Chapter 11🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

I am sitting at Sam and Emily's with the pack having lunch

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I am sitting at Sam and Emily's with the pack having lunch. Talking to Paul and Jared about things that have been going on, I talk with Emily about the wedding. When I hear a bike pull up to the house and then I hear Bella. "Are you sure it's ok... I mean I am the vampire girl after all." She says as I roll my eyes and sigh.

"There goes a nice day with the pack." I say as I watch all the boys run out to make fun of Jake. I laugh as Leah walks outside all moody and hating everyone. I look at Sam and Emily as they sigh and walk outside. I walk out and Bella glares as Paul and Jared growl at her. Jake pushes her behind him and glares at them.

"I have to head back to my place. I'll check in with you later tonight to let you know what is going on." I say as I walk over to my car but Embry stops me.

"So soon? You just got here?" Embry whines at me as he gives me a hug. Sam shakes his head as the other boys join in with Embry. Mostly Jared and Paul.

"Yes... I have things to do... Unlike some people, who rely on everyone else to do it for them!" I say with a wicked grin. I hear Jared and Paul laugh! I watch Bella glare at me.

"You got something to say then say to my face." Bella says, still glaring at me. I walk up to her looking her up and down.

"Ok! You and Edward should stop putting other people in danger and step up and put your big kid pants on and face what you started. Victoria wants you and Edward so you and Edward should be the ones to handle her, not the pack and not the rest of the Cullen's... It is yours and Edward's fault not theirs. So, stop being a little bitch and take care of your own shit." I say getting really close to her. Sam moves Jake from in front of Bella. Bella flinches back from my words. I see the tears in her eyes. I get in my car and drive off. Pulling up to the Cullens house to see Edward standing outside.

"You know you don't need to be so mean to her?" Edward says, looking at me with sad eyes.

"You would think... But you and her keep putting your family and the pack in danger. How can I not be mean when you two are hiding like the little bitches you are. Step up Edward and be a man. Handle your own shit. Stop making everyone else do it for you!" I say as Alexander and Rosalie start laughing from the door. "I mean really Edward, grow a pair of balls and face the mess you and her made." I say walking past him and into the house. Alexander walks up behind me and kisses me.

"Let's go home! I have something to give you!" He says kissing my neck. I smile and let him take my hand as we run to our place.

I pull Katerina away from my family's home and pull her into ours

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I pull Katerina away from my family's home and pull her into ours. Shutting and locking the door before I pin her to the wall. "I love it when you put him in his place. It is so sexy!" I say kissing down her neck and ripping open her shirt so I can kiss down her chest and to her breast as she moans under my touch. Removing our clothes I pick her up and place her on the dining room table and slowly slide into her.

"I love the way you feel, baby! So tight... So wet!" I moan as I thrust in and out at her picking up the pace as I go. I hear her moan as I put her leg over my shoulder so I can be deeper inside of her.

"Alexander!" She moans/screams out as I hit that one spot to make her toes curl. I pull out of her and she whines. "Why did you stop?" She asks all breathy. I just smirk at her before pulling her off the table and turning her around. Slapping her ass a few times before entering her again at a fast hard pace. I grab her hair and pull her closer to my chest as I continue to slam into her.

"Cum for me baby! I need to feel you." I whisper into her ear. She moans loudly as she cum on my cock. I moan at the feel of her coming undone around me. I pick up her leg and place it on the table and slam into her faster and harder as I push her body against the table. I know I will leave marks on her hips but I can't help but take her a little rougher than the other times we had sex.

"OH! Fuck Alexander!" She screams out as she climaxes again. I grinned as I continued to slam into her. I knew I was coming close to my end. I slapped her ass as I slammed into her making her moan even more.

"So my love, likes it rough... Does she?" I ask as I slap her ass a little harder. She moans and nods her head. "Use your words!" I growl out as I spank her ass hard.

"Yes! I like it rough with you." She says quietly as I smirk at her. I watch as she cums again calling my name, with a few more thrusts into he I cum inside of her. Both of us breathing heavily as I kiss her back, when I see the bruise in her hips, legs and ass.

"Shit... Baby I am sorry." I say looking over the bruises as she looks over her shoulder and smiles at me.

"It's ok baby they will be gone in a few hours." She says standing up and turning around to me and Kissing me. "I was wonder when you would take of the kid gloves when we had sex." She says and I look at her confused as she laughs. "I'm not as breakable as you think Alexander!" She says walking away from me and up the stairs. I watch her go and just shake my head at her. I pull my boxers and pants up and start grabbing all the other clothes that were thrown around the dining room.

Walking into our room and putting the clothes into the hamper. I walk into the bathroom and see her in the shower. I stand there just watching her. "How did I get so lucky with you?" I finally ask as she steps out, she looks at me confused this time. "I mean you are amazing... You are everything I have ever want in a mate." I say walking up to her and pulling her into my arms. She was. If anyone was to ask me to describe my perfect mate. It would have been Katerina.

"I could say the same about you." She says kissing my chest. I lift her chin up and kiss her.

"Come let's get you something to eat." I say as my phone starts to ring, I sigh seeing it is Edward calling.

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