Chapter 64🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

It didn't surprise me that it was Bella and her mother

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It didn't surprise me that it was Bella and her mother. I wondered how they knew the werewolves. I sat with Paul and Charlotte as the Cullen's and the pack talked about what needed to be done. Carlisle got a call from Aro stating that Demetri and Felix will be here before the end of the week. I guess they were pissed that they didn't get to fight the werewolves and wanted to be here for the fight. Even if it was just me kicking their ass.

"Mom, we want to help fight!" Paul says, making everyone go quiet. I looked at Alexander and was about to cry at what our children were asking to do.

"That will not be happening!" Alexander says in a harsh tone as he walks over to us.

"But we could help!" Charlotte says as she pouts at her father.

"NO!" Alexander says in a no if ands or buts about it tone. "We have the coven, the pack and now the Volturi. You will be with your mother and your little brother away from the fight!" He says as the twins nod their heads at him before running to their room. Jake and Rosalie go after them.

"We don't even know when they will be here!" I say as Alexander sighs and shakes his head.

"I know but I will not put them in danger even more than they already are. Same for you and our unborn son!" He says, making me now sigh.

"I agree with Alexander on this one. They have been through so much in their short lives. They don't need to see us battle werewolves." Embry says as I shake my head. "And if this little guy is anything like his siblings then he will be here in just a few weeks." He says as I nod my head.

"Fine!" I say as I huff in annoyance. Alexander smiles at me before giving me a kiss on the head. He walked back over to the others and continued to talk.

"I am a little surprised that Caius isn't sending more of the guard." Alexander says as every member of the pack looks confused.

"Werewolves attacked his mates coven. He hates them and wants them all dead. He thought I was a werewolf until I shifted." I say as the pack nod their heads.

"So what is the difference between us and werewolves?" One of the new wolves asks.

"There is a lot. But the most important one is when you shift you don't blindly kill!" Carlisle says as he nods his head.

"Yeah! Us!" The new wolf says as most of us laugh.

"So what's the plan?" I ask as I walk over to the others. Alexander shakes his head at me.

"You don't need to worry about it." Alexander says, making me growl at him before I walk off. I hear him growl as I slam the front door. I walked into the woods just needing to feel at peace. I ran to the waterfall where Alexander and I had taken the twins when they were just babies. I sat on one of the rocks just wanting to listen to the sound of the water that flooded.

I sat there breathing in and out as the sound of the waterfall filled my ears. I sighed as Alexander walked up behind me. "I'm sorry." He says as I scoffed at him. "Katerina, please..." He said as I turned around and looked at him. "I shouldn't have put it that way. I just don't want you to worry about all of this." He says as I sigh as I look up at him.

"I love you Alexander, but I am not helpless!" I say as it was now his turn to sigh.

"I know you aren't. But I want you away from this fight!" He says as I shake my head at him. "And before you say it. Yes it is my call. I am your husband, father to our twins, father to our son. That is still inside of you! And I for one would like him to stay there as long as he sees fit." He says as he cups my face.

"We don't even know when they are coming!" I say as Alexander glares at me.

"I know we don't. That is why you and the twins will be staging out of this until we know more." He says as he kisses my nose.

I know I was harsh with my mate and our children but I don't want them in this fight

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I know I was harsh with my mate and our children but I don't want them in this fight. Neither do the others. I could feel her body slowly start to relax in my arms. I smile as I remember the last time we were here. How I had her screaming my name as I took her under the waterfall. I kissed her lips hard. "I love you!" I tell her as she smiles up at me. I don't give her a chance to say anything as I pick her up and speed over to a tree. I quickly undo her pants and pull them down. I turned her around so that her head and chest were against the tree. I pull my pants down and line myself with her. I push into her slowly, hearing her moan as I sheath myself into her.

"Alexander!" She moans as I haven't moved. I kiss her neck and give her a hard thrust. She gasps as I start to move. "OH! Shit!" She says, making me chuckle at her.

"Fuck!" I say as I slam into her. I could feel her body giving into me. I smile as she claws the tree she is against. "That's it baby! Cum for me." I say as I continue to pound into her. She screams as her orgasm rips through her body. Holy shit that was a powerful one. "Baby!" I moan as I cum. I lean my head against her back as we both need to calm down. Once I am calm I pull out of her and pull my pants up. Once done I pull hers up and make sure they are done up. I pick her up as I know she is tired and ready for a nap.

I smiled as I held my sleeping mate in my arms. Now I need to talk to the twins and tell them why we don't want them in the fight. It is not because we don't think they can help. It's because they are so young and they haven't gotten their wolves. Yes they have their vampire side and their gifts but we don't want to chance anything with them. Same with Katerina, we don't want to chance her life or our sons. If they show up before he is born.

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