Chapter 61

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I watched my wife in awe as my wife lunged at the alpha of the last werewolf pack

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I watched my wife in awe as my wife lunged at the alpha of the last werewolf pack. His beta stepped in front of him, taking her attack. The rest of the werewolves looked shocked as Katerina ripped out his throat. She growled as she looked up at the alpha. Katerina starts to circle him, ready to attack at any moment.

"I think you should take that as a no... She won't be going with you and neither will our children!" I say as I take a step closer to my wife as my hands glow red as she walks over to me. One of his men runs up to me. I quickly put my hands on him. We all watch as he goes up in flames and then explodes.

"I suggest you leave now and never return." Jane said as the alpha. "This will be your only chance to live to see another day." She says as Katerina growls again at the alpha.

"I will not leave without them." He says looking over at Jane. "Katerina, do you not understand that without you we will not survive." He then says to my wife. She sifts back.

"I do not care about you or your pack. I am not a werewolf. I am a shapeshifter and a vampire... who is mated to a vampire." Katerina says as she places her hand in mine. "I will never turn my back on my mate and father of my children. I will not leave him for the likes of you." She says as I squeeze her hand.

"Jackson... We should leave while we have the chance. She already killed Chris and more vampires are showing up as we speak." One of his men says as I smile.

"Fine!" Jackson says before looking at Katerina. "I will be back for you! You will be my mate and my pack Luna!" He says as Katerina scoffs at him.

"I will never be anything to you or your pack. Not your mate, not their Luna!" Katerina says with a smile. "And if we meet again I will rip out your throat as well as every member of your pack.." She says as the werewolves leave the city.

"Follow them!" Demitir says to the lower guard. We watch as the lower guard leaves.

"Where are my children?" Katerina asks as we head back to the castle.

"We sent them home. We didn't want them here if a battle broke out." Jane says as Katerina nods her head.

"Thank you!" Katerina says as we continue to walk.

"You know Katerina... I didn't think you had it in you to kill a werewolf." Felix says with a little chuckle.

"A mother will do what needs to be done when her children are involved." She says as I nod my head in agreement with her. But I knew she was thinking about her own mother and how she gave up her life for Katerina.

"Those who come for our children will face me and my wife." I say as Jane and Demitir nod their heads.

"Well then I for one am glad we fight on the same side." Felix says, earning a laugh from Katerina. For now that is... Who knows what will happen with Bella. Edward can't seem to make up his mind about her. "We need to speak with the Kings. We need to talk with them about Bella and two other women." I say as Jane nods her head at me.

We walk into the castle and straight to the throne room. When we enter we see not only the Kings but their wives as well. "What happened?" Aro asks, looking from me and Katerina to the elite guard.

"Katerina killed the second in command!" Felix says with a smile on his face. Caius and his wife look shocked.

"She killed a beta?" Andromeda asks, looking at Katerina.

"She was going for the Alpha!" Jane says, giving Katerina a smile.

"Remind me not to piss you off!" Caius says with a chuckle.

"I would like to see your wolf... If you don't mind! Caius told me a little bit about what you are and how you turn into a wolf but you are not bound by the moon!" Andromeda asks as Katerina nods her head.

"That is true. We are protectors of our people. We are a small tribe in the pacific northwest. The moon has no hold over us. You should know that my first shift was on a full moon. I was protecting my best friend from a vampire that had been following us." Katerina says as Caius looks at her sideways. "Before you even start Caius she is an imprint to one of my pack members. She knows and understands that your secret and ours need to stay that way." Katerina says Caius nods his head.

"That is good to know! And I am glad to hear that it is not just some random human." Caius says with a smile.

"We need to talk to you more about Bella, her mother and another lady." I say as Aro nods his head.

"Bella knows about us... What about the other women?" Aro asks as I sigh.

"We don't know for sure!" I say as Aro sighs.

"That is not good. I see your concern." Aro says as I nod my head.

"We have been trying to figure out how to deal with her. How to remove her!" I say, as Aro, Marcus and Caius nod their heads at us. "We don't want our family to be punished for something they tried to stop." I say as Aro smiles at me.

"You do not believe Edward is over Bella?" Caius asks as I look over at him.

"He has fouled us once and I wouldn't put it past him to do it again." I say as He nods his head at me.

"The rest of the family wants nothing to do with her. She has caused too much trouble for them to ever accept her again" Katerina says as Caius smiles at her. "She has tried to kill me and my children." She says as I growl. I am still pissed that she thought she could hurt our children. "She has tried to take Alexander away from me and Jake away from Charlotte." She says as I growl again.

"She has caused more trouble than anyone of us could have possibly imagined." Marcus says as we nod our heads at him.

"Go home be with your family. We will need to talk this over and we will contact you when we have an answer." Aro says as Katerina and I both bow our heads. Caius walks up to Katerina and gives her a hug.

"Your children are amazing. If you ever have a problem let us know and we will be more than happy to help." Caius says as Katerina nods her head.

"Thank you! It means a lot to me and Alexander!" She says as I smile at Caius and then my wife. I grab her hand before we walk out of the throne room.

"Come my love, let's get home to our children and our family." I say as we walk out of the castle.

"I am ready to go home! Stupid werewolves had to fuck up our family vaction." She says, making me laugh at her.

"Everyone wants my wife, but they can't have her because she is mine and only mine!" I say as I kiss her head.

"I wouldn't want anyone else!" She says as she wraps her arms around me.

"Good... Cause I wouldn't let anyone else have you!" I say as I lift her head and kiss.

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