Chapter 43

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I was pissed that I now had to explain all this shit

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I was pissed that I now had to explain all this shit. I never asked for all of this. I didn't want to be a wolf, I didn't want to be a vampire but here I am. I didn't want to be part of the pack and I sure as hell don't want to be the alpha and now this bitch is here. You would think that she would get it through her head that no one wants her around. I throw open the door as she is walking up the stairs.

"What the fuck do you want now?" I ask with a growl. I see her step back as she starts to shake with fear.

"I just wanted to ask Billy some questions. Since he knew Charlie and the other man my mom was with." She says as I scoff.

"You mean your real father." I say with a giggle. "You and your mother have no claim to anything that has to do with Davis! And you sure as hell have no right coming back here." I say with anger as I glare at her.

"I'm not here about that. I just have questions and I know Billy can answer them." She says, shaking her head at me.

"Then go ask your real father and leave the rest of us alone." I say with a hiss she is really starting to piss me off.

"I can't, he's dead!" She says, making me raise my eyebrow at her. "Look, is Billy here or not?" She says with an attitude. I cock my head to the side and smile.

"Bella, I understand that you just found out some shocking news but now is not the time." Billy says coming up next to me. "We have other matters that are more important to take care of." He says as she looks from me to him.

"I am sorry but I need answers and I don't feel like waiting. Whatever you is going on can wait!" She says, stomping her foot at us. I cock my head and smile at her. I watch her back away from me with fear in her eyes.

"Bella I don't give a shit what you want. Get the fuck off my property!" I say as calmly as I can.

"Look Katerina, I know we have had our problems but this is my life we are talking about. I need to know why my mother would do this to me and to Charlie?" She says/asks as she glares at me.

"Then why don't you go ask your mother? She should be able to tell you everything you need to know!" I yell at her. Embry and Alexander move next to me.

"She refuses to tell me, all she will do is cry and say how sorry she is and how she never meant for anyone to ever find out." Bella says looking down at the ground.

"Look Bella we get that you have questions, but right now we are dealing with our own little problem at the moment." Embry says now glaring at her.

"What problem?" She asks with a slight smile as I laugh at her. She thinks there is another problem and it revolves around her.

"For the first time, one that doesn't revolve around you! This is a pack and Cullen business. So you can leave now!" Alexander says with a growl as I smile at him.

"I have a right to know what is going on!" She says with a huff as she stomps both her feet.

"And what right is that?" I ask as he looks at me confused.

"I-I..." She says looking around for help. But everyone is just looking at her wait to see what she comes up with. She looks over at Jake and he just shakes his head at her as he holds Charlotte.

"You what Bella? We are all waiting to hear how you have a right to know what is going on!" I ask, throwing my hands up in the air as she glares at me.

"Look I may not be Alexander's mate or Jake's imprint and I know they want nothing to do with me, but I know that I am Edward's mate and if it involves him then it involves me." She says trying to sound brave. I hear Edward sigh as he shakes his head.

"OK! Bella, I am going to tell you this once. You and Edward are not together and what is going on right now does not involve him. He is here to listen and learn, that is it. So since you are not with Edward it does not involve you. So go home! Before you can't!" I yell at her. I am so over her thinking that she is the center of everyone's universe. "And after everything you have done not only to The Cullen's but to the pack as well. What makes you think that any one of us wants you to know more about us than you already do?" I ask with venom in my voice.

"Look Katerina, we all know that I am more involved than you, Hell, more important than you!" She says with a scoff. I hear a 'oh shit!' before I phase into my wolf. I growl and stock her. I hear her scream and she steps back from me.

"Now you have done it!" My father says from behind me. I hear someone laugh at me. Or more like someone's laughing behind me. I watch as Bella puts her hands out in front of her like she will be able to stop me from attacking.

"Sh- She's a wolf?" Bella stutters out with wide eyes as she looks at me.

"No! Shit! Sherlock! What gave it away?" Jared says as he glares at Bella. Paul and the rest of the pack laugh.

"What was your first clue?" Emmett asks with a chuckle. "The nose or the fact that she is now on all fours?" Emmett says, with a scoff.

"Look Bella, as you can see you have pushed Katerina to a breaking point." Alexander says, walking up next to me as I growl at her. "And I really think it is in your best interest to leave while you still can!" He says with a smile as I growl again. She nods her head and runs to her truck. I huff as I watch her leave.

"Holly Shit!" Quil says as he looks from me to where Bella's truck once was. Everyone looks at him as he starts to laugh. "I am sorry that was awesome!" He says, still laughing. 

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