Chapter 12🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

I sit in the living room of the Cullen house as Edward talks about someone being in Bella's house

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I sit in the living room of the Cullen house as Edward talks about someone being in Bella's house. I roll my eyes at her as she looks at me with a sad smile. Rosalie is playing with my hair as Alexander is standing behind me glaring at Edward and Bella. "I need coffee! Esme, do you mind if I make some?" I asked as I looked at Esme to see if it was ok.

"Katerina! You don't have to ask to use the kitchen. You are family now!" Esme says with a sweet smile. I smile back at her as I walk to the kitchen to make coffee. Once it is done I walk back into the living room and take my seat next to Rosalie and Emmett.

"Really coffee... It's like 10 o'clock at night! Are you trying not to sleep tonight." Emmett says with a laugh.

"Maybe! So what?" I say as Emmett starts laughing at me again. I turn and wink at Alexander. He smirks at me and winks back.

"Emmett, leave her alone." Rosalie says, slapping his chest as he laughs and grabs my cup from me.

"Hey that's mine!" I say trying to get it back from him as he runs out of the room. I look at Rosalie and she nods her head. I throw my hand out in front of me and we hear Emmett swear. He walks back into the living room covered in coffee. Esme is the first to start laughing followed by everyone else. Emmett glares at me.

"Shielding the doorway? Really? How did you know which way I would go?" Emmett asks with a sigh.

"I didn't... I blocked them all!" I say hopping up and grabbing my cup from him. He shakes his head and leaves to change and shower. Once we are both back I sit on Alexander's lap.

I stopped listening as they started to talk about how they were going to be able to protect Bella and her father. I roll my eyes as Bella brings up the pack. "Wow! You two just don't get it. Do you?" I say, getting up from Alexander's lap. Bella looks at me confused. "You are making everyone else take care of you. Like a little bitch!" I say with a little more venom to my voice.

"Kat..." Edward starts but Alexander cuts him off.

"NO! Edward, she is right. You tried to run away from Bella and got people killed... Katerina was turned because you can't man up. And when she came back you were off with Bella to see her mom. You have not once faced the problem that you two started... She is not even your mate! Yet you want your family to put their lives on the line and now you want to bring in the wolves into this fight that you have yet to be part of." Alexander says with a snarl looking at an annoyed Edward.

"Alexander..." Carlisle starts but is cut off.

"No! Carlisle... I am tired of having to protect Bella all the time. Just to have them run and hide. It's a joke. Edward started this, he needs to be the one to fix it. He needs to man up and fight himself." He says standing up and taking my hand before walking out of the house.

" He says standing up and taking my hand before walking out of the house

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Once I get Katerina home and in bed, I use her phone to call Paul. "Hey Kitten... What's up?" He says as it took everything in me not to growl at his nickname for my mate.

"It's Alexander... Look, I am calling to give you and Jared a heads up. Bella is in danger again and she wants the pack's help to protect her." I say with anger.

"Why the heads up?" He asks, sounding confused as to why I am calling and not Katerina.

"Because... I think Bella and Edward are going to convince Jake to get Katerina to help. As you know she doesn't want to help Bella. And I will not ask her too." I say trying not to growl I am so angry.

"But if Jake convinces me and Jared..." He says trailing off.

"Then you lose Katerina's trust and Bella becomes the main focus of the pack. We both know that she wants Katerina away from the pack as well as my family." I say with sadness. Just thinking about losing her hurts, and I know Jared and Paul are like family to her. So, Katerina losing them is not going to happen.

"Ok thanks for the heads up... I'll let Jared know as soon as he gets back from patrol." He says before hanging up the phone. I walk into our room and watch my mate sleep before I climb into bed with her. I watch as she rolls over and lays her head on my chest and throws a leg over me as she cuddles into my body. I give a small chuckle as she hums once she gets comfortable with me now in bed.

The next morning I ignored all calls from my family except from my sister. I hear Katerina in the kitchen cooking herself breakfast. I walk into the kitchen and see her dancing around in just my shirt and panties. I laugh as she screams when she sees me. "Sorry babe!" I say with a chuckle.

"Not funny! You almost gave me a heart attack Alexander!" She yells at me, I slowly walk over to her wrapping my arms around her.

"I am sorry babe. You looked so cute dancing. I had to watch!" I say in between kisses on her neck. Katerina turns around in my arms and peppering my face, neck and chest with kisses. I moan as she slowly starts to kiss my abs as she pushes me against one of the counters.

I watch as she slowly undoes my pants the whole time keeping eye contact with me. I help her take my pants off leaving me in just my boxers. I watch her as she licks her lips as she removes my boxers and my cock is standing at full attention. She kisses the tip ever so softly, before licking it. I moan as she takes my cock into her warm mouth.

"OH! Shit Baby!" I say pulling her hair into a makeshift ponytail, as she bobs her head up and down my cock. "Baby that feels so good!" I say as I watch as she continues to suck my dick. "I'm going to cum baby... Don't stop!" I moan out as she takes me all the way into her mouth as I buck my hips as I cum in her mouth. I look down at her with an evil grin. "I am starving babe!" I growl at her as I pick her up and place her on the counter. I lay her down and slowly removed her panties. I spread her legs, I gave her a smug smirk before I cursed her thighs. I dive into her pussy. "I love the way you taste baby. I could eat you out all day!" I growl out at her. I hear her moan out as I suck on clit.

"OH! God Alexander, please don't stop!" She moans out as I continue my assault on her delicious pussy until she cums in my mouth screaming my name. I stand up licking my lips as she tries to catch her breath.

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