Chapter 45

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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I wasn't surprised about any of this. I found all this out years ago. I had found a letter that my father had written to my mother after Davis had passed away and he stopped coming to see me. Begging her to come back to him how he missed her and wanted her back. I never blamed Embry for anything that happened. It's not like he asked to be born. I catch him looking over at me from time to time.

"So wait..." Paul says as he rubs his face. "How did Jake know all of this?" He asks as I laugh. Jake looks down at the ground.

"Um! Rachel..." He says making Paul growl, making me laugh. As everyone looks at me funny.

"OH! Come on... It's not that hard to figure out!" I say as Jake shakes his head. Paul looked at me confused, after a few minutes I gave up. "Lord help me! Rachel and I have been best friends since we were babies. Jake found a picture of me and her at my graduation." I say as Paul looks at me confused. I hear the front door open up and in walks Rachel.

"Where's my main bitch and my babies?" She yells as I laugh and Paul looks shocked as she walks into the living room.

"Your brother is hugging Charlotte and Rosalie has little Paul." I say as her eyes go wide and she starts to laugh. When I realized what I said. "Not that little Paul!" I say as everyone starts to laugh. I stand and hug her. "I missed you Rach!" I whisper in her ear.

"Missed you too Babe!" She says, still hugging me. "Now babies! Cough them up!" She says making grabby hands. Rosalie laughs as she hands her little Paul. Jake looks at her like she is crazy. When Jake doesn't give up Charlotte she walks over and picks her up herself. Jake looks at me and then back to his sister and growls.

"Wait... What did Rachel tell you?" Jared asks, still looking confused.

"OH! Are we letting them in on this?" Rachel asks as I nod my head.

"Embry is Katerina's half brother!" She says like it was no big secret.

"How did you know?" Sam asks, looking over at me and Rachel.

"Um! Best friend here. I know more about her than all of you in this room!" She says as I nod my head.

"Not everything!" Embry says with a little bit of sass. Making Rachel glare at him.

"Embry just because you are my best friend's little brother and my little brother's best friend doesn't mean I wont kick your ass." Rachel says with sass right back at him. "And I do. I know about her being a wolf and I know about her being a vampire. Or should I say hybrid. I know who she lost her virginity to as well as the when and where!" She says with a smile, Sam and Alexander growl.

"When did you find out about her being a wolf?" Sam asks with another growl.

"Four years ago!" She says with a smile at me. Sam looks confused.

"What... You phased when you were 14 years old?" Jared asks, looking shocked. I nod my head. "How?" He asks, sitting on the edge of his seat.

"Some asshole vampire tried to attack us. Though I didn't know it was a vampire at the time." Rachel says with a wave of her hand. She goes back to playing with the twins.

"US?" The whole pack asks. Paul looks like he is ready to have a heart attack.

"What about being a vampire?" Carlisle asks, looking confused.

"OH! She called me after her... What do you call it?" She asks, waving her hand in the air.

"Transition!" Alexander says as she points at him and nods her head.

"Yeah! That. She called me freaking out crying, and told me what happened. And I remind her that she is a badass bitch that can phase into a wolf and that she can do anything once she sets her mind to it." Rachel says as Alexander leans forward. And I know he has some questions for her. I put my hand up and stopped him.

"Nope not happening!" I say as he growls. Rachel smiles and giggles. Alexander sighs as he sits back.

"OK hold on!" Paul says as he rubs his face. Rachel looks at him confused. "So, you've known what are people could turn into?" He asks, looking only at Rachel. She nods her head from side to side.

"Yes and no! It was a full moon that night. So as far as I knew she was a werewolf. Who am I to judge... She saved our asses!" Rachel says as Paul nods his head. "Ok moving on, next topic!" Rachel says, waving her hand making me laugh.

 "Ok moving on, next topic!" Rachel says, waving her hand making me laugh

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I had so many questions for Rachel. Like who was her first? I mean I know I can't really say anything cause I have had my fair share of women in my life both human and vampire. But I was still pissed and wanted to know. I watch as everyone starts to leave the house. Paul and Emmett are talking as Rachel and Roalie are changing the babies. Jake is raiding the kitchen. Katerina and Embry are outside talking. Rachel and Rosalie come back into the living room. Jake comes and takes Charlotte from her.

"Can I ask..." I start but she cuts me off.

"You!" She says as I look at her confused. "You are the only person she has been with ever!" She says as I smile and nod my head.

"Thank you!" I say as she nods her head at me and pats my shoulder.

"No problem!" She says as she looks at Paul and sighs.

"He is different, with you!" I say as she smiles and nods her head. "I was a lot like him before I met Katerina. He won't hurt you. Katerina would kick his ass." I say as she laughs.

"OH! Believe me I know! But it's not that. I just wish he chose me and not fate." She says as I nod my head in understanding.

"I get that. But I can tell you this... Even though I didn't choose Katerina as my mate I wouldn't change it for the world. I mean look what she has given me!" I say as Paul walks up to us. I see Rachel smile and nod her head.

"I wouldn't change you being my imprint!" Paul says as he grabs her hand. I look out to see Katerina and Embry hugging. I nod my head making Paul turn around.

"Katerina was telling him she doesn't blame him for what happened. That she would like to have a brother/ sister relationship with him when he is ready." Paul says as both me and Rachel nod our heads. "As for you we need to talk! What else do you know?" He asks as I laugh. Rachel smiles and pats him on his chest.

"OH! Boy where do you want me to start?" She says with a wicked smile. This has me and Paul looking at each other concerned. Katerina shakes her head as she walks up to us.

"Just remember that I know all your dirty little secrets as well!" Katerina says as Rachel gasps at her.

"You wouldn't?" She says now Katerina has a wicked smile.

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