Chapter 32

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I was shocked that Alice and Esem decided to change their votes

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I was shocked that Alice and Esem decided to change their votes. I was planning on talking with Carlisle about overriding the votes to allow Bella to be part of the family and coven and making Alexander and Katerina stay with us, but with him voting no then there is nothing I can do. No one wants her to be a part of the family and coven. Why couldn't I hear their thoughts, it makes no sense.

"Edward!" Carlisle says from my doorway. I had walked up here after he told me that no one wanted Bella in our family. I need to think and Bella's bitching was not helping me. So I went to my room as Bella went to sit on the couch in the living room.

"Carlisle why?" I ask, wanting to know why he doesn't want me to be happy.

"It is like this." He says stepping into my room. "When Bella found out about us you and her slowly started to take control away from me as leader of this family and coven. I wanted you to be happy. You made us Bella's personal bodyguards while you hid with her. Even though she is not your mate." He says looking out the window to my room. I looked at him confused. "When we came back and Alexander found his mate it was a different Alexander then the one before we left here. He smiled more, laughed more and when Katerina's around him, his eyes light up at the sight of her. I see the same thing with Emmett and Jasper." He says turning to me. "But with you I don't see any of that. Your mate should bring you happiness, not pain and trouble. I could see the hurt in your eyes everytime Bella tried to go after Alexander or would leave you to go see that wolf. But you also let her go after them. Because you knew that Jake loved her, but Alexander I never understood why you let that happen. " He says moving closer to me.

"But I love her! How am I supposed to let her go because you all don't like her? As for Alexander I don't know why I let her keep going after him." I ask/say, looking over at him. Why can't I read his mind, but he is right. I am not happy with Bella and it hurts to watch her go after Alexander and Jake. She even did it today. I know Alexander wants nothing to do with her. He is all about Katerina and their babies. The same could be said about Jasper, Emmett and Carlisle, they are all about their mates. Just like the girls are about them. Bella is not like that with me.

"I think you need to think about what you really want to do where Bella is concerned." Carlisle says looking down at me.

"What would happen if I decided to stay with her?" I ask looking over at him.

"The family has voted. If you stay with her you would have to leave the coven. If you truly want to be with her that is. Maybe you should come and watch with me." He says as we walk over to the railing and looks into the living room. I do the same and see Bella on her phone as the rest of the family talk to each other. Katerina gets up with Paul in her arms walking over to the stairs. I'm guessing he is hungry. I watch Bella glare at Katerina. Katerina didn't say anything to her, she didn't even look at her. I watch as Bella looks at Charlotte and moves to pick the little girl up from the floor. Before she can get more than two feet from the couch Alexander picks her up. Bella glares at him. That's when I hear her.

'I should have been the one to give him children, not her. He is supposed to be mine not hers. I was supposed to be the one to give myself to him.' It's Bella I can now read Bella's mind.

'Once I am turned I will kill her and her little brats. And I will take what is rightfully mine.' Wait what is rightfully hers? I'm questioning.

'I hate to see him smile at that whore's little bastard.' She thinks as Katerina comes back into the living room. Paul in a new outfit.

'I hate that he looks at her with so much love in his eyes. He should look at me that way, not her. If Edward looked at me like that then maybe they all would have bought that we are in love. God I hate him sometimes.' I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I move to walk downstairs and into the living room. I sit down next to Bella and just listen to her mind. 'I wonder if I can get Edward to give me a child. I mean Alexander doesn't want me as a human but I know he will want me as a vampire. I will be way prettier than Katherina.' she thinks as she glares at Alexander and Katerina kissing.

"We are headed home." Alexander says, placing a sleeping Charlotte in her car seat. Emmett puts Paul in his. I watch as they walk out the door and over to their car. Once they put both the babies in the car I watch as Alexander moves over to Katerina and kisses her before he opens her door for her.

'I need to get rid of this bitch and those little brats once and for all.' I hear from Bella's mind.

"Bella I should get you home." I say standing up from the couch and walking to the front door and waiting for her. She comes stomping up to me. Once we are in the car, I drive as fast as I can to her house.

"Are you going to be staying with me tonight?" She asks, batting her eyelashes at me.

"I will stay for a little while but I need to hunt." I say not looking at her.

"Ok! Good I sleep better with you there with me." She says bouncing in her seat. I rolled my eyes at her. When we arrived Charlie grilled her about what happened to her face. She waved him off.

"Hey dad?" She says "What would happen, let's say if I was caught on camera trying to break into someone's house?" She asks her father. "It's just a question, I haven't done anything like that, I was just wondering." She says. I am looking around her room for my mother's ring. I need some time to think and I don't want her to hold on to the ring.

"Well you would be arrested for attempted breaking and entering and damage of property if there is any ." Charlie says.

"And what would happen, let's say if the people that lived there said that I was threatening to kill their children?" Bella asks. Yes I finally found it.

"You would also be booked for attempted murder. Your bail would be set pretty high or you would be denied bail. Bella, why are you asking about this?" Charlie asks her.

"We were watching a movie and the cop's daughter was the murder and I was just wondering what would really happen to a cop's kid." She says making her way up the stairs to me.

'Shit this bitch could ruin everything before I can even marry Edward and be turned and get what is mine.' she thinks as she walks into the room.

"Hey, I'm going to go hunt and will be back in a little while." I say moving to leave. Bella grabs my arm and pulls me to her.

"I love you Edward!" She says, giving me a kiss.

"I love you too." I say, wanting nothing more than to get out of her room and this house. I jump from her window and run to my car. I see her looking out the window with a look of disgust on her face. I can't go through with the wedding or marrying her. Everyone was right she is not my mate just my blood singer. I need to get to my family and we need to protect Katerina and the twins. They are the real innocents that we should have been protecting all alone. What have I done?

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