Chapter 66

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I guess I shouldn't be surprised that my mate fell for Katerina

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I guess I shouldn't be surprised that my mate fell for Katerina. I should have never sent him after her. I should have left when he found me in the woods months ago. I should have been happy to find someone that was mine and not her's. But my love for Edward, Jake and Alexander got the best of me. And then there is my mother and her need to have all of their money. Cassie doesn't want to be here anymore or with us for that matter.

I looked around the pack that I am supposed to be the Luna of as they glared at me, my mom and Cassie. I was pissed that they all wanted her to be their Luna and not me when I am Jackson's mate. How did she get to him so fast? They were only gone for a few days! What did she do to my mate? I have all these thoughts running around in my head.

"I SAID TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO KNOW!" Jackson yells at us as his pack growls yet again at us. I jump as I am scared of my mate. My mom is glaring at him and I know he is going to snap any minute if we don't start talking soon. I know she is not happy about Jackson wanting to make Katerina his mate and Luna to the pack.

"W-What do you want to k-know? What do you need to know?" Cassie says as she shifts on the couch. I was surprised that she had the balls to speak to them.

"Where is my Luna right now?" He asks as I scoff, which makes him growl at me.

"She is at her house in Forks, Washington. With her coven and her pack! They were having a meeting when we went over there to see if she was dead or not." Cassie says as one of the werewolves moves closer to her.

"So she does have a pack?" Jackson says Cassie nods her head at him. He sits further back in his chair. "How many or in her pack?" He asks as I start to think about who is all in her pack.

"Around 8, 9 including her there may be more." I say as Jackson nods his head.

"And how many in her coven?" He asked as I rolled my eyes at him. It pissed me off that he was into Katerina more than me. When I am his mate, he should be all about me, not her.

"8! 11 if you include her and her little brats." I say as Jackson nods his head again at me.

"So we are looking at at least 20 against us." He says as he looks at one of his pack members like they are talking to each other.

"Can we talk, Jackson? Alone?" I ask as he smirks at me. I know I am pushing my luck but I am his mate.

"What do we have to talk about? I have already told you what you need to know!" He says as I glare at him. I was getting tired of hearing that line.

"No! You haven't! I want answers and only you can give them to me!" I say as I stand and walk away. I head over to his office. I get to the door and I hear Cassie scream and then my mother. I ran back to the living room to see my mother and Cassie being taken away. "What are you doing? Let them go!" I yell as Jackson smiles at me.

"My boys want to have some fun!" He says as I look at him shocked and scared for my mother and Cassie. "And we don't want Katerina to know how close we are, so your mother and the other one will have to do, for now!" He says as he walks away from me. I watch as they are taken to another part of the house.

"NO! Please don't do this... Please, I am begging you to leave them alone." I say as I follow him. I have to run to catch up to him.

"No can do! A werewolves sex drive is strong. My boys can only wait for so long! Before they snap and rampage through a town, taking any and every female they can carry." He says, walking into his office and sitting down in his chair.

"Jackson, please... Please don't do this to them! I will do whatever you want?" I beg again, he just smirks at me.

"Bella, there is nothing I want from you! Well maybe one thing!" He says as he stands and walks over to me. "Remove your clothes!" He says, making me look at him shocked.

"What?" I ask, wanting to make sure I heard him correctly.

"You heard me... Take off your clothes!" He says, as I gasp and start to shake. "I mean you are my mate. I should at least have you one time before I go after my Luna and claim her as my own." He says as he moves a piece of my hair away from my face. I still couldn't believe what he was asking me to do. I was saving myself for Edward or Alexander. Hell even Jake. I look up at him as he smiles down at me. "Strip now!" He says as he takes a seat on the couch that was in his office.

"Jackson... Please don't make me do this." I say, trying not to cry. "Please just let us go so we can spy on Katerina and the others." I say as he now glares at me.

"Bella, you act like you want to be my mate... This is what a mates do, they have sex." He says as he smiles at me. "But we both know that you want to give yourself to Katerina's mate. Or was it a member of the coven or pack or is it all three?" He says/asks as I gulp and look away from him.

"Jackson!" I say as he holds up his hand.

"Do you know why I want Katerina as my Luna and my mate?" He asks as I shake my head. "She is not you! She doesn't need or want people to protect her. She can take care of herself. That's what is needed for a great Luna!" He says as I start to cry again. "Now either strip and let me have a little fun with you or get out and keep tabs on your future Luna!" He says as I walk to the door, but stopped before I open it.

"My mother and Cassie?" I ask as he chuckles at me.

"They stay here! Now run alone!" He says as he waves me off.

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