Chapter 20

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

"Twins? We're having twins?" Katerina whispers with wide eyes

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"Twins? We're having twins?" Katerina whispers with wide eyes. "I think I need to sit down!" Katerina says, clearly shocked and confused. I help her sit as I rub her back. I can't believe what Alice just told us. We are having Twins. Not one baby but two.

"I'm sorry I should have waited for a little while before telling you that you two are having twins... I was just so excited!" Alice says with a sheepish smile.

"No! Alice, it is fine. It's just we thought it was one baby and now there are two! We are just in shock... that's all." I say giving Alice a big smile that she returns. I mean I should have known it was twins since Rosalie and I are twins.

"Let's go do an ultrasound and see what we can see and not see before we go any further." Carlisle says with a laugh. "Twins? And a vampire and a half vampire having a baby! This is all so new to me!" Carlisle says as he starts to walk out of the living room but stops when Edward walks back into the living room looking pissed at Katerina. I stand in front of my mate and unborn children as my sister stands next to Katerina.

"I am happy you have found your mate and she makes you happy... But you and Katerina are hurting Bella and I can't have that. I would like for Katerina to stay away from the family for a while and for you to move back home. Bella needs to feel like she is important to us and with Katerina here that isn't happening. She feels like we don't care about her anymore." Edward says still glaring at Katerina making me growl at him.

"NO! FUCK NO! Have you lost your damn mind?" I growl out at him. "I will not leave my mate because your pathetic blood singer needs to feel special." I say with a snarl as I glare at him as he looks at me shocked. "If I haven't made it clear to you and her... I do not care about her... I do not like her. I want nothing to do with her. My mate and children will always come first with me! And there is nothing you, her or anyone else can say to change that." I yell at him as I step closer to him both my hands glowing red. Carlisle Steps in between us putting his hand on my chest to stop my movement as I growl at Edward.

"Edward... That is not your call to make and frankly, I don't think it is right that you are trying to get rid of Katerina, because Bella is threatened by her. Katerina is Alexander's mate, wife and the mother of his unborn children and she is a member of this family and coven." Carlisle says looking back at me. As I am fuming mad. Carlisle moves to help Katerina up to his office Rosalie right behind them, she is glaring at Edward as she leaves. I walk up to Edward ready to fight if need be. Emmett stops me inches away from him.

"Stay away from my mate and children. I will not hesitate to kill you or that pathetic blood singer of yours if you come near my mate and children ever again." I say walking past him and up to Carlisle office. I sit down next to Katerina as Carlisle gets everything ready for the ultrasound. I take Katerina's hand as she looks at me giving me a small smile. I kiss her lightly and smile at her. I watch as Carlisle shows us our little prince and princess. I sit there in awe as I watch the screen.

"There they are! Now we will wait and make sure about the sex of the babies. But it looks like you are about 6 weeks." He says looking back at the screen. "Now since we have never seen this before, I would like to check you everyday. And I want your blood intake to increase to 20 oz every other day to start out just to be on the safe side." Carlisle says as me and Katerina both nod our heads still looking at our little ones.

"Can umm... Paul, Jared and Sam come to the next ultrasound so they can see the babies?" Katerina asks knowing it would be better to show them then to just hand them a photo and think that it is fake.

"I think that would be a good idea." Esme says as she smiles at the ultrasound screen. Carlisle nods his head at her. I smile as I can't take my eyes off the screen, off our babies!

Later that Night!

Once we left the main house we met up with the pack. Paul, Jared and Sam agreed to come to the house tomorrow and see the ultrasound. After we leave them we head home. We cuddle on the couch as we watch a movie. My hands resting on our babies. I move so I am between her legs. I lift her shirt and kiss her belly. "Now that we know that there are two of you in there... I want to have a little talk with you." I say kissing her belly again. Hearing her giggle as I talk to our babies.

"I love you both so much, and I love your mommy more than you will ever know! But while you are inside mommy... I need you to be nice to her." I say kissing her belly again. I hear her giggle as I kiss her belly. I move my hands from her belly to her breasts and squeeze them. Hearing her moan. I gave her belly one last kiss. "Take care of mommy in there and I will take care of mommy out here." I say as I rip Katerina's shirt and move my way up her body. "You better get your ass in our room before I take your ass right here and now." I say as I stand up. I watch her get up and run to our room. I smile and run after her. Throwing her lighting on to the bed. I smile as I remove my shirt.

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