Chapter 55🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

I was thrilled that they did not harm my mate or our children

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I was thrilled that they did not harm my mate or our children. But I know Cauis was not happy that my mate and children are shifters. I knew we would be watched, the rest of the time we were in Italy. Demitri nodded to the other guard to leave.

"Be careful Alexander. Caius is not too happy about your mate and children being wolves. He will try to provoke them to attack." Demitir says as I nod my head.

"Thank you Demitir... I will take that warning!" I say as Katerina fusses over the twins. We shake hands as our car pulls up. I quickly walk us all out to the car and get in. I sigh once we are a few miles away from the castle. I know that we are being followed as I drive.

"Alexander?" I hear Katerina say as I grip the steering wheel tight.

"Yes my love?" I say looking over at her and then in the rear view mirror checking on the twins. Katerina places a hand on my thigh, making me look at her again.

"Is everything ok?" She asks, looking at me concerned.

"We have a tail. I know this is Caius's doing! He doesn't like the fact that you and the twins were let go. Caius has always hated werewolves. He is the one that has led the hunt for them and there aren't many left because of him." I told her. She looks at the twins and sees the car that is following us.

"What do we do?" She asks as she turns around and looks at me.

"Nothing! He is trying to provoke you into attaching one of them. If you do, he has a reason to kill you and the twins and go after the pack." I say as she nods her head. "We do what we were planning on doing." I say as she nods her head again.

"I am the only one that can phase. The twins haven't gotten their wolves yet." She says in a shaky voice. I know she is scared for our children.

"Baby... You can do this. I know you can. You are strong." I tell her as I grab her hand and kiss it. "We only have four more days here. I know we can get through this and get home. Caius is just pissed that Aro and Marcus want to know more about you and the twins." I say as she nods her head at me. I see a few tears roll down her face. I kiss her hand again. We made it back to the hotel. I picked the twins up as they had fallen asleep on the way back. Katerina kept looking around. "Don't worry, my love." I say as we enter the hotel.

When we get into the room I place the twins down on the bed in their room. I walk back over to my mate/wife. I kiss her shoulder as she looks out the window. "Come my love you need to destress." I say taking her hand in mine. I walk us over to our room.

"I don't know if I can." She says as I smile and kiss her. I grab her ass as I pull her flesh against my body.

"I am sure I can get your mind off of all this!" I say with a cock smirk. I know I will get her to turn off her brain. I remove my clothes, leaving me in just my boxers. I slowly remove her clothes, kissing all over her body as I do. I hear her moan as she is left in just her bra and panties. I smile as I unclasp her bra.

I pick her up and lay her on the bed. I lick my lips as I remove her panties. I kiss her hard before kissing my down her body. I hear her moan again, making me chuckle as I reach my prize. I smile up at her before digging into her sweet pussy. It didn't take long for her to become a moaning mess.

"OH! God Alexander!" She moans, making me chuckle as I continue to devour her pussy. I make her cum four times before I stand up and remove my boxers. She licks her lips as I climb up her body.

"We have only started my love!" I say, as I position myself in between her legs. We both moan as I push my dick inside of her. "Fuck! You feel so good." I say, as I start to move. "If you weren't already pregnant you would be by the end of this trip." I say moving a little faster. 

"Alexander! Please don't stop!" I moan as He continues to thrust into me

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"Alexander! Please don't stop!" I moan as He continues to thrust into me. He smiles down at me as he continues to hit my g-spot over and over. I know he is close as he starts to become sloppy with his movements.

"Cum for me Katerina!" He says, moving faster than before. He rubs my clit and I know he is close to his own orgasm. He growls into my ear taking me over the edge as we cum together. "Fuck! We haven't gone that long since before the twins were born." He says as he rests his head on mine.

I pushed him off of me and quickly put on a robe and ran to check on the twins. I see them sleeping peacefully. I sigh as they are ok. Alexander comes running to me with a look of panic on his face. "They are still sleeping." I say as he looks in on them himself.

"I am sorry my love! I didn't mean to scare you like that." He says as I kiss his cheek.

"It is ok! It just freaked me out. We haven't had much time alone. Let alone time like that." I say, as Alexander growls at me.

"I know. But with all the Bella drama. It's hard to let them out of our sight." He says as I nod my head in agreement.

"What do you think is going on back home?" I ask, worried about our family and friends.

"Nothing too bad. Or they would have called us." He says as I look at him confused. "Rosalie would have called if she had killed any of them." He says with a chuckle.

"Yeah! She would want to spread the joyous news of Bella's Death!" I say as Alexander points at me and nods his head.

"That she would!" He says with a smile. "Come let's shower and get you into bed!" He says as I giggle at him.

"Didn't you already have me there?" I say, making him groan but smile at me.

"Yes I did... But now it is for sleep." He says before he picks me up. Making me squeal as he runs off to our bathroom.

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