Chapter 24

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

After I watch Paul and Jared get into the car with Katerina and drive away, I run to meet up with my family

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After I watch Paul and Jared get into the car with Katerina and drive away, I run to meet up with my family. Once I arrive at the clearing I see my family talking, walking up to them. "So what is the plan for this battle?" I ask, looking at Jasper.

"Seth should be heading up to the campsite as we speak..." Jasper says as I look at him confused "To take over for Jake before the battle. The younger wolves will be staying with Katerina and the imprints. The rest of the pack will be here soon and we will go over everything else with them." Jasper says as I nod my head.

Once the pack arrives me and Jasper walk over to them. "With Edward not here we won't know what you are saying to us in your wolf form. If one of you can phase and talk with us." Jasper says with a sigh as he looks at the Alpha. We watch Sam go behind a tree and come back out as a human. He walks up to us giving me a nod.

"Thank you Sam." I say shaking his hand. He gave me a small smile.

"Yep... And thank you for allowing Paul to drive Katerina's car. I had to pull him out of it, to get here in time." He says with a laugh and a shake of his head.

"Yeah sorry about that! Just want Katerina and the babies to be safe." I say as Jasper laughs and shakes his head.

"It's all good. I don't think I have ever seen Emily laugh so hard. I think she might have peed her pants." Sam says as Paul whines and the rest of the pack give a barky laugh. "Ok what's the plan?" Sam asks looking from me to Jasper.

"We are going to have you wait behind this boulder here, and wait until all the newborns are in the clearing. Then jump over the boulder and attack. Work as a team, take them down together. If you get into trouble Alexander or myself will be there to help as much as we can. Once you have them ripped apart, throw their heads into the fire that Alice will start after we have some of them taken care of." Jasper says as Sam nods his head.

"Sounds good to me!" Sam says as he turns to the pack as they nod their heads. Alice walks up to us.

"It's almost time. We all need to get ready!" She says as the pack moves over to the boulder and Sam moves to phase back. We join our family in front of the boulder.

"Alexander... Don't use your powers right away. I don't want to risk them running into Forks or La Push." Carlisle says look at my hands that are a light shade of red. I nod my head and calm down. I am fighting for the people of Forks and La Push, but most importantly for my mate and children.

 I am fighting for the people of Forks and La Push, but most importantly for my mate and children

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It has been hours since the pack left. I play with Claire as she is upset that Quil is not here with her. I hear Collin and Brady start to whine. We watch as they run into the woods and phase. Running back in the house to tell us Jake got hurt and that we should head over to Billy's. Kim helps me up as Emily grabs Claire. We arrive at Billy's to see Carlisle and Alexander talking to Sam. I moved over to Alexander and hugged him, I couldn't help but to start to cry.

"Shh... It's ok my love I am here... No one else got hurt." He says as he holds me close. I nod my head but don't move from him. "The Volturi came at the end." He whispered into my ear. I look up at him and move my hands over my stomach. "They were there for the newborns and to see if Bella was still human." He says, making me look at him. "They will never hurt you or our babies. They don't know about you or our babies. And I plan on keeping it that way." He says, giving me a kiss. Sam comes out and looks at Alexander.

"Alexander, we could use your help." Sam says with a sigh as he looks over at Billy. "Jake has kicked me a few times so we need to hold down his legs." Sam tells Billy who looks confused. Alexander moves me over to Paul who puts his arm around me and rubs my stomach.

 Alexander moves me over to Paul who puts his arm around me and rubs my stomach

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I follow Sam into Billy and Jake's house. Once we get into Jake's room I move to hold his leg as Sam holds his shoulders down. Carlisle doesn't move too fast due to Jake's heart rate spiking after each rebreaks his bones.

"Why are you helping me?" Jake asks between breaks. I sigh and look at him.

"Because Sam asked me to. And If Sam, Paul or Jared ever need my help I will always give it to them." I say looking up at Sam. He gives me a small smile.

"Why?" Jake asks, looking at me confused.

"Because they saved my mate. They helped my mate. When they could have killed her and moved on with their lives but they didn't." I say now looking at Jake. He nods his head.

"Why don't you like Bella? What has she done that is so bad that you treat her like she is nothing to you?" Jake asks, looking at me with a little anger.

"Because she believes that I belong with her. As well as you and Edward. She has this twisted idea that we all love her and want to be with her. I mean for you and Edward that may be the case... But for me all I want is my mate and our children. And she is nothing to me but a pain in the ass that has caused nothing but trouble!" I say, as Carlisle rebreaks the last rib.

Once Carlisle is done we move to leave. As soon as I was outside there was Bella, glaring at my mate. I walk past Bella and she grabs my arm. "I really need to thank you for helping to protect me. Maybe we could meet up after I'm done here... And I can show you how much I am thankful." She says with lust filled eyes.

"Yep! Total whore!" Jared's girlfriend says, making Bella look at her and gasp as the whole pack is now looking at Bella in disgust. I pull my arm away from her and walk over to Katerina and Paul.

"This is what I have been dealing with since we got back. She doesn't understand that I want nothing to do with her." I say looking at Paul who laughs and shakes his head at me. Bella runs into the house.

"Let's get you home to rest." I say as I take Katerina in my arms. I helped her into the car as Bella came running outside. I smiled to myself as I watched her run to her piece of junk truck.

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