Chapter 35

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

Once I got home I started to look into Bella's Family

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Once I got home I started to look into Bella's Family. Bella's grandfather Davis married Mary Katerina Jones who had a one year old daughter Katerina Marie Jones. Davis adopted her as his own when she was three years old a year later Davis was killed in a car accident. After Davis's death they lived in Forks for another year before moving away when she was six years old. There are police reports against Reene and a restraining order against her and Charlie.

Katerina is the little girl that they were talking about today at the coffee shop. I look at the police report about Davis's death. Everything about Davis's death was sad. He was a good man and didn't deserve to die in a freak accident. Now I know why Bella hates her so much, she must have talked to her mom about Katerina and she must have told her who she was. I have to talk with both her and Alexander. I leave for their house at once.

I walk up the steps and knock on the door. When Alexander answers it he looks at me confused and a little angry. "I need to talk to you and Katerina. It's important!" I say, giving him a small smile. Alexander moves so I can enter the house.

"What do you need to talk to me and Katerina about?" He asks once we are in the living room with Katerina.

"Katerina, what do you remember about your adopted father?" I ask, turning to Katerina who looks at me confused and sad as we sit down.

"Not much... He was a nice man, always made time for me. He always kissed my mom whenever he walked into a room that she was in and if he left a room before her, he would tell her he loved her." Katerina says with a small smile. Alexander is looking at me confused.

"Do you remember his last name?" I ask and she shakes her head no at me. I sigh as what I am about to tell her and Alexander, I know will hurt her and piss him off. "Today when I was telling Bella that I could no longer be with her anymore... I found out that her grandfather married a second time to a young woman with a child and after his death Bella's mom threatened her, forcing her and her daughter to move away from here." I say as they look at me confused.

"After I got home, I looked into it and found out that your mother was that younger woman." I say as Katerina looks shocked and Alexander looks pissed. "There is more." I said looking over at both of them. "I think Bella as well as her mother hold a grudge against you and your mother... I believe that Bella's mom has got it into her head that whatever you have was meant for Bella. I think that is why she is hell bent on getting rid of you." I say as Alexander stands up and glares at me.

"Are you saying that this is Katerina's fault? Something that happened when she was a little girl?" He yells at me and I shake my head no at him.

"No not in the slightest Alexander. That is not what I am saying at all." I say holding my hands up at him. "From what I found out today... Bella's mom had it in her head that all of Davis's money would go to Charlie, his only son but Davis left everything to Mary and Karerina. The money, the house, everything. Bella's mom went crazy when she found that they were not getting anything from Davis well." I say with a sigh as I look at Katerina.

"So what are you saying?" Katerina asks, still looking at me confused.

"I don't know... But I thought you had a right to know. Davis Swan is your adopted father and Bella wants not only Alexander but everything you have." I say standing up and leaving them alone.

If this is true then Bella will stop at nothing to hurt my mate and my children

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If this is true then Bella will stop at nothing to hurt my mate and my children. I will not allow that to happen. Even if I have to, I will kill her myself. I see Katerina walk out of the living room and up the stairs. I follow behind her and she walks into our room and walks into our closet and grabs a box.

"This is all I have left of Davis." She says as she opens up the box and shows me the pictures that are in it. They are of her, her mom and an older man that I am guessing is Davis. "My mom loved him. She never wanted the money." She says looking down at the pictures.

"How old were you when he passed?" I ask looking through the pictures and seeing a happy young Katerina.

"I was five when he passed." She says as a tear runs down her face. "My mom never dated after his death. She always told me that when you find your soulmate you can never be with anyone else after them. Because your heart belongs to them and only them." She says I smile because her mother is right. If I was to lose Katerina I would live for my children but I would never be with another person. I wouldn't be able to move on after her.

"I love you!" I say pulling her onto my lap and kissing her head as we look throw the photos

"And I love you!" She tells me as she kisses my cheek.

"I will never let her touch you or our babies. You have my word about that." I say kissing her neck. I hear a soft moan come from her. "Yep! Let's make, another baby." I said, picking her up and moving her to lay under me. I hear her giggle as I kiss her neck.

"Alexander, our babies aren't even a month old and you want to have another one?" She says, still giggling at me.

"Yeah! What of it." I say removing her top from her body and pulling her closer to me. I hear another soft moan from her making me growl as I smell her arousal. 

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