Chapter 17

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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I don't get what Bella's problem is. Why is she so determined to have Alexander when she has Edward who loves her. You would think that she would be happy with Edward but no she wants Alexander as well. We are currently sitting in the Cullen's house waiting for Edward and Bella to arrive. We have already told the rest of the family as well as the pack what happened earlier today with her. I watch as they walk into the house and into the living room where we are all sitting and talking.

Bella smiles at Alexander and glares at me. Earning a growl from Alexander as he pulls me on to his lap. "Watch how you look at my mate, blood singer!" He says, pulling me closer to him. Rosalie laughs as Bella moves closer to Edward. Edward looks from Alexander to me to Bella and sighs.

"Bella?" Edward says, looking at her. She sighs and looks at him. "Did you do that?" He asks as everyone looks at Bella. She sighs again running her hands through her hair looking at the ground.

"I- I mean yeah! But it isn't..." She starts but Edward cuts her off.

"Isn't, what Bella?" He asks with a raised voice. I see her flinch back from him. "Did you or did you not try to kiss Alexander today?" He yells at her.

"I-I did... But I just want to see something." She says with a pout and a stomp of her foot. Is she really this childish? I ask myself before thinking about my thoughts from earlier. Edward looks at me and sighs and nods his head.

"Katerina is Alexander's mate and fiancé. What don't you get about that?" Edward asks with a look that could break anybody's heart.

"Actually she is my wife! Now!" Alexander says with the biggest smile. Bella gasps as she looks at us with anger in her eyes.

Flashback 3 hours ago!

Once Alexander closes the front door. He pulls me into his chest and kisses my head. Placing two fingers under my chin made me look at him. "You need to call Paul and Jared and whoever else you need to." he says, kissing my lips as I look at him confused. "I am done waiting. I want you to be my wife... Let's get married today... Now as a matter of fact!" He says as I smile at him. Before I could even answer Alice and Rosalie were standing next to us.

"I guess you know my answer then." I say, nodding my head towards Alice and Rosalie. Alexander smiles as Emmett and Jasper walk in.

"We already called the pack. Sam, Emily, Paul, Jared, Kim and Embry are going to meet us." Rosalie says with a smile. I was shocked as I looked at her. "Let's get you ready!" She says pulling me out of Alexander's arms and moving my upstairs. After an hour I was ready for my wedding.

As I am waiting, the pack and imprints come inside to see me. Paul runs over to me and hugs me followed by Jared. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks as Emily smacks the back of his head.

"Yes! I am sure. I love him! And he loves me!" I say looking into his eyes as he sighs at me. But nods his head. "I do have a favor to ask!" I say looking at Sam. He looked back at me confused. "Since I have no blood family left that I talk to and you all are the closest thing I have to family...I was wondering if Sam would give me away?" I say playing with my engagement ring.

"Me?" He asks with shock written all over his face. "I would be honored!" He says with a big smile as Emily whips away a few tears.

"Our little girl has grown up so fast!" She says making everyone laugh as Sam nods his head. Alice comes in to let us know that everything was ready and it was time. Everything was a blur up until the I does.

"Alexander, do you take Katerina to be your beloved wife through sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" The pastor asks.

"I do!" Alexander says with the biggest smile. I hear Paul say you better! We all laugh at that, Emmett more than anyone else.

"Katerina, do you take Alexander to be your beloved husband through sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" The pastor asks again.

"I do!" I say with a smile as I stick out my tongue at Alexander. Who just laughs at me and shakes his head.

"By the power vested in me by The state of Washington, I now pronounce you husband and wife... You may kiss your bride." The pastor says.

And with that Alexander kisses me. "You are all mine now! My beautiful wife!" Alexander whispers in my ear. I giggle at him and shake my head. After we hug everyone goodbye it is time for us to confront Bella and Edward about what happened earlier today. I sigh as I head upstairs to change.

"You know that you will have another wedding? One that you have always dreamed of. We just have to wait until..." Alice says as she puts her hand on my stomach. I look at her wide eyed.

"How did you know?" I ask, looking at her confused. I haven't even told Alexander that I am pregnant. And yet Alice knows.

"I saw it... Before we came back to Forks." she says with a sweet smile. "and don't worry Alexander will be over the moon. And so will Paul and Jared and most of the pack." She says as I nod my head at her trying to hold back tears.

Flashback ends.

"You married her? Are you kidding me?" Bella says with venom in her voice as she stomps up to us. Alexander stands and moves in front of me. Edward pulls her back to him as Alexander's hand starts to glow red.

"Of course he would marry his mate!" Rosalie says with a scoff. "Why do you think you matter to my brother?" She asks with anger clear in her voice.

"Rosalie..." Edward says before she holds up her hand stopping Edward from talking any more.

"NO! Edward... I have had enough of this." Rosalie says standing up and moving in front of her brother. "I want to know why? Why do you think my brother wants you over his mate?" Rosalie yells, stepping closer to Bella. Emmett pulls her back from Bella. We watch as Bella plays with her fingers.

"Because I don't only love Edward... I also love Alexander. I have since the first day I saw you all." She says looking at Alexander with a pout as Rosalie looks at her with disgust. "I want them both. I want to be with them both." She says looking down at the ground.

"And Jake as well! Right!" I say with disgust to my voice. Bella's head snaps up to me. And she glares at me. Alexander pulls me closer to him.

"I don't know how many times or ways I have to say this Bella. But I don't like you and I sure as hell don't love you. Never have and never will!" Alexander says with a growl. "Now I am taking my wife on our honeymoon and will be back for graduation... Because Alice said so!" He says as I laugh and look at Alice who is smiling at us.

"That is right!" She says pointing at us! "Now you are all packed and ready to go... So go!" Alice says as she starts to push us out of the house. I laugh and hug her.

"Thank you Alice!" I whisper in her ear. She gives me a smile and nods her head and mouths everything will be fine!

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