Chapter 27

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It has been 3 days since our babies were born, and they couldn't be more perfect

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It has been 3 days since our babies were born, and they couldn't be more perfect. Charlotte has stolen her father's heart as soon as she was born as Paul is a total mama's boy as soon as he was placed in my arms. I am standing in the doorway for their room just watching them sleep. I can't believe that they are here. Alexander has been amazing with them and with me. "They are perfect! And so are you my beautiful mate!" I hear Alexander said from behind me and I giggle as I turn to see Alexander standing next to me watching our babies sleep as well.

"I agree that they are perfect. I still can't believe they are here." I say wrapping my arms around him and kissing him. He kisses me back but stops when there is a knock on the door. He growls as he moves away from me. I pout as it has been so long since we got a moment together.

"Stay up here with the babies. I'll be right back." He says heading down the stairs. I sigh knowing that it is Bella at our door. I had hoped she would leave us alone. But knew it was only a matter of time before she would show back up here. I turn back around and watch our babies again.

I open the door to see Bella and Jake standing there

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I open the door to see Bella and Jake standing there. I glare at them before stepping outside. "What do you two want?" I ask with anger clear in my voice.

"I heard that your babies were born and wanted to stop by and see them." Bella says as Jake just glares at me. I laugh at her. I wasn't going to let her anywhere near my mate and children.

"You really think I will let you anywhere near mine and Katerina's Babies? Are you really that stupid?" I say, still laughing at her. I watch her face go from happy to sad to angry. Jake growled at me but I still laughed.

"What is so funny about that?" Jake asks with anger in his voice. Making me get pissed!

"What's funny is that she thinks that she can come here and ask to see my babies after everything she has done to Katerina and me. You will never be anywhere near my babies." I say with annoyance in my voice. I see Bella scoff and glare at me as Jake goes back to glaring at me.

"Do you really think I would hurt your babies? I'm not a monster." She asks, looking like she is going to cry. I scoffed as I did believe she would. She had already tried to kill Katerina.

"Yes I do think you will hurt our babies!" I say venom laced in my voice. "You have already tried to kill their mother and that was because you were jealous of her being close to Jake. You tried to get Edward to send her away because you were jealous. So I wouldn't put it past you to try to hurt our babies because you get jealous." I say, trying to calm myself down when the front door opens up and Katerina walks out. I gave her a 'where are our babies' look.

"Rose and Em have the twins!" She whispers in my ear before giving me a kiss on my cheek as I nod my head. She turns to Bella and Jake and glares. "Bella, you know that you aren't welcome here. So what do you want?" Katerina says with no emotion in her voice. Bella starts to play with her fingers as she looks at the ground. I pull Katerina closer to me and kiss her head.

"I wanted to see your babies... Everyone keeps saying how cute they are and how they look just like the two of you, and me and Jake are the only ones that haven't seen them yet." She says still looking at the ground. Katerina laughs as Bella is talking. Bella looks up at her in anger. "Look I am sorry for what I have done to the both of you. I know now that Alexander doesn't want me, he only wants you. I get that now really I do. So I don't see why I can't see your babies?" She says with anger in her voice as she takes a step closer to Katerina slapping her. Katerina head butts Bella, making her fall to the floor. Katerina leans over Bella.

"We don't want you anywhere near our babies. Can you get that through your head?" Katerina hisses out as she glaring at Bella before walking back in the house. I turn back to Bella and Jake and smile.

"Wait... Alexander. I am really sorry. I should have listened the first time you told me that you didn't have feelings for me. But when I first saw you all on my first day of school. I had a crush on you and Edward, and I thought you were just playing hard to get. Then when I found out that you had a mate and it was Katerina... I got mad. Mad that the way you looked at her, mad at how you called her your mate, mad that you took to her so fast. Mad that she was welcome more than me in your family and in the pack. I just want to matter more to you and the rest of the Cullen's, more than she did." Bella says looking back down at the ground.

"Bella! You have done a lot more than what you think you have. Just saying sorry is not going to fix it. Stay away from us. We do not want you in our lives. We never will!" I say getting angry again before walking back into the house.

 We never will!" I say getting angry again before walking back into the house

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I seriously can't believe her. She really thinks she can come here and act like she has a right to see our babies. After everything she has done. I pace the kitchen as Alexander is still outside with her. I walk back to the door and am met with Alexander standing looking pissed. When he sees me he sighs. "Where are the twins?" He asks, looking around for the twin.

"Rosalie and Emmett took them out to the backyard." I say walking up to him and pulling him to me. He kisses me and sighs again before pulling me outside to our little ones. We sat and watched the twins with Rosalie and Emmett.

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