Chapter 40

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I was pissed that Bella and Renee had the balls to show up here and act like they would get what they want

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I was pissed that Bella and Renee had the balls to show up here and act like they would get what they want. But I was going to drop a bomb that no one knows, not even Alexander. I know that this would be my only weapon against the likes of them.

"Yeah, Renee? What's got you so scared? Could it be a secret that you don't want to come out? Or could it be that you don't want your daughter to know that you are an even bigger whore than she is?" I say making everyone look over at me in shock as I still hold the will in my hand.

"You don't know what you are talking about." Renee says now glaring at me.

"It's funny that you say that... I wonder if Charlie knows the truth about what you did to tie him down to get to his father's money. I wonder what the Chief of police would say and do when he finds out that his Ex- wife is nothing more than a lying greedy whore!" I say making her back up from me. "You thought no one knew! But Davis figured it out and made sure you would never be able to get his money!" I say with a smug smirk.

"You do this and you will ruin more than one life. Bella is a good girl and if you continue you will ruin her life." Renee says trying to reach out for Bella, who is looking at her mother confused and a little fearful.

"Like your daughter has done? She has tried to ruin more than one life. She has even tried to take the lives of my children. So why shouldn't I do the same in return to her?" I question her. "Like you are trying to do? Right now. But now I see where Bella gets her whorish ways!" I say/ask as she shakes her head at me.

"NO! What we are doing is getting what is rightfully ours." She says, still shaking her head at me.

"Rightfully yours? Is that so!" I say with a smug smirk on my face. "You and Charlie got married when you were three months pregnant. But Bella was born four months after you got married..." I say as Renee's eyes go wide. "Meaning that she was borning twelve weeks early." I say as Bella looks from me to her mother.

"Please stop!" Renee pleads with me and I shake my head no at her.

"But Bella was a fully developed baby. That means you were six months pregnant with Bella when you married Charlie. And according to Davis. You and Charlie only started dating a month before you found out you were pregnant. So at the earliest you would have only been four months pregnant when you got married... That leaves two months... Bella, can you do the math?" I ask, looking over at Bella with a smug smirk. Bella shakes her head at me as real tears run down her face.

"No you can't or you don't want to?" I ask, trying to hold back my laugh.

"Please stop Katerina! We will leave and you will never see or hear from us again." Renee pleads with me again.

"No! Renee you claim that what Davis had was rightfully yours because you gave him his first grandchild. But the reality of it is that you got pregnant with another man's baby and then went after Charlie knowing that he was going to come into a lot of money when Davis passed away. But what you didn't know was that Daivd knew that Bella wasn't Charlie's. Even has a test here that proves it! You were never going to get any of his money, not one single penny." I say as Renee glares at me and Bella looks like she is going to be sick.

"Mom, is this true?" Bella asks, looking over at her mother with shock and anger.

"It's all here in his will! Even who your real father is! Sad real that you and your mother are nothing more than money hungry whores who think they are entitled to what doesn't belong to them." I say handing the papers over to Bella. Renee tries to take them out of her hand but she moves away from her. "You can keep those, they are just copies!" I say with a small laugh at Renee. "Now get off our property before I call Charlie to come and remove you and show him that the daughter he thought was his, is in fact his best friend's child." I say, taking another step closer to them.

" I say, taking another step closer to them

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Damn I did not see that coming. I thought she was going to bring up that Renne tried to burn them alive in the middle of the night. I had no clue that Bella wasn't even Charlie's daughter. I watch Renee grab Bella and almost run off of our property. Davis's will is still in Bella's hands.

"Damn! So who is her dad?" Emmett asks with a smile on his face. I shake my head at him. "What I can't be the only one that wants to know? Right?" He says. Making a few members of the pack laugh but nod their heads.

"Waylin was the only name listed in Daivd's will!" Katerina says, like it is nothing at all.

"Ok, but you said she tried to kill you all. What was that about." Sam asks, looking confused.

"According to Davis's will, she tried to set fire to the house we were living in while we all slept. Davis had gotten up in the middle of the night to get a drink or something and saw her in the backyard setting fire to the house. He was able to get us out before the fire took." Katerina says with a shrug of her shoulder.

"Why wasn't Charlie in the will?" Jake asks. Everyone must have wondered the same thing.

"He is, but as long as he helped support Bella and Renee, he was not allowed to touch his money." Katerina says still looking at the spot Bella and her mom were standing. "I think it is time for me to go see my mom!" She says before walking off without another word. I move to go after her, but Jake grabs my shoulder.

"It's not just her mom she is going to see." Jake says, making look at him confused.

"Katerina's mom was pregnant with Davis's child before he passed. According to my dad Renee was the reason that Katerina's mom lost their child. He didn't tell me what she did, just that it was bad. Bad enough that Katerina had to be on the reservation with her biological father and his family, while her mom was in the hospital." Jake says, making everyone look at him confused.

"Her father?" Paul asks, looking from Jake to me. I shrug my shoulders at him.

"Who is her father?" Jared asks as Jake just shakes his head and sighs.

"I don't think she even remembers who her real father is. So I don't know If I should tell you or not."Jake says as everyone now looks at him concerned with who it could be. "But if we are going there then we need to call the elders and have them here when she and her brother find out." He says, looking over at me with a small smile.

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