Chapter 26

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

After Katerina and the twins check up I carry her back to the house

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After Katerina and the twins check up I carry her back to the house. I was glad that both the babies and Katerina were doing good. The babies could be he any day now which i am freaking out about. I was still pissed about the whole Bella voting thing. I help Katerina sit down on the couch before making her something to eat. Before I could make her something, there was a knock on the front door. I open it up and growl at the person on the other side of it.

"What do you want now?" I say venom dripping from my voice. As I stare down Bella. Who backs away from the door.

"I-I need to talk to someone..." She stutters out as she cries.

"And what made you think that I would be that person?" I yell at her as she now glares at me.

"Why? Why don't you love me like I love you?" She yells at me. "What can I do to make you love me? Like you love her" She screams pointing at the house but looking at me sad. I sigh, rubbing my hand over my face trying to calm myself down.

"I have told you I don't know how many times why. But you won't listen to me or anyone else for that matter." I hissed at her. "What do I need to do to make you understand that you mean nothing to me! You will never be anything to me! The feeling you have for me I do not have for you. My mate is sitting in our living room carrying my children. She is who I want, not you." I growl at her, making her step back from me. "Edward loves you but all you have done since we got back is break his heart by going after me and messing around with Jake." I yell at her, making her cry even more.

"You need to leave Bella and don't come back to this house ever again cause if you do I will be forced to call your father to file a harassment claim on you. I am done being nice to you!" I say walking back into the house leaving a shocked Bella just standing there. I walk into the living room where Katerina is sitting. She looks at me concerned. I shake my head at her and she sighs at me but nods her head at me.

I move to the kitchen to make Katerina something to eat. As I was handing her her food Rosalie and Emmett walked in. "What's going on now?" I ask as Rosalie looks pissed and Emmett looks annoyed. They had stayed to talk with Carlisle and Esme about building their own place next to us.

"Bella is at the house crying to Edward." Emmett says sitting down in one of the chairs. I rolled my eyes at what he said. Of course she is.

"Yeah! She came to apologize to Edward for how she has been acting. I guess you finally said something that made her believe that she doesn't have a chance with you. But that still didn't stop her from bad mouthing Katerina." Rosalie says sitting down next to Katerina.

"Yeah! I told her that the feeling she has for me I only have for Katerina. I also told her to leave and never come back to this house cause if she comes back here again I would call her dad and file a harassment claim against her." I say with a laugh. "Funny! How saying I will press charges against her for her to realize that I don't want her, but me telling her that I will never be with her has no effect on her whatsoever." I say with another laugh as Emmett starts to laugh.

"Rosalie, can you help me up?" Katerina says as she looks uncomfortable. I watch Rosalie help her up but then Katerina bends over in pain. I rush over to her and pick her up.

"Call Carlisle now!" I yell taking Katerina upstairs to our room. I carefully lay her down on the bed. Carlisle comes running in the room and right over to Katerina checking her out.

"Alexander, we need to get her to the house." Carlisle says looking from Katerina over to me with concern.

"Not with Bella there. I don't want her near our babies or Katerina." I say shaking my head as he sighs but nods his head. Rosalie and Esme walk in with a few things that he will need. I watch as Rosalie climbs on the bed helping Katerina sit up.

"Alexander, go on her other side and hold her hand." Esme says, guiding me to climb on the bed and hold my mate's hand. I watch as my mate screams in pain. I look to Carlisle and he is calm as he works on delivering our children.

"You are almost ready to push Katerina." Carlisle says, looking at Katerina. After a few minutes she is ready to start pushing. I watch as she screams in pain as she pushes. 26 minutes later one of our babies is here.

"It's a boy!" Carlisle says holding up our son for Katerina to see. I watch her smile at our son.

"He is perfect, baby! Our boy is here." I say kissing her head as she starts to scream again.

"Alexander Go hold your son, I will help from here." Alice says as she climbed on the bed to take my place. I moved to take my son from Carlisle.

"Hello Paul Alexander Hale!" I say looking down at my son with a smile. I look back at my mate with nothing but love in my eyes for her. 42 minutes later our daughter was born.

"It's a girl!" Carlisle says holding her up. Carlisle moves to put my daughter in my other arm. They are both perfect.

"She is perfect, my love!" I say to Katerina who smiles at me. "Hello Charlotte Rosalie Hale." I say as I hear a gasp making me look up at my sister and smile at her. After a few minutes Esme and Rosalie move over to me and take the babies from my arms. I look at them confused and concerned.

"We are going to give them a bath while Alice helps get Katerina in the shower and you help Carlisle clean up this room so she can sleep later tonight. I nod my head in understanding, after everything is cleaned up and Katerina is back in bed. Esme and Rosalie place our babies in her arms so she can feed them.

"Everyone is down stairs waiting to see the little ones." Alice says, smiling at the babies. Katerina looks at me and then back to Alice. "Just our family and some members of the pack. Nothing too crazy, I promise." She says, skipping out of the room. I move over to her and take our daughter out of her arms.

"Come here my little princess!" I say as I hold her close to my chest and kiss her head. Rosalie helps Katerina out of bed and down the stairs. I smile at everyone waiting for us. I walk over to Paul. "Do you want to hold your niece?" I ask him and he looks at me in shock but nods his head. As Rosalie walks over to Jared. "Would you like to hold your nephew?" Rosalie asks as Jared nods his head. Katerina watches as they carefully take our children in their arms.

"OK! So what are their names?" Kim asks, looking at the two of us. "I mean I can always call the prince and princess." She says as Katerina laughs. I moved over to Jared.

"This right here is Paul Alexander Hale." I say, looking over at Paul who looks like his eyes are going to pop out of his head but has the biggest smile on his face.

"And this is Charlotte Rosalie Hale." Katerina says standing next to Paul but looking at Rosalie who is smiling. After everyone has held both babies they all leave for the night. Well all except for Rosalie and Emmett. Who have moved in with us for the time being.

"Thank you! Forgiving me everything I have ever wanted." I say to Katerina as I kiss her head. She smiles up at me.

"No thank you!" She says kissing my lips, I just smile at her.

"Come let's get you three to bed!" I say as I help Katerina up and Rosalie and Emmett carry the twins. 

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