Chapter 56

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I watched as Katerina slept. I knew she was still stressed over Caius. But I also know that my mate is strong, and with the twin not being able to phase it made it a little easier. I knew I would not be taking them back unless Aro or Marcus asked us to come back. I was hoping that they would forget about us and we could go about our trip as we had planned then head home. I heard movement in the living room of the suite. I got up and walked in there to see Paul looking out of the window.

"What are you doing up?" I ask, making him jump. "Sorry little man! Didn't mean to scare you!" I say as I walk over to him.

"It's ok dad!" He says still looking out of the window. I sat down in the chair next to him.

"Paul? What's wrong?" I ask as I turn him to look at me.

"I don't like it here, I want to go home. To our coven and to the pack. Something bad is coming!" He says, making me concerned as I look at the fear in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I ask as he points out of the window. I look and see a man on the roof next to the hotel looking into all of the rooms. "Go wake your sister and go to your mother." I say as the man glares at me. I open the window and smell a rotten dead dog. "Fucking great werewolves." I say under my breath. Katerina comes out of the bedroom in just my shirt.

"Alexander! What is going on?" She asks as the man looks from me to her and smiles. I step in front of her making him growl.

"We need to go now!" I say slamming the window closed as I run to get the twins. "Katerina, get dressed now, we need to leave!" I yell as I head into the twins room helping them get dressed. I move to get dressed myself when there is a knock on the door. I hold up my hand as Katerina holds the twins close to her body. I look through the peephole to see Jane and Demitir standing there.

"Alexander, open up!" Demitir says with a hiss. I open the door and they walk in. "We have a problem." He says as I scoff.

"We have more than a problem. We have werewolves!" I say as Jane and Demitir look at me shocked.

"We need to get you all back to the castle." Demitir says as Jane packs up some things. Demitir picks up Paul as I pick up Charlotte. "We need to hurry!" He says as I nod my head. Jane grabs Katerina's hand and we run. We made it to the car just as more howling could be heard. I get Jane, Katerina and the twins in the back seat as Demitir gets into the driver seat and me in the passenger's seat.

"What the Hell is going on?" Katerina asks as She holds our children. I sigh, not really knowing what to tell her.

"There were werewolves at the hotel. Looking for something." I say as she looks at me confused. "Aro, Marcus and Caius will be able to explain it better. Just know that if Demitir and Jane didn't come when they did we might not have made it out alive. They saw us." I say as Charlotte looks scared and Paul looks behind us.

"They are following us." Paul says, making Jane look at him.

"How do you know little one?" She asks, moving some hair out of his face. Katerina and I look out the back window.

"I can smell them." He says making all of us look confused. "Vampires have a sweet smell like really sugary candy, shifters have an earthy smell like trees and a fresh rainfall. They smell like they have never showered before." He says, making us all smile. I growl as I see headlights maybe a mile or two behind us.

"We need to hurry!" I say as Demitir steps on the gas. Not even five minutes later we are pulling into the underground parking lot.

"Let's get inside!" Jane says as I grab Charlotte and Demitir picks up Paul. We quickly got into the elevator. Jane runs ahead of us as Demitir still has Paul in his arms. When we arrive in the throne room we see most of the guards and the kings waiting for us.

"Alexander?" Aro says, sounding confused.

"Sorry master!" Demitir says as he puts Paul down and puts his hand into Aro's. I hear Aro sigh as he looks at Caius.

"Will I guess for once Caius you may have been right!" Aro says making me and Katerina confused. Caius stands and walks over to us. Felix and Demitir leave the throne room, only to return with the human that runs their front desk. Katerina looks confused as I smell it on her. The smell of rotten dogs! She looks around scared until her eyes land on Katerina and our children.

Paul pulls on my sleeve. "Dad, she smells like one of them!" He says making Katerina growl.

"Please sweetheart! You can't hurt me." She says with a cocky smile. "We can't transform for another week." She says as Katerina just laughs at her.

"No! Bitch you can't! But I sure as hell can!" Katerina says moving to shift. Caius puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Not yet!" He says before stepping away from Katerina. "We need answers first." Caius says as I pull Katerina and the twins closer to me. The girl glares at Caius. Paul looks at her and growls. I watch as he sniffs the air and glares at the girl.

"She is not a werewolf." Paul says, still glaring at the girl. "She is a fake!" Paul says as he growls again.

"What do you mean?" Aro asks, coming closer to us.

"The smell it's not strong enough for her to be on. I could smell that man at the hotel like he was in the room with us but with her it's almost nonexecution. Like she was in their clothes or something." Paul says as Katerina moves closer to the girl. She sniffs as the girl looks scared. Charlotte stands behind me holding onto the back of my shirt.

"He's right!" Katerina says, looking back at me. "She has, however, been sleeping with one!" She says as everyone looks shocked then disgusted. "I am guessing you are the reason that they were following me and my family?" Katerina asks as the girl just glares at her. "Sweetheart you are in a room full of vampires and one pissed off mama hybrid! It's best to answer!" She says, walking back to me.

"Yes! They came to me a few months ago... Asked me to be on the lookout. I called them and told them about you. But I don't know what they want!" She says looking around in fear.

"And the fucking them part?" Katerina asks, looking only at the girl as I pick up our children.

"I never meant for that to happen. It just did. A few of them are really good looking and a girl has needs." She said as Katerina shakes her head.

"But why me?" Katerina asks as I want to know the same thing.

"All I did was call and tell them that a vampire brought in a girl and two children." She says looking down at the ground. "All they said was that they would see me soon!" She says as I growl at her. We hear howling and I know that this is about to be bad. The girl's cell phone rings. Katerina walks up to her and grabs it, putting it on speaker phone.

"Hello?" Katerina says as she only looks at me.

"Hello!" Unknown male says. "Where is Sammatha?" He asks with a growl.

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