Chapter 52

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

After a wonderful day with my family! I was stress free and smiled more than I think I ever have and with me being pregnant again

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After a wonderful day with my family! I was stress free and smiled more than I think I ever have and with me being pregnant again... I want to try to stay as stress free as I can. But I knew that it was only a matter of time until Bella, her mom and Embry's mom showed their faces again. Alexander promised that he would take care of them when and if the time came. I wanted to believe him but I knew they would wait for me since I was the main focus of their anger.

And I was right. Just a few days before we were set to leave for Italy, They showed their faces. Alexander was out hunting with the twins and Jake. I sighed as I heard them talking outside of the front door. I stood there and listened to them as they talked about getting what was owed to them. I waited for them to knock on the door before I opened it. I opened the door just enough for me to see them and for them to see me.

"How can I help you?" I ask with a sickly sweet smile. Bella rolls her eyes at me as her mother and Embry's mother just glare at me. My mother alway told me to appear polite, but be ready for an attack.

"May we come in?" Cassie asks, trying to return a smile.

"No! Now what do the three whorates want now?" I ask as I now glare back at them.

"Katerina we are going to get what we want so you might as well give it to us." Renee says as she continues to glare at me.

"No you won't! We all know that! Everyone in town and on the reservation knows what you three have tried to do." I say with a smile. I know they were getting pissed that I wouldn't give them what they were after. "No one will ever believe a word that comes out of any of your mouths." I say still smiling at them.

"Why are you doing this to us?" Bella asks, making me laugh at her.

"Bella, you are the one that started it. So you only have yourself to blame." I say as she looks at me shocked. I hear Alexander walk into the house and I can tell he is not happy.

"I did nothing to you! You tried to steal Jake from me." She says as Alexander opens the door more to reveal himself.

"So you didn't try to kill Katerina and Paul didn't stop you? The day you tried to kill yourself because Edward didn't want you anymore!" Alexander asks/says with a growl. They all backup from us. Renee looks at Bella and shakes her head. Cassie looks like she is going to pass out.

"I mean I did... But she was trying to take Jake from me! What would you have done?" She says with a whine to her voice.

"I sure as hell would have not tried to kill someone I know nothing about. You just assumed that I was trying to take Jake away from you. When I barely hung out with him." I say as Bella looks at me shocked and then sad.

"You are the reason that no one trusts you! Bella" Alexander says with another growl. Embry and Edward walk up to us. Embry growls as Edward looks bored.

"If you don't leave us alone our fathers are going to start pressing charges against you all. We have enough to put you behind bars for a long time." Edward says as he points at the three women. They all look shocked at what was just said. Embry moves to stand next to me.

"Edward, can I talk with you? Please!" Bella asks as she looks at him hopeful. Edward shakes his head no at her.

"I have already told you what you need to know. We have nothing else to talk about. You need to move on." He says as he smiles at me or more like my stomach. Alexander looks at him confused until he hears a small heartbeat. The same time I do. I smile at Alexander and he pulls me into his arms. Bella starts to throw a tantrum that Edward and Jake won't give into her any more.

"This is all your fault!" She yells pointing at me. I roll my eyes as Alexander glares at her. "Why did you have to come back here? Things were fine before you got here!" She screams and stomps her feet. "This is not fair. All I wanted was Edward. And now everyone hates me. I never cared about the money. I just wanted to be with Edward forever." She says as I scoff at her.

"With Alexander and Jake in tow... Right?" I say as Alexander gleared even harder at Bella. Bella looks at me surprised but nods her head at me.

"Bella, you need to understand that not everyone is going to want to be with you. I mean my dad never wanted to be with my mother and after I found out all the things she and your mother did. I can see it from his side. And I get it. My mother was after a man that was married and already had a family. But she still went through with this plan knowing that she was ruining a family and taking away a father from his daughter. All so she could get to his family's money." Embry says as his mother looks down at the ground in shame. Bella and Renee look at him shocked.

"I am sorry!" She says as she walks away from all of us and over to her truck. She sits in there and waits for her mother and Cassie. Cassie looks at Embry and sighs before heading over to the truck.

"This is not over!" Renee says as she glares at us.

"Yes it is... Because if you come here or to any of our homes... You will be put in jail." Edward says, making Renee run back to her daughter's car.

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