the wolves get here soon.

"Can you come up here? Please!" She asks, looking down at her hands. She has tried this every time I am sitting out here. I don't know what she is up to but it won't work.

"NO!" I say with anger in my voice as I stare into the woods. God please hurry up and get here wolves.

"Why not? I just want to talk to you! You know, maybe we can become friends!" She whines out at me. God she is acting like a big baby.

"Because I don't like you and don't want to be closer to you then I have to be. I don't know what you are playing at but it is getting old and you need to stop. We will never be friends Bella!" I state in a matter of fact tone I hear her sigh, as the wolves show up. I walk up to them. "Thank god you guys are here! Now I can leave this hell hole and go see my girl!" I say grabbing my bag and walking away from them and I could have sworn that they laughed at what I had said. I ran all the way to our house in hopes that Katerina would still be awake. I will hunt later after some time with her. I need to see my mate, to hold my mate in my arms. As soon as I walked in the house I was tackled by my lovely mate. Breathing in her scent, I feel at ease at home. I will never get enough of her. She is my everything.

"I have missed you! Alexander!" She says, wrapping her legs around my body and her arms around my neck holding on to me tight. Like she is afraid she will lose me.

"I missed you too baby! More than you know!" I say placing my hands on her ass as I stand up. "I am happy you are still awake." I say with a wink and kiss her on the lips.

"Are you now? Why is that?" she asks, looking at me with a sexy smirk.

"OH! Yes! You see, in the last two weeks I haven't seen you that much and I am in need of some attention from my beautiful mate." I say kissing her neck as I walk us upstairs. As soon as we are in our room I toss her on to the bed and jump on top of her. God I want to take my time with her and yet I don't know if that will happen.

I start to rip her clothes off of her as she ripped off mine. I stare down at her beautiful naked body. "You are such a beautiful woman! Every inch of you!" I say kissing all over her body. I hear her moan as I move closer to her sweet, hot, wet core. I spread her legs open and stared down at her beautiful pussy. Licking my lips before I start to eat her out. Slowly inserting two fingers into her and pumping them in and out of her at a really slow pace.

"Alexander... Please! Faster!" Katerina whines as she wiggles her body. I chuckle as I continue my slow pace.

"Calm yourself my love! I want to take my time with you." I say against her core. I hear her whimper in protest. I look up at her and smile as I have her all worked up and breathing hard. I get up on my knees and slowly stroke my already hard and needy cock. "You want this baby?" I ask, still stroking my cock as she nods her head at me. "Use your word my love!" I growl out at her.

"Yes I want your amazing and big cock!" She moans out and she sits up and moves over to me, kissing the tip of my cock before taking me in her mouth. She sets a slow pace as her head bobs up and down my cock.

"Baby... Faster... Please!" I moan out, pulling her hair out of her face and into a makeshift ponytail.

"Calm yourself my love. I want to take my time with you!" She says, mocking me. I growl and pull her up to face me.

"It's not nice to tease me, my love! I can only take so much when it comes to you!" I growl at her as I pick her up and place her on the bed. Thrusting into her, we both let out a moan in pleasure. Setting my pace as I thrust in and out of her simi fast.

"Alexander! Please!" Katerina moans out as she is close to her first orgasm. I plan on giving her many tonight.

"Let go, my love. I want to feel you cum for me!" I say thrusting a little faster and harder inside of her, making sure I hit the spot that will make her scream my name. As soon as she cums screaming my name, I flip us over so she is on top. I watch as she rides my cock and moans my name.

"Fuck baby! I planned on making you cum all night but... Shit I am close to cumming." I say as I slam into her, making her gasp. I feel her nails dig into my chest and her orgasm builds again. "Cum with me baby. God I love watching you cum for me!" I say rubbing her clit as I slam into her. I watch as her orgasm rips through her body as I cum inside of her calling out her name as I do. She continues to move, milking me of all my cum.

"Fuck baby! You are going to make her hard again if you keep doing that." I say pulling her to my chest and kissing her lips. I hear her giggle at my words. After we both calmed down she started to talk again.

"So Paul called me earlier... Charlie will be on the reservation tomorrow... So I don't need to look after him..." Katerina says with a smirk and lust in her eyes.

"Mmm... Good cause I am not done with you yet. Now that I know I have you all night and tomorrow. I hope you are not tired. Cause I plan on making love to you in every room in this house!" I say picking her up and heading into the bathroom for a round in the shower. Looks like I will have to go hunting after I fuck her unconscious. I hear her moan into my neck. I knew she would like the sound of that.

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